
Slow Like Tortoise

Back at the academy, where the crucial test was being held, Matson and his group floated mid-air, their eyes fixed on the treacherous onslaught of roots launched by Edison. Elizabeth and her group stood nearby, witnessing the impending attack from Diana, aimed directly at Desmond.

A deafening *boom* reverberated through the air as the roots effortlessly demolished Edison's feeble earth spikes. Relentlessly, they pressed forward, countering his defensive maneuvers with a vicious assault. Simultaneously, the impact of Diana's mighty Great Sword attack rippled through the center stage, shattering the very earth beneath them.

Amidst the chaos, a black-haired girl began chanting another incantation. She gracefully rode atop a towering wave of water, her hands gripping a slender, ethereal blade formed from the watery depths.

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