
Dani Vs Axel

Dani was a really beautiful girl. She had long brown hair with curls, a beautiful face, long legs, and a beautiful body structure. She was wearing short pants and a cute top. She didn't look like a trainer at all. She looked like a model.

Trainers, even girls don't concentrate so much on their beauty but she was a powerful trainer and she was in the finals. 

'How is she able to maintain all that?', thought Axel.


Both of them came on the stage. The commentator was trying his best to make the match interesting. Normally trainer didn't talk before the start of the battle but Dani was different. 

"I know I cannot win against you. I don't have a king rank Pokemon but I am already at the finals. So, I want to test myself. Can you send out your best Pokemon so that I can see how much I lack?", asked Dani.

"I am sorry, I cannot do that. My best Pokemon is not with me right now. But I will do you one better. I will send my second-best Pokemon.", said Axel.

Axel still believed that his best Pokemon was Shedinja and his second best Pokemon was Nidoking. Charizard had grown stronger and it was debatable if it was more powerful than Shedinja or Nidoking but as of right now, he believed that Shedinja was the best and Nidoking was the second best.

"That is fine with me. We will only do 1 Pokemon battle and even if I win I will forfeit. But I want to fight with your best Pokemon someday."

"That can be arranged. Since you are doing me such a favor, I will return it with interest. After this battle is over, don't stay inside the Kanto League.

Run!!!", said Axel.

Dani was surprised by this statement. She didn't know why Axel said it.

"May I ask the reason?"

"You may not but believe me, I don't want to be here if I were in your shoes."

"OK, thanks for the info. Let's start the battle!!", said Dani and called out her Pokemon.

An eel-like Pokemon came out. It had a finned limb extending from its head. It had red eyes, and a dark blue body, and possessed clawed, paddle-like arms with yellow spots and yellow-and-red palms. It had a beige fin on the upper portion of its body and beige fin-like legs below. 

It was Eelektross. 


Eelektross was an unusual Pokemon. It was the only Pokemon that had no weakness. It was an electric-type Pokemon and it had 'Levitate' as its ability which made it immune to ground type. 

It was slow but it had high attacks and special attacks. 

This was the first time Axel had seen in real life. He knew that the battle would be interesting but there was no way that Nidoking would lose this battle. 

Axel called out Nidoking.


Nidoking gave a powerful roar when it arrived in the battle stadium.

"Nidoking is your second-best Pokemon? I thought it would be something different."

"You have not seen how powerful it could be. Do you want me to use full power right away?", asked Axel.

"Yes, I want to see the best of you and your Pokemon.", said Dani.

"Let the battle Begin!!!", said the referee. 

"Megalania, let's show this girl what we can do. Activate both of the domains.", said Axel.

The surroundings instantly changed. Nidoking first opened its mouth and started to spew out a large amount of purple poison. The sand also started to brew out loud and suddenly there was a sandstorm. 

Nidoking used 'Dust domain' and 'Poison domain' at the same time. The change in the surroundings was so huge that none of the people could comprehend what had happened. 

'Dust domain' had an erosion effect. Now, Eelektross was immune to ground-type attacks and 'Dust domain' was a ground-type domain. 

However, Axel didn't know if Eelektross had mastered its ability. Even if it had, Axel could not say for sure that the pre-domain move could not effect it. He really wanted to see what would happen. 

"Eelektross, now use 'Electric terrain' and then fire up a 'Zap Cannon'.", said Dani.

Eelektross fired up 'Electric terrain' and now the electric current was all over the place. However, it was not so effective cause it could not counter 2 pre-domain moves, especially 'Dust domain'.

Axel realized that Eelektross was faster after using 'Electric Terrain'. It also started to charge 'Zap Cannon'. 

Nidoking started to use 'Mud bomb' all over the place. Eelektross was able to deliver 'Zap Cannon' towards Nidoking.


Nidoking was also able to use 'Mud bomb' with blasted Eelektross. Now, the funny thing was, Nidoking was also immune to electric-type moves cause it was a ground-type Pokemon.

So, 'Zap cannon' could not have any effect on it. Since it was just discovered by Axel, Dani had no knowledge about it but she could make a guess now.

When she found out that Nidoking was perfectly right, she knew that she was going to lose the battle. 

'Mud bomb' had little to no effect on Eelektross but Axel was not aiming to do some damage. 'Mud bomb' had a special effect and that was to make the opponent heavier. That would comprise Eelektross's speed. 

Eelektross was already poisoned by that time. 'Poison domain' not only enhanced Nidoking's stats but also poisoned the enemy. Nidoking had also used 'Sludge wave' at this point in time so it was sure to be poisoned. 

"You said that you wanted to see the power of my Pokemon. Let me show you. See it and be amazed!!!", declared Axel.

He turned towards Nidoking and said, "Use it."

Nidoking nodded its head and it immediately used 'Substitute'. 2 Nidoking came out and now there were 3 Nidokings. One of the Nidoking stared at Eelektross as if it was ready to fight while the 2 started to prepare a move. The move was 'Spinning poison'.

Now Dani didn't know what to do. She knew that the substitute would go down easily but since there were 2 substitutes, not one, and one of them was even assisting in using the unknown move, she felt that the substitutes were not simple. 

