
Calm before the storm (1)

Celine was sitting in her room researching a Zulteine artifact, putting down her pen she sighed and stood up before wobbling and falling back right down onto the chair. Looking out the window she saw that it was already twilight.

"Damn, I should really not sit still for extended periods of time"

Getting up with much better success this time, Celine put on her coat and prepared to go for a walk. Stepping outside She breathed deeply feeling the fresh air run through her hair and into her lungs. Celine continued on her walk thinking about various things other than the artifact she had been studying.

Before she knew it she was in the market where she had first met Jack, looking around Celine was about to turn around and head back to her home, when something in her peripheral vision caught her eye.

A person stood slightly away from the crowds. She could not make out any features as they had a long mixed grey and black robe covering their body. While a hood prevented anyone from seeing their face, instead leaving a black void that felt like it was looking down upon you.

Despite their contrasting apparel no one but Celine seemed to notice this individual. Sensing a gaze on them the robed figure turned towards Celine. Celine got a feeling of extreme danger so she quickly looked away form the figure acting like nothing was wrong.

Sweat trickled down her back as she felt the persons gaze stay on her until she was out of sight. Upon which she started running back to her house and only relaxed when she was inside.

Breathing heavily Celine clutched her heart and sank to the ground. A maid seeing that something was clearly off came over.

"Ma'am is there something I can help with?"

Celine looked at the maid and slowly calmed down with her voice still slightly trembling she asked, "How long until mother returns from Peirstone?"

"2 months Ma'am"

Hearing the response Celine frowned, (Who else can I turn to this, they were clearly dangerous.... maybe I can ask him)

"Alright thank you there is nothing you need to be concerned about."

The maid watched Celine walk up the stairs towards her room with concerned eyes before returning to her chores.


Jack was still going through the papers given to him by the Hildegard's. He had almost reached the bottom of the stack and still had not found a suitable location and was starting to feeling frustrated.

(Damnit why does this have to be so tedious, the probably gave me all this information knowing it was useless anyway.)

Jack leaned back on his chair kicking his legs against propelling him backwards. Standing up Jack took out a coin and started doing tricks with it. Jack was currently focusing his Mana around to see if anyone was watching him currently, there was in fact there were 2. Gritting his teeth Jack walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

Jack let the water stay cold as he stuck his head under the water to sooth his headache from going through the papers.

(Okay maybe I don't need it to be within the lower districts, after news will still spread to the lower districts from the middle and upper ones. But I can absolutely not do it in the noble district unless I want to kill another member of the thieves guild.)

Jack pondered further until suddenly his head shot up in enlightenment, he was about to shout in victory. Instead he had a stream of water hit the back of his throat making him cough.

"*cough*Hehe*cough* I've got *Cough* it!"

Jack turned the shower off and dried his hair hastily before nearly sprinting out the door to find Annalise. Jack had already asked for Shark to track Daniels movements out side the manor for him. Now all he needed to do was to have Celine get someone to hide it for him.

Jack stepped inside Annalise's and spotted her right away, but pretended to look at some of the dancers curiously before walking over to the bar. Annalise watched Jack's actions with curiosity but said nothing.

"I'll have a malt whiskey mix" This was code for I'm being tailed.

"Of course sir coming right up!" Annalise acted like she would with any costumer.

Serving Jack the drink she attended to the other guests for a while, Jack meanwhile was still pretending to watch some of the women dance. After a few minutes past Annalise walked back up to Jack.

"Is there anyone that catches your eye sir?"

Jack picking up on the hint nodded slowly, "The one on the far right with the feathered.. Ahem ornaments."

Annalise smiled, "Excellent choice sir I'll call her over right away she will meet you in room 57" Handing Jack the key she giggled.

Jack nodded in thanks and went up to room 57 and unlocked the door. Stepping inside Jack saw a smaller room with no windows lit up with a warm glow of some slow burning oil candles. There was a small table with a set of glasses and drinks, and a cabinet full of an assortment costumes and toys. A bed took up a third of the room with silk sheets of a dark pink color.

Blushing slightly Jack sat down on the bed and started meditating his Aura. After a few minutes the girl that Jack had requested entered the room closing the door behind her.

"I am assuming Annalise told you what to do?"

The girl who was still acting seductive immediately stopped the act and nodded, "Just tell me what you want her to hear."

All of Annalise's 'employees' knew of the thieves guild and would frequently pass on information to Annalise. In fact whenever they heard something important form one of their costumers most would preemptively tell her. They all viewed Annalise either as something of a mother, or a savior and would never betray her.

"I need someone to deliver a package to this location." Jack handed the girl a note with coordinates on it.

"Understood" She tucked it into her clothing and then looked Jack up and down.

"Are you sure you don't wanna do it? Just for fun, I like lean men like you." She got on the bed pushing her chest forward as she crawled closer to Jack.

"*Gulp* No.. I'm alright thank you. Just deliver the message please."

"Aww. Alright, but if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." Getting up the girl laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling. Seeing Jack's puzzled expression on why she wasn't leaving she giggled.

"I don't think you wan there to be a rumor that you can only last about 30 seconds no?"

"Ah, *cough* Thanks" Jack's face flushed before he simply went back into meditating.

After some time passed the girl got up and left the room, waiting a minute Jack then left after her and walked out of Annalise's heading back towards the Dragon's Maw. Looking up at the night sky on the way back his eyes softened before going back to normal and he continued walking.


Also looking up at the night sky Lilian sighed. Walking away from the window she relaxed onto the bed and closed her eyes. To a normal person it would seem that she was sleeping, but she was actually circulating her Mana.

Jack in his latest visits had been training Lilian in how to wield Mana, Lilian had had a natural affinity for the world energy since she was a young girl but never used it too often as her father would beat her if she was found using it. But ironically the reason that she could train it now was because of her fathers paranoia.

He wanted to sperate her from Mana so much that he made the walls of her room not be able to sense Mana through. This prevented her from feeling Mana outside her room, but ever since jack had came and taught her the basics it now prevented Daniel from sensing her Mana.

Lilian was slowly training her Mana so that she could one day break out of her plushy prison and live her own life as she wanted. But today the Mana felt different, it was almost like there was an air of anticipation within it, making it much harder to control. But as she realized some of it she realsed that it was stronger than usual too.

Stopping her meditation she frowned and looked back out the window.

(What could be happening that so important that even the world energy is reacting like this?)

Lilian shook her head and hid a large portion of Mana. Jack also taught her how to do this incase Jamar came into he room for some reason, this way he wouldn't be startled by Lilian's massive growth in handling Mana.

Her thoughts then drifted towards Jack, "Please be safe".

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