
Coming Home

The next day, Tayaw drove home back to Okuba, bringing with him some gifts. Even though he video chats his family often during the past six months, it's still different spending time with them in person. His purpose of visit also involves talking to them about his plans in the future which his parents may not be comfortable agreeing with. His parents, after all liked living stably.

Since January, the combined sales of the Fairy Tales' two volumes totaled to 25.8 million copies worldwide. This netted him a gross income of 73 million BGC. After he paid his taxes last month, he is left with an enormous 49,000,000 BGC in pure income. This amount is enough for him to help his parents really do what they want to do in life. He will not ask them to stop working. He can't just ask Liboo to stop driving his van and just stay home doing nothing. That is also the same with Kilat. Asking them such thing is like ending their existence. He too, in his past life fell into depression after Percussive Corrections broke up.

It was already 6pm when he got home in Okuba, perfect timing as everyone in the family just got home. "I'm home!!!" Tayaw shouted as he entered the front door which he unlocked with his own key. "You brat finally decided to come home, huh?" Kilat said in jest as she gave Tayaw an embrace. "How come you've become more handsome?" Liboo said as he also gave Tayaw a bear hug. "What can I say, I'm finally turning to a man." Tayaw just said in reply.

Agew is still introverted, but has hit a growth spurt. He used to be around 143cm in December and now he's around 150cm. Since his last visit, Agew has actually started painting in his spare time. This was evidenced by the more than 20 painting canvasses he already finished. He was also starting playing with the clay Tayaw gave him, and had his finished products baked and transformed into clay pots that he gave to Payew for some of his plants.

Payew who turned 15 last February has grown a little taller in the past six months Tayaw didn't see him. He is also almost done with 9th grade with an assured straight A's. Payew has also managed to grow the seeds Tayaw gave him last December into lush fruitful plants. Tayaw's gift actually moved Payew's interest in agriculture much earlier than he did in Tayaw's past life. Payew's interest also is not the type that is short which is typically seen in teenagers, but a genuine interest as he displayed some knowledge in plants and farming while talking to Tayaw.

Kilat is still a busy teacher. Only difference is that compared to before, she is a lot less stressed, and more energy in her voice after a long day.

Liboo is still driving but he can now stand straighter and seemed more relaxes with the comfort that the massage machine provides him 20 minutes a day, three times a week.

It was already 8:30 pm when they finished their dinner and caught up with whatever Tayaw was up to. "Payew, Agew, please go to your rooms." KIlat told the two. After the two kids entered their rooms, Kilat finally want to talk to Tayaw about things his younger brothers should not hear. "Tayaw. What made you so busy that you can't come home for months? It's not like you're going to school." Kilat said as she finally expressed her displeasure to Tayaw.

Tayaw informed his parents before the semester if he could skip school at least temporarily to settle things regarding his book. Despite that, he knew he should have at least gone home from time to time, but with his time with the band, he neglected his parents' worries. Tayaw knew he could not escape his mother's ire without lying. If he told the whole truth, he would worry his parents more by sounding crazy. He therefore decided to make up stuff like he's been doing. "I've released my second volume and there are a lot of companies nationally and internationally talking to me. I'm also writing a new book. I have to do a lot of research and chase inspirations." Tayaw explained. Tayaw is indeed currently transcribing The Halfling which is set in a world of different races and creatures like elves, hobbits, dwarves and orcs that has been based on the forgotten lore of European countries. With his reputation as a Children's fantasy and fairy tales author, he figured that The Halfling is the next book to publish.

Despite his explanation, Tayaw can still see the unsatisfied expression on his mother's face. "Alright. I'll let you read the draft I've written up for now." Tayaw said as he retrieved his laptop and opened a document. Kilat took the laptop and started reading the manuscript. "Dad. Let's have a game of chess." Tayaw asked Liboo while waiting for Kilat's feedback. He also wants to know how much difference his enhanced brain can make in the game of chess.

After a few minutes, and a checkmate win by Tayaw, Kilat finally closed Tayaw's laptop. "I get it…" Kilat said as she sighed deeply and she continued "I can't even imagine how you started to write this." 'Neither could I, mom.' Tayaw said in his mind as he just smiled at Kilat. "Is it that good?" Liboo asked. "If Tayaw finishes it, I think it will be a great book." Kilat told Liboo her assessment.