She didn't want her Pokemon to use a physical move cause Nidoking looked dangerous and it would crush her Pokemon. However, the problem was that she didn't have any special attacks that were not electric type. She had already realized that Nidoking was also a ground-type Pokemon cause it had no effect with 'Zap cannon'.

She had trained Eelektross on 'Zap cannon' very seriously. 'Zap cannon' could paralyze the opponent and it was guaranteed but it must be mastered well enough and she had reached that stage. It was also a powerful special attack. It was slow and it lacked accuracy but she had trained Eelektross a lot on this move.

However, Nidoking was immune to it. She now realized why Axel said that she had not seen how powerful this Pokemon really was. Cause Axel must have known that electric-type attacks didn't have any effect on it. 

How very wrong she was. 

She could not have imagined even for a second, how powerful the next attack was going to be. It didn't even cross her mind. She just wanted to disrupt the attack, so she told Eelektross to use 'Brick break'.

Eelektross ran towards the substitute Nidoking and used the move. The substitute Nidoking gave a painful cry but it was not down. It punched Eelektross and it slammed into the ground. 

Nidoking was a heavy Pokemon. It didn't fall to the ground. Dani then realized that she had made a horrible mistake. If the substitute was so powerful, how powerful was the original? This was running on her mind. 

By that time, 'Spinning poison' was ready. Both of the substitutes vanished and Nidoking was about to throw the attack. Due to the effect of 'Mud bomb' and Eelektross being slow, Dani knew that it could not dodge the attack. 

So, she told it to use another move.

"Use 'Ion Deluge' with full power!!!", shouted Dani.

'Ion Deluge' was an interesting move. This move would change the normal type moves to electric type moves for any Pokemon around it. What Axel and others didn't know was that it was a modified move.

So, not only the normal type, all the other type moves except for ghost, fair, and dragon could be changed to electric type move and it had a good amount of resistance to electric type moves. 

'Spinning poison' was a poison-type move so it was also changed to an electric type move now. The color of the attack changed from purple to yellow and white. There was also a mix of purple in that attack. 

Even though the move was modified, it was not mastered very well. So, the attack still contained 10% of poison energy. But it would not matter at all.

"Protect yourself!!!", shouted Axel towards Dani and he covered himself with 'Aura coat'.


It was a massive explosion. This was the most dangerous explosion that had happened in the league battle till now. May be ever in the history of league battle.

Even the battle stadium was shaking from the impact. The crowd was scared and some of them even started to pray to Arceus to save their lives. It was that horrifying. 

'Spinning poison' was at level 59 right now. So it became overpowered. It was already an overpowered attack before and now it had become more deadly. 

Nobody knew what had happened to Eelektross or Dani. Some of them were worried that Dani may die. Seeing a beautiful girl dying in the league battle was not something anyone wanted to see. 

When the dust and debris were cleared, everyone could see that Nidoking had deactivated both of the domains, however, the impact of the attack surprised everyone. 

There was a massive hole in the battle stadium. It looked like the whole stadium had gone underground from the impact. Eelektross lay there covered in multiple injuries. Nobody knew if it was alive. Dani had also fainted from the impact. She didn't receive the attack but the impact of the attack was very huge even for her to withstand. 

Normally, the crowd would cheer after seeing such a spectacle but this time the entire stadium was silent. Even the judges and the commentator didn't say anything. 

Some of the nurses went towards Dani and some of them went towards Eelektross. 

"Dani is okay. She has multiple injuries and some of them are serious but she is okay. She is paralyzed by the attack.", said the nurse.

"Eelektross is still breathing but we need to take it to the hospital as fast as we can.", said another nurse and carried Eelektross on the stretcher. 



The poison domain has leveled up to 40. The power of poison-type attacks would enhance in the poison domain.


The spinning poison has leveled up to 60. While using the move during the poison domain, the power of the move has greatly increased. However, the speed of the move is lowered by a bit.


This was a nice surprise. This clearly meant that the power of 'Spinning poison' would be even greater than before. Frankly, Axel was starting to get scared of the move. 

If he had not used 'Aura coat', his condition would not have been great. He would also have suffered. He knew that Nidoking had been training this move for a long time, but this was just at a different level now.

Axel could only imagine how powerful the attack had become now. This power-up would massively help him during the next battle and the upcoming disaster. 

Others were also close to ranking up now. Soon he would have 8 king-rank Pokemons with him and he wanted to see the look on other's faces after it. 


To everyone's surprise, Dani woke up. She could hardly speak. Before she even opened her mouth, the nurse said that her Pokemon would live. She was relieved after that.

She then looked around and her eyes almost came out of surprise. The state of the battle stadium was not something she had ever seen before. These battle stadium were made to withstand these type of attacks and it was completely demolished. 

She knew that she needed medical attention but she had to talk to Axel first.

"Was that the best move of your Nidoking? Did it use full power?"

She had to know!!!

"As I have said before, Nidoking is not my most powerful Pokemon but this attack is the most powerful attack of any of my Pokemons. 

Did it use its full power? NO!!! Nidoking intentionally lowered the power of the attack. It didn't want you and your Pokemon to die. You should thank it for this generosity.", said Axel.

Dina looked at Nidoking and said thank you.

So, didn't Nidoking use its full power? It obviously did. It didn't hold back but why did Axel say such a thing? 

He said it cause the attack power of the move was massively boosted now and he wanted to scare Bruno and another contestant.

Dani then looked straight into Axel's eyes and asked, "Can I work under you?"


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