

MY MIND GOES BLANK for a second. I already pulled the trigger, but I still can't seem to put the gun down. Luis falls to the ground, his blood making a pool around him. Before all this went down, I didn't know what the secret was about, but he told me to shoot him the moment he said it. I could have waited for at least a second more, but my impulse told me to instantly shoot. But that doesn't mean I wasn't able to hear it.

"Cyrus isn't Adam's son." That's what he said before I killed him. I can pretend like I didn't properly hear it, but everything went in slow motion when Luis told me about the Delton secret. There's no way that I would have heard him incorrectly. It was loud and clear. Cyrus isn't Adam's son. That's the great secret.

If that's the case then is that the reason why he still hasn't been declared as the head of the family even after Adam's death? And if that is the reason, did Chance lie to me? Because he told me before that Cyrus is a Delton through and through. That he's an epitome of the Delton family. And that whether he likes it or not, Cyrus has their blood running through his veins.

I don't know if that was a lie, but then again Chance isn't the liar or the actor. So I could at least conclude that amongst all the siblings, he's the person who would most likely tell that truth. And if what he said was the truth, then Cyrus...is a son of different Delton.

That must be it.

The question now is, who? Who the hell is Cyrus's real father?

"This just got a lot more fucked up," I say out loud as I finally put the gun down to walk towards Luis.

I kneel on one knee and turn his body so he could lie properly on his back. Thankfully I have my gloves on so it isn't a big issue. I close Luis's eyes for him and bow my head before saying, "Rest in peace." Then I look up at his face again and stare at it for a few more seconds before pulling something out. It was Tobias's knife.

Tobias wanted me to finish Luis off with this knife, but since Cyrus wanted me to use his gun, I had to use that instead. But since this is originally Tobias's favor, and he wanted me to use his knife...

"I gave you an honorable death, but I still have to fulfill a favor," I tell Luis before positioning the knife and making a quick cut on his neck. Blood starts oozing out of him more, so before it could touch my shoe, I gently place the knife on top of Luis as I sign that I have fulfilled his favor.

"Now I paid my debt," I say before finally standing back up. I was supposed to leave the room like nothing happened when I suddenly catch a glimpse of a letter on the desk. I wasn't able to notice it at first because Luis was covering it with his body earlier, so I walk towards the desk to grab it.

The front of the envelope read: To Carter.

I glance back at Luis's dead body before opening the letter.

Dear Mr. Vincent Carter,

You're reading this, which means the deed has been done. This also means that Tobias has fulfilled his deal with me, and you have fulfilled your favor with him.

There are still a lot of things that I could have told you, but I think you'll find out about them sooner rather than later.

I hope you also know that my position has now been passed down to you. I do not know when the formalities will take place, but you will soon officially become the head of the household. This is a title that holds a lot of power, and I want you to use this power correctly.

To finish this letter off, I want you to realize something.

Have you ever wondered why the family hasn't done anything to you yet? It's unlikely that they wouldn't know about what you've been up to, but they still haven't done anything to you, which you might find strange.

Well, the answer is because I'm a Watcher and the highest one in my position. The roles of the Watchers are to report to the main house on what they have seen. I have not reported you yet, which is why you are still alive up till now.

Watchers are important because cameras and recorders can be removed or deleted. So you shouldn't be worried about others finding out about this because you already killed the only "watcher" in this room. What you have to worry about now is something else.

Amongst the siblings is a Watcher. In the Delton family, the main house always assigns a Watcher among the four siblings, but no one except that particular sibling knows about it.

To tell you the truth, I don't know who the Watcher is myself. It can be Cyrus or even Chance, but I don't have a proof for that. What you have to do now is look for that Watcher. Find that sibling, and find out why that person didn't report about Adam Delton's death.

That is my final task to you as the head of the household, and as your former boss.

I wish you and the rest of the siblings well. And I hope that this cruel system finds its end.

Hopefully, I don't see you soon,

- Luis Fletcher

I stare at the letter for a couple more seconds before folding it and hiding it inside my pocket. Without looking back at Luis, I walk past his body and head straight to the door. I take a long and deep breath before saying, "Farewell my friend." Then I was out of the door, pretending like I didn't just take away someone's life.


"Where did you run off to yesterday? Director Jonas was looking for you all night." Catalina says right after drinking from his glass of orange juice.

