
Vanessa's Oath

The morning atmosphere at the Sanders house was different, much quieter and quieter. There were no screams from Selena and Rosa who were fighting over make-up, there was also no sound of Vanessa screaming in front of Diego's room to wake him from sleep so he could join the breakfast together. Quiet and strange, that's the right word to describe the current atmosphere of the Sanders family residence.

Gina herself, who had woken up early because she was doing yoga, had now joined her grandmother at the dinner table.

"Where are the others? Why is it just the two of us, Grandma?" Gina asked confused.

"Nothing else, from now on you are the only grandchildren in this family," said Yohanes loudly from the stairs.

Hearing the words of the grandfather made Gina immediately turned towards the stairs. "What does it mean?"

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