
Chapter Sixteen: Becoming A Chibi

Nicklaus was surprised by how well the whole recruiting went. By the end of the day, he had twenty three new disciples for his sect and he came to know that most of them were able to because he could feel great anger, anguish and revenge in their souls. He had spent the time talking with the Empress and they had got into an impasse.

Nicklaus took his disciples and shifted space back to the sect. The following day, he started their training. It was quite harsh that four of them have up but the rest persevered. In the first four months, he trained them himself but went into closed cultivation when he felt something inside him change.

Reflecting on himself and his soul, he saw three kind of flames trying to spark up. One of them felt almost divine and powerful with another energy in it, the second felt like inextinguishable and gentle. The last felt like it had unlimited energy, strength and defense. After one month, he came to know what they were. The first flame was Divine flame that would turn him into a god. The second was an Immortal flame that would turn him into a demigod kind existence of Immortality. The third is a Dragon Force Omni which was what dragons became when they shed their mortality. They don't become god's BC or Immortals but they have both their characteristic minus the drawbacks. Also, they can kick their ass almost effortlessly.

Without even hesitating, he chose the third flame but nothing happened. Suddenly, all three flames joined together! Nicklaus did not have time to be shocked as searing pain spread all over his body. He started shining brightly as incomparable heat leaked from his body. He had enough logic in him to know he would destroy his sect so he broke through space to get away from there as fast as possible.

He appeared in the middle of an ocean where he started raging havoc. The whole planet was covered with turbulent storms. The sea rose and fell in incomparable waves. Tsunamis hit the lands hard, even places where they get none. Nicklaus then just exploded, causing all the water in a three hundred miles radius to be displaced, causing the god of all tsunamis hitting the lands and killing millions off the bat. Some lands were saved by experts but they had paid dearly.

"What the hell is going on?" one of them asked as he saw the other oncoming monster of a wave.

Where Nicklaus had exploded from, a skeleton started being made from scratch. Then the organs, muscles and finally skin with hair. He had become younger once again. He looked like a chibi now. He was one metre and fourth three centimetres tall. His hair had gone from black to white. His eyes turned from brown to pale blue. He was the very definition of cuteness but he was not awake to appreciate this for he was still unconscious. He fell into the raging sea and started sinking like a rock.

Half way to the bottom, he started drowning. His body was struggling hard as it started becoming hot once again. Four slits then appeared in both sides of his neck and he relaxed. They were gills. His body just adapted and evolved to make sure he did not just drown when the brain did not react to his drowning. The strong tide swept him away before he hit the bottom.

Two weeks later, a fisherman was mending his net at the beach when he saw a child float to towards the boat. He quickly used his net and fished the boy out of the sea. He checked his breathing and was relieved he was still breathing. The boy was really cute and he formed a smile on his face.

"With this face he is going to fetch me good money when I sell him as a sex slave," he said. He put the boy onto his shoulders and happily carried him to the city. At the gates, he was stopped by the guards.

"One Eye, where did you steal that child?" one of them asked.

"I did not steal him. He is a stray that owes me money. I am going to sell him at the brothel to get me money back," the fisherman answered.

"You still have a blackheart I see," one guard said as he checked the boy's face. "Really pretty. He will do good in the brothel. I know some nobles that will pay good money to hit that ass,"

"Damnit nearly tempted too meself," another guard said. They let them in and the fisherman skipped all the way to the brothel. The owner must have gotten news pretty fast for he was waiting for him, a big smile on his face.

"Ah, Owner Lansay, what a surprise. I was just coming in to find you," the fisherman said. The fat owner just nodded.

"I heard you got a good boy to sell me, is he the one?" the owner asked as he basically just took Nicklaus off One Eye's shoulders. He put him on the ground gently and looked at his face. "What a cute little boy. His face is just artistic, his jaws seems like porcelain. His hair is really made just to make him look like a little angel and his skin is just flawless." He removed the oversize clothes on Nicklaus's body and gasped in both surprise and delight.

"His body is emmaculate. His muscles are just perfect that they seems to be there since he was born. He is mascular but that doesn't make him look grotesque. One Eye, I was willing to just swindle you but this boy is just too perfect and giving you less would be desecrating him. I will offer you two hundred thousand Gold Dragoons for him and one hundred more if you keep your mouth shut about him." One Eye was over the moon because of this deal. One Good Dragoon can buy a descent building in the Green Estate in the city which was the place rich people stayed. This amount meant he would not be working any other day if his life even if he went on a spending spree till he died. He knew this Owner could afford the money for this brothel did well that even rich nobles both men and women came here to have a good time.

