
The surrender of the Killala monastery

Dreide, who was quite overjoyed because of Einar's opportunity, took advantage of all that he had learned during his time with Einar.

So he quickly organized the army, which was not complicated at all since she had learned from Einar how she had to do it.

Once everything was organized, she gave the order that the catapults be assembled and that guards and barbed wire be placed around the bell.

This to be able to guarantee a defense in case the defenders will try to attack during the night.

After 2 days the catapults were ready to fire, so Dreide asked Einar for help to calibrate the firing of the catapults.

Einar nodded and began with the task of calibrating the catapults. For that purpose, vases with earth were thrown at the castle walls.

In this way, the weight of the vases with Nordic fire was completely emulated.

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