
Moon Priestess Once a While Entertainment

"Aiolos, thank you for accompanying me." Tetros said. With the special flour for her breadmaking bought, the only remaining thing for them is to return before the time Aiolos' party exits the Heavenly Dungeon.

"There's only five more days before our marriage..." Tetros shyly reminded Aiolos about what he said on that day to Hestius' Restaurant. In fact, her mind is filled with all kinds of imagination between her and Aiolos.

Right now, there's only oath making and the thought of consummating their marriage on that day in her mind. She's embarrassed, but at the same time, eager about what's going to happen.

(What if Aiolos... Is someone that prefers rough?)

"Tetros, look there." Aiolos pointed at further west from where they're standing. Over there, a glimpse of the night moon is slowing rising. If the Eastern peak near Eastern Tianyuan Sanctuary is the best place to view the sunrise, then the moon will be the best to look at the west.

"It's already so beautiful even before nighttime. Looks like it's going to be a full moon today." Tetros made a holding posture at where the moon is, looking like she's holding the star in both of her hands. To a Food God like her, such can only remain as a dream.

Out of sudden, Aiolos grabbed Tetros into his arms and gave her an unforgettable kiss. His tongue slides slowly into hers, where both of their organs interlocked into their own passion. While Aiolos' scent made Tetros drunk, her saliva made Aiolos harder.

"Ah! Aiolos!" Tetros felt powerless in controlling her voice and moaned for the first time in her life. It was like a siren wailing because she was aroused. The way she moans made Aiolos' spear, who's not losing to any of the War Mammoth's Ivory in length and girth, getting even worked out.

"There's - There are other gods and people around us..." Tetros shyly whispered. But the moment the last word of hers left her lips, she immediately locked hers with Aiolos, unwilling to even miss his kiss for a second.

Her embarrassed emotion made a covering wrapped around her body. The beige-colored robe turned Tetros from a decent goddess into a mysterious looking wizard. It is paired with long sleeves, now no longer have an opening to reveal her skin.

Mael'ovo. The Archangel's Egg.

That's her equipment. Once worn, Mael'ovo could nullify any kind of attacks for 100 times. The only deficit of this armor is it has to be fed with egg-type tributes, which means once exhausted, replenishing it could take a long time.

And since she's this shy, Aiolos summoned his Hexaltheim. Using the four pairs of metal wings, he wrapped both of them within a layer of golden feathers.

Tetros beige robe covered her almost entirely but looks like it couldn't resist its owner's wish to be kissed. Her bare face with minimal makeup is lifted up, waiting for Aiolos to continue. Although now both of them wore more than what they formerly have, they're still aroused with the existence of one another.

"Aargh!" a jealous yell can be heard from the outside. Perhaps, it was due to them locking their lips in public. However, who cares? When love came, even a hurricane will not separate them.

[Pitiful beings...]

Aiolos thought. But another cry followed.

"Help me!" this time, its the voice of a woman. Maybe she got jealous of looking at both of them practicing voyeurism? Again, who cares? The feeling and mood are here with them, so even an Ancient God will not stop them from consummating their marriage now.

[I hope you'll found your fated person...]

He continued. Kissing for close to three intense minutes made even a goddess pant from unable to keep her breathing. If this continued, won't she fall into a love coma?

"No!!!" more screams can be heard from the outside. Furthermore, some disturbance came to them. Some idiotic people actually gave his golden wings a few knocks, as if his and Tetros action is indecent to the public.

[Can't you just ignore us and keep on with your own matters?]

Aiolos retracted his wings together, only to be greeted with a bunch of monsters, most likely lesser demons. But the weird thing is, what kind of lesser demon has a pair of long ears? Furthermore, they're brown-skinned instead of the regular crimson red.


The long-eared Lesser Demon attacked, but Aiolos' Hexaltheim immediately pierced through them. Able to take a clear view of their surrounding now, Aiolos noticed an incoming wave of fear.

Originated from the rising moon, swarms of brown Lesser Demons, which is like the color of a beautifully baked bun, is spreading out. More than a hundred thousand lesser demons are in the swarm.

"How could the monsters exist on the land of Tianyuan? Except for the revolt of Evil Elves and Battle God Ares' rebellion, there's no monster allowed to leave the Heavenly Dungeon!" one of the gods around them said.

"We're doomed! Our crest holders are still inside the dungeon!" another god cried. Even if they're an immortal on the surface of Tianyuan, getting hammered by the monsters until they're tired is still spelled as doom.

This is the truth for those gods in culture, art, and craft. Unless they're a weaponsmith like Aiolos, some of them might not even possess their own weapon.

"Zing!" Aiolos opened his wings. Something falls on the ground from his sudden action. Round and compressed, Tetros picked the thing and used her God's Appraisal on it.

== == == == ==

Heart Fragment of the Moon Priestess

=> When Raven Sarira plays his pranks, nine ancient gods were angered. The only one, Ancient Life God, was unconsciously fallen in love with him. Life was loved, but she was fooled too. What has resulted from their short love, were named the Moon Priestess.

=> Can be eaten for 10 Cultivation Points increment

=> Can be collected and formed into a beating heart to show the Moon Priestess that love exists. (0/1,000)

== == == == ==

"This..." Tetros held the fragment of Moon Priestess' heart, feeling the sorrowful hidden deep within. Is getting some love were this hard?

While Tetros is still deep within the sorrow, the lesser demon already launched their attack. Here in the Western Peak, less than three gods are capable of withstanding their attack. As for the others, they're either beaten like a ball of dough or left aside weeping.

But looking at the other two, the hope of forming a single beating heart seems to be impossible. The moment they know that it could be turned into Cultivation Points, they went mad. The fragment of the heart, which looks like a cake without its filling, were swallowed furiously.