The Owner carried Nicklaus inside and ordered one servant to pay One Eye. He carried Nicklaus to the third floor and knocked at a fancy door. It was opened by a stunning woman in a bathrobe. She seemed to have just come out of the shower.

"Lansay, came for a good fuck again? I must say you have quite the libido," she said, coyly.

"I am here to give you a new toy to take care of," Lansay said and gave Nicklaus to her. "Tulip, I want you to nurse him to health and teach him the work we do here. When he is ready, I will take him back and start working him." Tulip was too engrossed in looking at Nicklaus's face and exposed body to even hear him.

"He's beautiful," she said.

"That he is and I am willing to bet that every noble woman out there will pay good money to touch him let alone hug him all night," Lansay said and went away. Tulip got into her room and gently put him on the bed. She gently brushed the hair off his face before laying down next to him. She took a big whiff of his hair then did it again greedily. Once she had enough, she was out of breath, she snuggled closer to him then fell asleep.

Nicklaus woke up and the first thing he noticed was he was staring at an unfamiliar wall. He turned to his other side and his face brushed against two perked up breasts. His heart skipped a beat as he absent mindedly touched them. Feeling the almost jelly like breasts in his hands, he almost had a nosebleed because of how his face was hot.

He got off the bed before he was tempted more then he noticed he was shorter. Fearing the worst, he ran to the mirror and saw he had turned into a twelve year old hot boy. He then touched his little brother and felt he had shrunk too. He felt like crying and the only thing that could make him feel better was shoving his face into some breast so he went for it.

Tulip was woken up by someone crippling her breasts. Her first reaction was to slap the hands away then she noticed they were small mints. She remembered the boy in her bed and looked down at him. She found him having shoved his head into her valley and was asleep, a distraught look on his face. She just smiled at him, patted his head a little bit then she fell asleep.

It has been one week since then and Nicklaus came to know what happened. He was furious when he knew he had been sold as a sex slave by a fisherman! He tracked down One Eye and tortured the man slowly all night then took all his money and put it in his space storage, a pocket dimension he made just for storing items if he vere lost his storage rings as he did. But he did come to know he was in a whole new planet and quite possibly a new universe.

He wanted to go away but his virgin self just had rear it's ugly mug when he saw the how the beautiful oneesama in the whoregouse treated him. They would hug him, kiss him and some straight right fought each other just to sleep with him in their arms. He also got to know that Lansay, the owner, would not be selling him to men, only noble women and they would almost just cuddle with him to sleep so it was a win win situation for him.

"Nicklaus, come give your big sister ankiss," one of the girls saw him and ran to him. He had decided to play his role as a child quite well so he gave her a kiss on her lips and she almost had a nosebleed. If she knew that in that small, cute body was a sex seeking, peverted teenager of fifteen years old she would not even be near him.

"Where are you going?" she asked him.

"Breakfast, big sister. They are serving omelette," he said with the enthusiasm of a child. Her heart melted by his cuteness and she just hugged him again.

"Nicklaus, I am sending you to the market to buy something's for tonight. It is an important night for the princess will be secretly coming here to have another taste of Tullip. If the gods wish, she could be your new client,"Lansay said. He felt the weird annoyance once again when Lansay said the word god in vain. He felt that once when he heard one of the girls screaming in pleasure. She kept on calling out god over and over again, annoying the hell out of him. He came to know he succeeded in becoming one that night for he almost called Divine Punishment on her. Since then, he had been feeling annoyed as he heard that word over and over again all night and sometimes daytime.

He nodded at Lansay and went off with ten silver coins and a list. His first stop was at the potion shop where he bought forty Risers, a potion that helps men do well in bed, and some pills. He then went and bought somescented candles, some perfume oil and roses. From there, he went to the blacksmith and took some of the kinkiest and terrifying leather sex clothes he ever saw. Once he was done with his shopping, he decided to use the rest in his stomach so he went to a hotel. Before he got there, he was stopped by some knights.

"Make way, boy. The County's son is coming through," one of them said. He gave them way and the procession passed. When he looked at the boy, he saw a thin, sickly boy looking at the people haughtily. But he gave him the same nastolgic feeling as when he first met Felix. A threat but not really one.

"Another Main Character and not yet activated. That means he is an asshole right now and he just needs a push so that he can die and another worker takes his body to start making waves. I am staying away from this one," he said and went back to the white house

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