Everyone's in the dining room. The siblings are eating breakfast as usual, while the bodyguards and butlers watch in silence. It's only been three hours since I killed Luis, and I still haven't slept properly since then. I could endure another restless day, but what I can't endure is the fact that no one has mentioned about Luis's death so far.

No one has talked about it, and I could only suspect that no one has seen his corpse yet. Because if these siblings already know that Luis was murdered just a couple of hours ago, and they could still talk normally like this, then I don't know what I'd feel at all.

"Don't worry, I went back and talked to him for a few minutes. He has an upcoming event tomorrow. He's inviting us to attend." Cyrus calmly answers. I stare at him for a couple of seconds. I almost forgot about what happened between us last night because of what I did to Luis. For some reason, our sex felt like it was something that "just happened." It doesn't feel special or life-changing. Our relationship still feels the same. It just so happened we can fuck each other casually now.

And then there's the secret about him not being Adam's son. How does anyone expect me to daydream about our lovely fuck last night with all that's happened after it? Do the siblings even know about that secret? Or does the Watcher among them know about it instead?

"Then we'll cancel our plans and attend the event together. Is that agreed upon?" Catalina asks Chance and Tobias.

Tobias slowly nods his head like an angel, while Chance rolls his eyes and rudely answers, "It's like we have a choice."

Catalina glares at him, but Chance ignores her. The table starts looking tense, so Cyrus breaks the tension and says, "Chance, how was the dinner party with the director of Silver Crop. Did it go well?"

I thought another conversation was going to start, but the question only made Chance look more annoyed. It was at that moment that I realized that what Cyrus opened up was the exact topic that Chance didn't want to hear.

"There wasn't a fucking party." Chance answers before stabbing his knife on the steak that was on his plate. The action surprised everyone, including me.

"Chance, what is with this attitude of yours?" Catalina scolds.

Tobias starts looking uneasy, but I doubt that it's what he's truly feeling at the moment. I bet he's amused by all this instead.

"The director brought me to a hotel and made me please seven other directors. I didn't resist because you wanted me to start strong with them right?" Chance says, and everyone in the room almost looked away from pity. He looked okay yesterday when Catalina and I talked to him. Did that happen after we met up last night? Or did he act like that because Cyrus wasn't there? Seriously, how fucked up is this family that they'd let something like this happen?

"Chance..." Cyrus tries to call out, but Chance is already on his feet. I thought he'll cry, but he looks angry instead. It feels like he wants to flip the table over.

"Sit down," Catalina commands.

Chance glares at Catalina again before looking back at Cyrus, "And you knew didn't you? Last night...director Jonas was one of those men who happily fucked me. He told you about it and you laughed with him. You even thanked him for doing business with you, did you not?"

I can't help but widen my eyes from shock, but for some reason, I'm not completely surprised. I somehow knew that it is something that Cyrus would do. But hearing it from someone's mouth is what I didn't expect.

"Do you think I had a choice?" Cyrus asks, and finally, a tear falls from Chance's cheek.

Catalina sighs and massages her temple, while Tobias just sits in silence.

"All I wanted...was for you to at least show a little pity for your younger brother. So at least they'd know you fucking care about this family even for a bit." Chance says, and he pushes his seat away and starts walking off.

None of us stops him. Instead, his two bodyguards follow behind him. Before he could completely leave the room, Cyrus looks back at his siblings and says, "For the partnership deal...right?"

Everyone is silent when Chance leaves the room. No one dares to say a word, but Cyrus suddenly takes his glass and throws it so hard that some of the maids even screeched.

"Brother, calm yourself," Catalina says with a concerned expression. She's always the one who puts these siblings in check that I'm starting to think that maybe she's the Watcher that Luis was talking about in his letter.

"There was nothing that you could have done. We have roles to fulfill. He fulfilled his role, and you fulfilled yours. That should be the end of that." Catalina reassures him, but it looked like that wasn't what Cyrus wanted to hear.

"This isn't how I wanted to start my day," he says before standing from his seat as well.

"Are you heading to mother now?" Tobias suddenly asks, making me remember that Cyrus still has a punishment to fulfill, and that's killing their mother, who Cyrus might not even be related to. Though I can't remove the possibility of her still being Cyrus's mother because Luis only technically said he wasn't Adam's son.

"Tobi. Don't you even dare," Catalina warns as she notices the smirk that Tobias is trying hard to suppress.