"Aiolos, can we... Collect them?" Tetros stares at him with two rows of tears dripping from her cheek. Perhaps from the view of other gods, she's just another fool. However, she looks even more attractive than the cultivation point cake the others are furiously trying to swallow.

"Let us tell her that love exists." Aiolos held Tetros as he charged into the crowd of Lesser Demons. Using his Weapon's Portal and Crafting Hail, over a thousand armaments battled against the demon swarm, all for the sake of a heart fragment.

The battle between the moon and the Tianyuan Realm continued until the last Lesser Demon was killed. But no matter how much effort they put into both of them put into collecting the fragments, they're short of two.

Looks like only one of them could deliver the heart.

And as the mood slowly returns to normal, the moon is already halfway into the sky. Perhaps two more hours is all she needs to stay brilliantly and beautifully in the sky.

999 fragments per person, Aiolos decided to give Tetros this unusual opportunity. It was already a blessing to found such a goddess to be in love with him, and meeting the Moon Priestess would only make her even perfect in his eyes.

But sometimes, nothing beats the word "fate."

The fragment was not transferrable. It would remain as the belonging of the person until it's eaten or used. This means that all their effort were wasted. As for the other two gods, they're laughing at Aiolos and Tetros' fruitless attempt.

"Just eat them. You're not going to get another Lesser Demon anywhere!" one of the gods advised them. Why waste the treasure, as there's no stated time when it will begone from their inventory.

"No," Aiolos closed his Spatial Inventory. With a hand where the finger interlocked with Tetros, Aiolos continue to talk.

"So what if both of you had more than both of us do? Cultivation Points weren't that important when you properly look at the description." Aiolos said. He would willingly trade the cultivation points away for the sake of a chance.

"Aiolos..." Tetros hugs Aiolos, unwilling to look at the two foolish and heartless gods. And who cares if she succeeds or not. Right now, in her arms is a God who could pamper her forever.

Unknown to them, the moon was already on its highest point.

Two moonlight pillars befall on the pair of lovebirds. The final piece of fragment fallen from nowhere and landed on their palm. With an exact number of a thousand heart fragment is collected, they formed into a round, compressed cake pastry.

Three words were on the surface of the cake pastry.

[Yue - Xin - Chang]

It also means moon, heart, and longevity. With the key now in their hand, the pair of lovebirds ascend slowly. They stopped the moment their feet lands on the surface of the moon.

There's only a single sanctuary here, with no crest holders, nor other gods. Only the Moon Priestess, and it's always her alone.

Looks like there are two more couples, making it six gods in total.

"Thank you, all of you." the Moon Priestess said. With one pair of the couple at a time, she gave them a small gift before sending them back to the Tianyuan Realm.

When it comes to Aiolos and Tetros' turn, her mood changed. If she were happy and tolerating towards the others, then right now, she's being warm and gentle at them.

"Three times I did this, but only this time I have seen a pair of lovebirds like you two." the Moon Priestess chuckled. Both of her hand extends until she reaches their interlocking wrist and a pair of bracelets appeared.

"This is the (Moonheart) I blessed you. It will protect both of you from death once." the treasure of Middle-Heaven Grade dangled on their wrist. At least from Aiolos' current skill, he's incapable of crafting something as exquisite as this.

"Lower-Tiered Craft God, Aiolos,"

"Lower-Tiered Food God, Tetros,"

"We're feeling grateful to Moon Priestess for your kindness." Aiolos and Tetros bend their knees as a ceremonial gesture to a senior god's blessing. At least, the Moonheart alone already worth more than what they could give.

"At ease, Craft God, Food God. I should be the one to thank both of you instead. The love between both of you is too wonderful. Have you consummate your marriage?" the Moon Priestess' ceremonial speech went down out of sudden and was replaced by a friendlier word.


They were speechless but managed to turn their head left and right.

"What's wrong? I'm the daughter of the Prankster God, Raven Sarira. Can't I behave a little like my father?" her single sentence immediately destroys her high and charismatic disposition.

"Look at this." she waved her hand, opening a different page related to the [Heart Fragment of the Moon Priestess] for their viewing.

== == == == ==

Heart Fragment of the Moon Priestess

=> Blur - Blur - Blur

=> Can be eaten for 10 Cultivation Points increment

(Only work on the first cake pastry!)

=> Can be collected and formed into a beating heart to show the Moon Priestess that love exists.

(Maximum 999 pieces can be collected. The last fragment shall be granted according to the Moon Priestess' mood)

== == == == ==

Both of them were totally speechless. To think that the Prankster-Life goddess combination would create a charismatic individual like her!

"Do you know that the others continue to eat my heart fragments after they notice that 1,000 of them won't automatically turn into something special?"

"I'm so angry, but to make up for my benevolence, I still summon them anyway! Luckily, both of you gave me a different impression!" the Moon Priestess continued to talk. Perhaps, it was due to the loneliness of living by herself here on the moon.

"Both of you should look at the surprises on your cake pastry. I'll look for you two if I'm bored. Goodbye!" listening to the Moon Priestess for about three hours, she's finally willing to send them back to the Tianyuan Realm.

And to made up for taking so much of their time, she sent both of them directly to the Southern Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"Ai - O - Los!" an angry voice of a few girls came behind him. Turning his head around, he's looking at the three girls and a boy, with a messed up appearance.

If only using "Fallen into the ditch" would be powerful enough to describe how they look...

It's the Mid-Autumn Festival today! The chapter we're slightly modified to match with the celebration mood. I hope you enjoy this 2.1k words update!

yanglincreators' thoughts
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