
Moving on

"You. You are jealous because you like Lucas…?" Sara's words echoed in Harith's ears.

There was a brief moment of silence, followed by a cough, a choke and sputtering sound.

Bits and pieces of chewed food were sprayed all over the table and floor and some unknown liquid drips from Harith's nose.

Bryce was standing up – prepared to do the Heimlich manoeuvre while patting on Harith's back repeatedly but Harith waved his hands, indicating he is fine.

Sara remained motionless, stupefied at the scene unfolding before her. She has no room to panic. By the time her brain had registered commands for her body, everything was under control. Sara stepped forward and made a step back as she hesitantly tried to grab the kitchen towel to clean up.

Harith went to the sink to wash his face; his eyes were bloodshot red from the coughing, choking and sputtering and thin nasal mucus liquid kept on discharging from his nose.

Relieved seeing Harith was all right, Bryce joined Sara to clean their living and dining room as he inwardly sniggered.

Once the people in the room settled down, Harith loomed out of the toilet towards Sara with his eyes burning with exasperation. "What was THAT for?"

Sara was not sure whether she understood his question and the blank expression she gave was enough to amplify his irritation.

"What was that for? Such ridiculous claims!" He asked again, this time he clenched his teeth.

"I don't know, it's just you kept on asking about him and then you looked disheartened when I failed to give you an answer," Sara expressed her words speedily, intending the sentence to save her neck.

Bryce pretended to excuse himself to use the toilet when in fact he was convulsed with silent laughter. 'I almost forget that Sara never knew about Adrianna and Harith,' he thought to himself as he wiped a laughter tear from his eyes.

Sara tried to give a sideway glance to Bryce, anticipating Bryce to understand her pleading facial expression and helped her out. Alas, it has come to no fruition as Bryce headed towards the toilet, avoiding any eye contact with either of them.

"I was actually asking on behalf of you! Why in th-? Why? Why? Why Sara?"

Sara raised her eyebrows and looked at him sceptically. It does not make any sense.

"Why are YOU asking on MY behalf to ME?"

Sara did raise an excellent question. It was as if he was caught red-handed in his own plans and might be the person responsible in ruining it. He contemplated, wondering whether it was best for him to come clean.

"I.. er.. I wanted you to find love, specifically to a person of higher status," Harith responded awkwardly, patting himself on the back for telling her the truth – the partial truth at least.

"So I thought it was a perfect opportunity since you and Lucas are now sort of… something?" he added quickly.

Sara was nonplussed at his explanation. "You really are Mr. Nosy Parker. Are you not a little too ahead of yourself?" as she pointed her fingers and shook her head in disbelief.

"What? I'm just trying to help."

"Worry about yourself, will you?" Sara stormed off angrily.

It is not because of Harith being such a busybody but because of him knowing how much Lucas has changed her life – to someone she's not. If he had said it jokingly, she would not have mind. But for him to do it seriously, to push something that was not even there in the first place was just inappropriate.

Bryce came out only to see Sara slamming her door. He stared at Harith and asked what happened. He predicted their reactions to be pleasant and comical once they get over scolding each other for ruining dinner. This was unexpected.

Harith explained to Bryce what he had told Sara and immediately Bryce smacked his arms.

"That's on you! You brought it upon yourself. Why would you even think to match make them?" Bryce whispered questioningly.

Harith refused to answer and shrugged.

"Of all people, Harith. Of all people." Bryce shook his head in disapproval.

Harith took this as cue that he was no longer welcome in their flat for today. He knocked on Sara's door to bid goodbye and he still insist on standing his ground. But Sara's room remained quiet.

* * * * *

In approximately thirteen kilometres down the road from Kyo Educational Institution, there was a house – a magnificent two storey house boasting of twenty bedrooms, a grand hall, a wet and dry kitchen that fits more than fifteen staffs working comfortably – looking very festive with its decorative lights.

However, the house is hidden in a thick forest. The path to enter the gate of the residence area from the main road is normally camouflaged well with dead branches looking abandoned and spooky, enough to repel unwanted visitors.

Tonight, the trees that lined the pathways were lit with fairy lights exuding phenomenally magical feeling, appearing as if the small warm yellow baubles were stars lighting up the dark sky.