"I still have some things to finish on my laptop. You boys talk. Don't stay up too late." Kilat said to the two, and she headed to her and Liboo's room. This also gave Tayaw the opportunity to discuss one of his worries to his father.

"Dad, isn't it dangerous driving on winding roads in the mountains every day?" Tayaw asked Liboo. "Yes. But it's not like I haven't mastered the roads around Nabla already. I've been drivin the same routes for more than 15 years now, what brought this up?" Liboo asked in return. "I don't know. I'm just worried. If you can find something as substitute to driving, what would it be?" Tayaw said. "It's not like I'm a reckless driver. I would have gotten in an accident already if I was." Liboo explained. "Then why don't I get you your own Auto-repair shop and have your own employees?" Tayaw asked. Liboo doesn't know what to make of it. "This. You're not kidding are you?" Liboo asked. Liboo would actually prefer to work at one place doing something he loves than driving on dangerous mountainous roads every day, rain or shine. "I'm not, dad." Tayaw said seriously.

Liboo wanted to refuse, but looking at Tayaw's eyes, he knew he will have a difficult time having Tayaw drop the matter. Still, such offer is hard to actually accept.

"I haven't been a mechanic for more than 15 years son. If you're worried about my safety, there are also dangers in being a mechanic too. The chemicals, the equipment, and more. Maintaining and repairing my van is not enough to store my skills as a mechanic." Liboo said.

This made Tayaw think for a moment. Indeed, repairing is also a dangerous job. However, hearing about the van, he immediately thought about another idea.

"Dad, didn't you buy your van cheaply and overhauled the thing yourself?" Tayaw asked. "Yes. But it took me quite a while to save up for the overhaul. Why?" Liboo answered. "You already have that skill, why don't you start a business flipping cars instead? You know? Buy old cars cheaply, refurbish them, and sell those two or three times the price you bought them. Yes, it's still dangerous, but unlike repairing actually damaged cars, refurbishing cars aren't that dangerous." Tayaw offered another idea.

This got Liboo hooked. If he was to become a mechanic and repair damaged cars, there will be a lot of risks from dangerous cutting equipment and melting chemicals. But if he only restores old cars, then safer equipment and chemicals will be used, therefore smaller risks. This is a good idea for him.

He can just hire a younger mechanic who is familiar in installing GPS systems and other newer tech in cars.

"This is a good idea. However, starting a workshop for that business is expensive. The tools, the rent, the bills and employee pays and insurance. I can't even start to imagine how much it will cost." Liboo's excitement was dampened by thinking about the costs in starting out the business. "Does that mean then that if we can afford it, you'd rather flip cars than drive?" Tayaw asked. "Of course. But it's not like we can afford it." Liboo just shrugged his shoulders.

"I can afford it." Tayaw said. Liboo just raised his eyebrow, not sure if he heard right. "My books sold much better than I expected. My riches have multiplied." Tayaw clarified. Liboo was speechless at this. After some thought, Liboo realized it made sense. He has been asking his wife about how Tayaw's books have been doing, which he found are selling well internationally. "If I studied well, would I have written good books too?" Liboo took a deep breath asked himself aloud. "Probably. But hey, you passed your creativity to me so all's good." Tayaw said.

Liboo just chuckled at this. He's not stupid and he knows that Tayaw is just kissing his ass. Still, he was thankful of the help his son has been providing the family, and still be generous enough to offer much much more. What Tayaw is offering is also similar to his youthful dream of having his own auto repair shop. By how it looks for him, it will take at least a decade and half more of driving until he can save up to even start a business. Now, however, his son is offering him an opportunity to live his dream, and offers adamantly at that. Ironic as it is, it would seem ungrateful of him to refuse his son's offer.

"Okay. I'll do it. How do you plan we start?" Liboo finally relented.

"Oh. That's simple for me. I'll just provide the capital, you do the rest." Tayaw replied quite gratingly. This however made Liboo satisfied.

"We'll do that."

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