Tobias successfully shows a sad expression instead of a smirk. And as soon as he has his acting face on, he politely nods his head and touches his chest before saying, "I hope the Lord forgives all her sins and brings her to eternal paradise. Because that is truly what that woman deserves."

I don't know how he did it but he said it like a saint, but at the same time he sounded so sarcastic. He was fucking good at what he does that it was scary.

"Tobias!" Catalina shouts at the same time she slammed her hands on the table. Her glass even tips over because of the impact.

Everyone's a mess. It feels like they aren't even trying to act out their roles anymore. I wanted to ponder about it, but then I realized something so obvious. Luis is dead. I didn't just kill the head of the household, I also killed the head of the Watchers. I killed one of the most important people who made sure they fulfill their roles.

Could it be that they really found out about his death, and the watchers are all over the place now too? Luis's death did shake up the system. What more if they found out about Cryrus's secret?

"You like favors, right little Tobi?" Cyrus suddenly tells him. And the look on Catalina's face made everyone realize that this isn't going to be good. Even Tobias looked surprised.

"Then do me a fucking favor." Cyrus starts. He takes something from his pocket, and before anyone could stop him, Cyrus slams something down on the table. My eyes widen from surprise when I saw Tobias's knife. So Cyrus went to where Luis was after I killed him.

"Stop asking someone else to fulfill your favors. Do it again and I'll slice your neck myself." Cyrus says before walking away. I instantly walk in front of Catalina and Tobias and bow to them. Tobias looks at me, probably trying his best to surpass another sadistic smile, "Well done." He says in a low voice before taking his knife.

"If you may excuse me," I reply instead, immediately following behind Cyrus. Cyrus doesn't say anything until we arrive outside. A car is already waiting in front of the mansion. I open the door for him at the passenger's seat, but Cyrus walks towards the driver's seat instead and sits there. I sigh in defeat and sit on the passenger seat like last time. Even though I'm his butler now, Cyrus still wouldn't let me drive.

When we closed the door, Cyrus suddenly starts hitting the steering wheel, surprising me. But I didn't stop him nor did I say anything. I just watch him have a mental breakdown in front of me because this is the only time he could let everything out like this.

Luis is dead, and Cyrus has to pretend like it never happened. Then there's the issue with Chance being r-ped, and now he's off to kill their mother. He was losing it, but I'm more surprised that he hasn't yet. Because anyone who would go through the same shit like him would have already lost their sanity a long time ago.

"Please tell me that Luis revealed it to you," Cyrus says as he rests his head on the steering wheel.

"He told me a lot of things," I answer because at the moment I think that's the safest thing to say to him.

Cyrus takes a deep breath and looks back at me with a desperate expression, "Do you know what I have to do today?" He asks me.

I don't answer him because I know that he's aware that I already know about it. There's no point for me to give an actual answer. Cyrus wanted to say something else, but I immediately touch his cheek and lean close to him so I could press my forehead on his.

Cyrus was surprised, but he eventually gives in and closes his eyes, finally relaxing his body. We just sit there in complete silence. If the car windows aren't tinted, the guards waiting outside could have seen us.

"Everything will be okay," I tell him in a soft voice, and Cyrus leans close and kisses me.

"You told me that you'll take me with you right?" He suddenly asks me, making me remember that we had a conversation before in this exact car. I told him to just leave the Delton family, and he asked me where they'd go, and at the spur of the moment, I told him I'll take him.

I didn't know that he'd take it seriously. I didn't even expect that he'd remember.

"Just please take me away. Take me anywhere. Anywhere but here." He says when he opens his eyes to look at me. His eyes are turning red, and I know at that moment that he wants to cry again.

My heart breaks, and I immediately grab him for a hug. Cyrus leans his head on my shoulder and starts crying. I pat his back to calm him.

"Rockhill Valley. I grew up there with my mother. It's the most peaceful place in the world. No one is gonna hurt you there." I tell him as I touch his head.

Cyrus hugs me back and starts sobbing. I hug him even tighter, and as I was doing so, I started to feel angry. I started to hate this family even more. Not just because of what they did to Cyrus, but to Catalina, Chance, Tobias, and even to Luis.

How much more are they willing to do to break them?

"I'll take you there. I'll take you to a different country. I'll even take you to a different world if I could. I'll take you anywhere that you want to go. Oh, baby, I'll take you away no matter what. I'll take you...and leave all your pain behind."

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