

In the present, having changed into their respective attires, Desmond made his way to the dining room, where a resplendent Alice awaited him. Desmond opted for a casual yet refined look, donning an unbuttoned plain shirt that exuded an air of ease. Layered atop it was a sleek vest, boasting six buttons and a deep v-line that seamlessly aligned with the jacket's v-line when fastened.

His pants echoed the style of the jacket, both in color and pattern, striking a perfect harmony with his choice of footwear—a pair of dashing whole cut oxfords. Completing the ensemble was a lavish belt, which could be accompanied by a brooch and cufflinks, adding a touch of sophistication.

Alice, on the other hand, graced the occasion in an exquisite dress that revealed the graceful curve of her shoulders while adorning a jewel neckline that veered away from form-fitting constraints. The sleeves, extending till her elbows, gracefully widened towards the bottom, lending an enchanting allure to her arms.

They emanated an aura of regality, despite the absence of nobility in the land due to the ravages of rebellion. Yet, some affluent individuals possessed an air of royalty, transcending their commoner status.

Alice, mesmerized by Desmond's appearance, beamed with pride. "That's my little brother—handsome and gallant."

Desmond playfully shook his head. "Haha, let's eat, sis, before I change my mind."

Taking their seats beside each other, they awaited the arrival of their breakfast. As Desmond settled into his chair, he couldn't help but adjust his clothing, finding it somewhat constricting. "This outfit feels too tight and uncomfortable."

After savoring a delightful breakfast, the siblings set off, accompanied by three guards. They embarked on a journey through the inner city, savoring the tranquil and laid-back ambiance. Perhaps owing to the early hour, most shops were yet to open their doors. The proximity of their residence to the market ensured a swift arrival at the essential establishments.

"Desmond, let's make our way to the bakery first," Alice, well-versed in the art of shopping, grasped Desmond's hand and led him toward the enticing aroma wafting from the nearby bakery.

Desmond, unaccustomed to venturing outside the confines of their home, obediently followed Alice's lead. "Alright, lead the way, but please don't tug at my hand like that," Desmond requested, releasing his grip and walking beside her.

Alice noticed Desmond's reaction and a slight frown creased her forehead, but she quickly regained her composure. They rarely had the opportunity to go out together, as their parents were often preoccupied with their responsibilities. That's why Alice cherished this outing with Desmond.

After a few minutes of strolling, they arrived at the bakery. Desmond observed the establishment carefully. It wasn't overly spacious, comparable in size to their guest room. The glass windows showcased an enticing array of bread varieties, meticulously arranged on display tables.

Upon entering, the aroma of freshly baked bread enveloped Desmond, tantalizing his senses. His gaze fell upon a young servant approaching them—a teenager with friendly light brown eyes and blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Standing at a height of 4'2", her fair complexion exuded a cheerful aura as she approached them with a warm smile, clutching a menu board.

Noticing Desmond and Alice, the waitress inwardly nodded, her smile growing wider. "Welcome to Marley Bread Shop. Are you here to dine in with your fiance or would you prefer takeout?" she quipped playfully, noting the blush that tinted Alice's cheeks.

"Take—" Before Desmond could finish his response, Alice interjected abruptly.

"We'll eat here!" Alice exclaimed, seizing Desmond's hand and casting him a beseeching gaze.

Desmond sighed inwardly, glancing at the waitress. "Yes, we'll dine here. Please reserve a table for two."

"But, young master..." the waitress stammered nervously, her eyes darting behind Desmond and Alice.

Understanding the concern, Desmond promptly instructed his guards to station themselves outside. "I apologize, but have all the guards wait outside," he declared.

"But, young master, at least let one person accompany you for prot—" the guard began, only to have his words silenced as Desmond pressed a finger to his lips.

"We're simply here to eat. This is the inner city, in close proximity to the king's palace. Do you think the king would allow any danger to linger around?" Desmond reassured, emphasizing the security of their surroundings.

Desmond, determined to resolve the issue, maintained a steely gaze as he responded, "Yes, young master!" The captain complied with Desmond's orders and exited the shop with a resolute stride.

"Now that the problem is resolved, shall we continue?" Desmond turned his attention back to the waitress, offering her a friendly smile.

The waitress giggled in response and led them to a table. Once they were seated, she handed Desmond and Alice the menu, inquiring, "What would you like to order?"

Desmond perused the menu, scanning through the options of chocolate bread, cheese bread, strawberry bread, and coffee. Lost in thought, he contemplated his choice, thinking it had been quite some time since he had tasted bread. He wondered if this would be his first time trying bread in this world.

Amidst his contemplation, Desmond was interrupted by Alice's voice. "Do you have ice cream here?" she inquired eagerly.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but we don't have ice cream available at the moment. Perhaps you can come back later in the afternoon," the waitress replied apologetically.

Desmond noticed Alice's disappointment, sighing softly before addressing the waitress. "We'll order the best items on the menu."

As the waitress floated a note and pen, Desmond observed the order being recorded. "We'll have the cheese bread with coffee, the best menu for today," he stated.

After the waitress departed, Desmond turned his attention to the shop's interior. Various types of bread were on display, but he noticed that the menu offered only small slices. Examining the shop's furniture, including the tables, carpets, and lighting, Desmond surmised that it catered to a wealthier clientele.

Suddenly, a doorbell rang, drawing Desmond's gaze towards the entrance.

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