
Chapter 34

Standing in front of a mirror, I practise my stoic grieving face. Odin's death reminded me of the very real possibility of my more beloved family members dying. Unfortunately, Valhalla is little more than a fairy tale in this universe of mine.

Damn; if I was born on earth 616 there would be a shit-ton more opportunity, and I would be an actual god instead of just a strong alien with magic. I have digressed; After this affair, I should probably look into creating my own afterlife. This means I would also need to create a dimension that is able to house all those souls. Since I don't want people on Perfectum.

My musings are interrupted by Hela giving me a hug from behind. "What are you doing? I have a funeral to attend soon, so If you're attempting to seduce me you will ultimately fail."

"Can't I comfort my grieving lover? Your father did recently die."

"Our father." I corrected. "How do you feel about that though? You are the more sensitive one when it comes to relationships."

I was surprised to find out Hela wasn't a sociopath at the time. In the movies, she tried to kill her siblings but it makes sense that she has no qualms about killing them since she hardly knows them.

Odin is a different story though, she was raised by the man and loved him at one point many centuries before their infighting. I let her release me from her hug and embraced her properly.

"Not as good as I expected. I hate myself for being a little sad that I killed him. Don't get me wrong, I feel satisfied too. Whoever created emotions was an ass."

"You're right, but it is better than being an emotionless freak. I would have committed suicide if I was one. Or maybe not since I wouldn't be able to feel depressed. Plus it's not like you won't be seeing Odin ever again, maybe in a few decades or centuries I'll fuck around with time travel and would need a companion to take on adventures with me."

"So I can kill Odin all over again? that wouldn't be too bad." We relaxed in each other's arms for a few moments before I lay a loving kiss on her forehead and said my goodbyes.


The funeral was as grand as what you'd expect from a king dying. Millions of Asgardians attended the ceremony. The army of Asgard has been on high alert since Thor came back. Most likely expecting Hela to show up and try and claim her Throne.

Not that they have to worry about my wayward lover since she won't do that. Life with no responsibilities is tempting even for the most diligent blokes let alone a hedonist like Hela. Only a few select people know about Hela's involvement in their king's death.

My family announced that Odin died because of old age, much to Hela's chagrin because she wanted them to know she kicked his ass. When I got back to the palace I was intercepted by my loving daughter.

"Father." She called out to me and I approached her. Seeing there is something bothering her I quickly cast an anti-scrying spell.

"What is it, my little icicle?"

"Right before grandfather's death, I got an emergency transmission from him and he asked me to join him to fight. Mother picked up the transmission though so I didn't know until it was too late. Is this related to his death? Is everyone mind-controlled?"

"Interesting theory but fortunately everyone is sound of mind. I recently got your aunt out of her prison and your grandfather didn't particularly like it. And going by whose funeral we are intending, you can tell the victor."

"Oh. Aren't you upset?"

I don't have to worry about her being upset since Hela was practically a second mother to her, and Odin a distant grandfather, since she rarely visited Asgard. To think he would call in my daughter to fight his battles. What's Worse, one that he knows he couldn't win.

Guy has balls of steel, and if I found out my daughter had died, I would have raised him from the dead just to kill him personally. I will have to reward my elven milf since she stopped my daughter from going.

"No, I value Hela's life far more than Odin's. I am cancelling the spell out so the discussion will end now."

We catch up and chat for a while. Before we are bothered by Sif, Thor's fiance. I guess recent events led to Thor finally deciding to ask the big question.

"Loki, may I ask for a favour," Sif asked.

"I would love to get you in my debt but I already know your question, and as much as it pains me to admit, I don't currently have the abilities to heal your son's balls." Not true, but I want him to go balless for a few more months.

"I… I understand. If anything changes I would greatly appreciate it." Sif sadly walks away.

If I was younger and didn't have two great waifus I would heal her son to get into her pants. I already took Thor's father. I see no reason to take his future wife too. I guess I messed up any chance of Thor becoming an Avenger since I doubt he would go lollygagging with the crown of Asgard on his head.

I spend the next week in Asgard. In that time Thor's coronation happened, and this time no frost giants invaded through me. Instead the fuckers decided since Asgard lost its previous kings, why not start a full-scale war?

Of course, they aren't attacking yet, just sending out a few troops and engaging in skirmishes. Thor isn't happy about this turn of events and is close to going all out with war. The only thing stopping him is his caution of his big sister.

I expected it to happen, but to be honest, it is quite annoying to deal with. I am honestly contemplating pulling a Morag and destroying Jotunheim too. That would give me away as the power stone user though.

This gives me an opportunity to kill Laufey for throwing me away. I can still remember those months of hell in that temple. The coldness wasn't a problem. My slow starvation was, I could extract some nutrition from the cold but it wasn't filling in the least.

A/N: More chapters on pat.reon./DickMcJones

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