Pleasant music can be heard playing, getting louder as you approached closer to the house. The main gate is flung open to welcome the guests. Garden archways were decorated with pink, white and purple flowers and more fairy lights were added to lead the guests towards the main area for the event.

Despite the lively atmosphere, in the far corner of what could passed as a botanical garden stood a lone man with his back turned, looking agonized over some serious matter.

Deep in his thoughts, he could not get over with the fact he needed to wait for eight weeks for this torture to end. He could feel headache has come to attack him as he heard a familiar bunch of boisterous men closing in towards him.

"Come over here Luke! What are you doing there all alone?"

Lucas sighed as he heard that annoying voice coming from his friend, Jeremy.

They were attending a grand post-wedding gathering of Shiuh Wei's sister at the newlywed manor. If it was not for social expectation, and he was not related to Shiuh Wei, he would prefer to avoid such function as it did not go well with his current mood.

Sensing the gloomy atmosphere, Shiuh Wei tried to cheer Lucas up so as not to dampen the mood of the event. Unfortunately, Davian saw it as an opportunity to mock Lucas. He draped his arms around Lucas, and asked the group to huddle up as he had a little secret to share.

Muzhaffar, one of the groups, noticed Davian's playful smirk and asked him to spill it. Lucas knew what Davian wanted to say, and was trying his best to dissuade them as it reminded him of the degrading and embarrassing memory when the orange carrier bag entered his manor.

But Davian was unstoppable! He sneakily divulged like a little child, "Lucas could not drink one of the girls' blood directly. Fear he would lose control and lose his food at the same time."

The men laughed their heads off, unable to believe they were talking about the same Lucas they grew up with. They asked for more details and the possibility that it was not Lucas but a look-alike. With that, Davian puffed up his chest with pride as he told them he heard it from Lucas himself, emphasising with glee it was not from any rumours.

Davian's exposure prompted Lucas to turned his back against them and cowered his head in embarrassment while the men stared at him in disbelief.

"But why? I'm sure she would be willing," Jeremy alluded.

"That's what I said but he said she's different," Davian argued.

The group of friends silently exchanged nervous glances and mouthed the word 'Is it possible?' with Lucas' back still facing them, and Jeremy quickly gave a dismissive wave. They changed the topic to a happier note but Shiuh Wei could not shrugged it off. He wanted to know, and he finally voiced his thoughts out.

"Maybe you're feeling this way because you've been sleeping with human girls. It affected you somehow, and maybe, made you feel sorry for your food?"

'Could it be true? Did I start to feel sorry because I've been sleeping with humans?' Lucas wondered.

Jeremy eeked at the taboo subject and laughed nervously as he motioned the group of women to come over hoping it would alleviate the awkward atmosphere. A group of five beautiful volunteers giggled their way towards them with their faces filled with excitement and gratefulness to be selected amongst the crowd.

"Let's pick one each to celebrate! It is a happy occasion after all. We'll even let you pick first," said Davian to Lucas.

"Yes, a feast for your nose and throat. Sniff which one you prefer and have a drink. They gave their consent, and are willing, as they normally would."

They made the volunteers to stand next to Lucas, hoping their blood scent would attract Lucas' attention and distract him from anything useless. Davian felt guilty because of his playful actions, it had caused such aftermath.

Lucas was not showing any signs of wanting to drink as he normally would and it began to make him worried. However, Lucas began to show a reaction when the third volunteer walked, and reduced the gap between her and Lucas.

Davian immediately grabbed her, and let her stand next to Lucas. He hoped to see Lucas to return normal.

A delicious fragrance wafting through the air smelled so inviting to his nostrils. Lucas could not help but licked his lips as he prepared himself to suck the blood of his victim. It smelled so good that all he could think of about the blood was how flavoursome and satiated he will be. It would make do temporarily while he waited for Sara.

Lucas found the owner of the scent, and grabbed her arms as the lady happily squealed with excitement. Fortunately for her, she had already tied her hair up that not a single stand of her hair touches her neck. She had also been following advice from successful volunteers and one of the advices was to not place any chemicals or make up products on her neck.

Without further ado, he pierced his teeth unto the young lady's neck.

I have reached 1000 words! Yes! Goal UNLOCKED. Thank you for reading all this way. I really am thankful for it hehe Okay, no more touchy-feely. Moving on....

Nekonigiri001creators' thoughts
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