
Blood Red Party (2)

"But I didn't submit any leave form…?" Sara asked.

"Well, someone did. You're presentable as is, just doll her up a little bit and tie up her hair, Jia Yu. The management does not like seeing any hair hang loose."

"Wait, wait a minute... What exactly is my role there? What am I supposed to do?"

"Nobody knows because none of us was ever invited to attend it. I'm sure someone will be there to guide you," Lisa says encouragingly.

Jia Yu led Sara to sit down on their pantry stool as she does her magic. When no one was looking, she whispered as softly as she could, "You know, I'm not trying to scare you but Blood Red Party is rarely being held. The last time I heard it was held was five years ago, and it was a hush-hush event."

The words "five years ago" linger on Sara's ears longer than she would like to. That image of two black figures crouching on the floor popped into her mind, and instantly, she could feel her hair stand.

"Relax. As I said, I am not trying to scare you. I'm just sharing so you'll be well prepared. Not that you could since you have got less than two hours. My point is, just be careful and stay alert okay?" Jia Yu tried to cheer her up when she noticed the now-covered-in-goosebumps Sara.

Once ready, Lisa had beckoned Adam to accompany and ensure Sara's safety to the main door of the event. Throughout the short journey that they took, silence filled the air. Sara was just nervously thinking what is expected of her and what her behaviour should be for the event. Adam too, seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

He had an inkling what the event was about and what might happen but he had to play dumb. 'It's not like I could help, or there will be any changes. For all that matters, it might get worse if I interfere,' he thought.

His subconscious was eating him away for not doing anything. All he could do was just hope that the world has changed.

Although he understood why things are done in certain ways, his value differs. He hated how helpless he is even though he is desperate to help. Voicing it alone is considered a mutiny. He has to choose to be a part of it or against it. But does it really make any difference? He is only one measly person, an insignificant drop in the vast ocean.

Adam could not help but gazed at Sara helplessly. He could not do anything but to be a better friend for her. So upon arrival, Adam gave her a little squeeze and wishes her all the best. His eyes refused to leave Sara until she disappeared behind the door and a heavy sigh escaped him.

* * * * *

Sara has mistaken the squeeze as an encouragement when it was meant to be Adam's apology for not being able to help. She gave him a smile and then frowned when she noticed his trouble expression does not match the circumstances.

"Don't worry, it should be alright. Must be a small event since it is happening during day time, right?" Adam said and managed to convince her that it should be a piece of cake.

As she made her way to the door, she was surprised Adam was grabbing her wrist for as long as he could. She was unable to go through the door that was right in front of her until Adam slowly loosened his grip.

Undeniably Sara was a tad excited to be able to attend an event. The moment the big door shuts behind her, she unknowingly smiled as a group of ladies in a white-uniformed knee-high dress welcomed her. Once her identity is confirmed, she was brought forward to yet another grand door. Loud but pleasant music can be heard and as the door was pushed open, one of the women announced her arrival ceremoniously, "Please welcome our guest of honour for the Blood Red Party today, Sara!"

Sara heart thumps wildly as the loud thunderous applause filled the large room. She gaped as she saw the room stretches as wide as a football field with a very tall ceiling - as tall as a two-storey house, every wall is drawn in picturesque paintings as if Claude Monet uses the wall as canvas and the ionic columns of gold and white are one metre apart, making the room looking even more grand. The sparkling chandeliers hung on the ceilings makes the room as bright as daylight and the white lightweight curtain contrasts with the ruby red and gold drape exudes an air of elegance.

Walking on, she noticed there was a one long table in the middle of the room with a heavily decorated chair. Surrounding it, was a long stretch of tables with chairs, accommodating up to two hundred people – all facing the centre. She was escorted and to her shock, she was placed at the very centre alone.

'This does not look like a humble event at all.'

Nothing much happened but people chattering amongst themselves while having a heavy brunch. Sara was uncomfortable sitting in the middle all alone, not understanding why she was even invited. Little did she know, there was a person giving her a stare down amongst the guests, looking very impatient as he watched her every move. Once everyone had their fill, about five dozens white-uniformed men came to carry all the tables away and replaced it with a smaller round table.

The emcee took it as a cue and he grabbed the microphone as his voice boomed through the room, signifying the start of the event. "Dearest guest of honour, you are selected by the system to have the most compatible blood with our institution. It will be a great honour for us and yourself to donate your blood to the institution. What do you say? Do you agree?"

Everyone was cheering her on, urging her to say yes. "By doing so, you are returning our favour just by a little, such a small favour don't you think?" The emcee tried to encourage her since she looked reserved.

The word "return favour" was more than enough to make Sara agree. Although she did find it to be a little bit dramatic to hold such luxurious event to donate blood, she believed she is doing something right. 'What is a little blood to compare to with all the free accommodation, free education and even a promised career? He's right, I should return the favour,' Sara thought to herself.

The moment she agreed, the two of white-uniformed ladies who greeted her brought a helmet. Not your typical helmet but one that is actually equipped with a nicely fitted blindfold that obscure your vision fully. The situation struck Sara as odd but out of puzzlement, she obeyed and does what she was told.

She could hear feet shuffling and the chatter of people slowly diminished as if she was the only one there. Her instinct was telling her something is not right but she does not believe KEI would harm her. 'KEI has done a lot for me and I am just repaying the favour. KEI has done a lot for me and I am just repaying the favour.' She kept on repeating the words, hoping that words will become a prayer that comes true.

Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood up. The atmosphere turned chilly. Someone was breathing down her neck, and with a raspy voice the person said, "Don't worry I promise you will not feel any pain at all afterwards."

His finger trailed up and down her neck, creeping Sara out. Then she felt something wet slide down her neck and before she could register what it was, she felt a sudden sharp stabbing prick sensation on her neck.

Hmm... did they all stop reading til Chapter 10? Is that where the party at? But the second part is here... The seond party is normally better than the first.

Oh okay, I guess it's just me and my noisy thoughts now..

Nekonigiri001creators' thoughts
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