34: Decisions...
Lara stood in front of the milk display, deep in thought. The contents of her ref were dwindling. She's out of stock so she went to the nearest grocery store, which was 10 minutes' walk from her apartment. She did that after eating her late .
Anyway, it was just a simple task. Lara already has a list of what she's going to buy in her hand, however her mind was not into the whole buying groceries act. She has been standing in front of the milk display for half an hour already and people around her looked at her weird, especially the staff. Lara was muttering to herself like a crazy person who they wonder what she's thinking about. That she can stand on her feet, completely still while deep in thought.
Lara sighed and took a step back. She didn't feel like buying milk today. Distracted, she didn't look back and bumped into someone accidentally.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry!" She immediately apologized. The embarrassment heated her checks, making it hard for her to look up and apologize face to face, so she moved to leave instead. But a familiar voice stopped her from her tracks.
She looked up. Sir Michael from work. It was actually someone she knew!
Lara opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it.
Seeing the surprise on Lara's face, Michael smiled. "Fancy seeing you here." He then noticed her cart, which had tissues, some canned goods, and a tray of eggs inside. "Groceries?" he asked.
Lara looked down at her stuff. "Ah, yeah, my stocks are running low so..."
"Me too." Michael showed her his cart filled with necessities and food, too. An awkward pause filled the distance between them. Lara honestly doesn't know what to say next, so she walked to the frozen-goods corner and Michael followed her, matching her steps.
Michael cleared his throat. "You got something on your mind?"
Lara looked up at him and pursed her lips. "Um, no." She looks away. "It's nothing."
Amused by her denial, Michael chuckled. "Really? Because you seemed distracted." She even bumped into him because of her musings.
Lara's cheek heated from the embarrassment filling her chest.
"Y-yeah, I'm really sorry for bumping into you."
"C'mon, it's not a big deal. Besides, we're not strangers." He said and Lara didn't reply to that. "What is it?" He added, coaxing her directly. "You can tell me, y'know. Maybe I can help. Sometimes talking to someone else leads you to the answers you're seeking the most."
Lara looked at Michael, and her reluctancy to tell him was clear from her face.
"It's nothing, really."
"I insist. We're my friends, and I'd be happy to help."
Lara sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine…"
Grinning triumphantly, Michael patiently waited for Lara to talk about her worries with him.
"… Well, I have this friend."
Hearing the friend excuse made Michael smile inwardly. "Uh-huh."
"Her dad… is in trouble."
That got Michael's attention. "What kind of trouble?"
"W-Well," Lara stopped and twiddled with her fingers nervously, "she didn't tell me exactly what it was, but her dad is in trouble."
"Like real trouble?"
"Go on."
"Well, she told me that her dad sent her a message telling her not to come home. He said he was fine and that she shouldn't worry about him..."
"And? I think there's a but there somewhere."
"Yeah. She's worried about him. Although he told her not to worry… the message only made her anxious." Lara continued pushing her cart to the frozen-goods corner. "What do you think she should do?" She asked.
"Hmm." Micheal stopped to think.
Lara stopped too, looking up at him while waiting for his reply. "Should she follow her dad's advice?" She asked. "Or should she go home and check on him 'coz she's worried about him? 'Coz this time he might actually, possibly die."
"… Is that all she said?" He asked.
"Mmm." Michael considered everything that she said seriously. Although she used the 'I have this friend' excuse to take her involvement from it. The situation was still a non-laughing matter. "I can see your friend some of the important details to you since she didn't specify what trouble her dad truly is in. However, your friend said that she's worried about her father's life, then I guess I can assume that the treat is serious."
"Yes. It is serious."
Michael nodded his head in understanding, "Your friend has to make a tough decision then."
"I know. She's torn between listening to her father's word or to ignore his message altogether and go back home."
"Yes... Yes, those are her two choices." She also has to tell Stefani she's going to be away from work for the time being.
Lara hope Stefani would understand…
She sighed. "If you're in the same position, what would you do?" She asked him.
"Hmm. Well," Michael shrugged. "it all depends on the person, actually."
Michael smiled. "Because you obviously love your father."
"Yes, I do."
Lara didn't deny that fact. She's the only family she has.
"But the thing is…" Michael looked far away and continued, "we hesitate to decide which path to take because we struggle to identify which way is the right path. Unfortunately, there are situations that there is no right answer. In your situation, I think you shouldn't think about which decision is the right decision, but which one will you take without regret, no matter what the consequences."
Lara blinked, internalizing everything he had said.
"No regrets…" Lara lowered her head in thought.
What Michael told her made sense. There is no right answer to her predicament. The only thing she can do was pick which one she wouldn't regret taking. She also has to ask her father about Cedric, what had happened to him.
"I think I know what to do now..." Lara nodded.
Michael chuckled and messed her hair with his hand in a brotherly way. "I'm sure you do."
"Thank you for forcing me to talk to you."
Michael laughed. "I don't know about the forcing but I'm glad to be of help."
Lara smiled. She was so lost this morning, but now she knew what she had to do now. She's going back to Velhellah, and she'll ask her father what the hell was going on.
Lara read the time on her wristwatch. "I got to go… It was nice talking to you, Michael." She said, turning towards the counter.
Michael waved at her goodbye. "Sure! I hope you save your dad!"
"I will!"
Lara waved back and left. She paid for her groceries and went to the parking lot when suddenly; she realized something.
I hope you save your dad! That was what Michael said…
He saw through her 'friend-excuse…'
Michael is such a cutie pie in this chapter, don't you think? Hahaha! I had to shed some light on our side characters as well or they will vanish in the shadows. Which is sad...
Anyway, I hope you like this update of mine! :D To those who did the summoning pen on me... Guys, you really made me happy there. I didn't know you were dying for an update, so I wrote this ultra fast just for you. HOHOHOHO!
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know! :D
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