
Chapter 52: Uniforms

The group did not care about Damien or what actions he might take against them.

They were stronger than him, and even if he was the same level as them, they were more than qualified to take care of him. Damien was not known as the Fallen Prince just because of his personality.

The group spent the rest of the day in Mordred's room and even slept together. The next day was the orientation.

This is where the group would make their first official debut among the younger generation so each of them wanted to be prepared and ready.

The group was not nervous about facing such a large audience but instead wanted to inspire fear and respect into their future servants, subordinates, and enemies.

Kali and the other girls had even made Mordred use the Tier 8 Spell: [Creation], that he had been able to purchase after hunting level 150-200 creatures for nearly a month, in order to create everyone uniforms made out of rare materials to show off their wealth and power.

While the school had dedicated uniforms, students were allowed to remodel or make their own versions of the uniforms as long as they looked at least 90% similar to the originals.

Each of the girls wore a different color blouse, jacket, skirt, thigh-high socks, and underwear made of high-level Hell-Frost Spider silk.

Hell-Frost Spiders were S rank creatures with the weakest being level 200. These creatures were 'accidentally' hunted to extinction due not to their power but for the silk they produced.

They were native to one area and could only survive there. Many tried to take them away and recreate the environment but no one could reproduce it. Several different powers tried to conquer the area for ownership for the spiders but their fierce battle ended up killing all of them.

That was the official story anyway. What most believed was that one of the losing powers noticed that they would not be able to take the spiders for themselves, so they killed all of the spiders so that no one could have them.

The silk of a Hell-Frost Spider was a bit weaker than steel but lighter than a feather. It was mainly used in conjunction with other armor or as an emergency backup armor.

Based on the spider's hell and frost in its name, the material was also highly resistant to high heats and colds. It would keep its wearer warm in tundras but cool in deserts. It was also immune to abilities beneath the 4th tier, no matter who was using them.

Even a creature 500 levels above a Hell-Frost Spider would be unable to hurt anything protected by the spider's silk if it only could use low-tier abilities. Due to these various abilities, it is obvious why others would battle for control of the spiders.

Any existing silk was taken under custody of the Demon Lords or by a very powerful demon. The few that were willing to sell it, sold at astronomical prices but the silk was still bought immediately.

And each of the girls had an outfit made of the stuff. While some may be suspicious of how they were able to convince their parents to hand over the silk, no one was stupid enough to ask.

The males on the other hand wore the same materials for their uniforms as well. Their uniform consisted of all the same things the girls did except with pants instead of skirts. Mordred had to do some customization for Niya due to his tail but otherwise, all the guy uniforms were similar.

Mordred made 10 uniforms for everyone in 5 different variants. Black with red highlights, white with blue highlights, red with yellow highlights, blue, and green with brown highlights.

These were not only going to be used during school but were also excellent materials for battling others or if they went on hunts in the dungeon.

The only downside of the uniforms was their lack of ability to repair or clean themselves since Mordred's skill in inscription had come to a halt due to all of the combat training the group had been focusing on.

Now that they were at the academy, he would be expected to resume it while the others took on other tasks and secondary jobs.

The next day, Mania was the first to awaken and woke the rest of the group up. The hardest to awaken was Mordred but after a [Fox Fire] from Persephone, he was awake and grumpy.

Each of the 9 left for their rooms to get dress as well as put on makeup. By the time they were all done getting ready, they still had two hours to go until the assembly.

As the new student representatives, they had to be there early but the assembly hall was still 30 minutes away if they walked slow. They had enough time to stop by one of the shops on the way to get breakfast.

As soon as the group left their floor, they were greeted with the surprised and astonished gazes of the other demons.

The group's black uniforms did only emphasize and show off their power but also highlighted how they were all very attractive.

Even on a normal day, the group would be head turners but their uniforms made them stand out even more. Since they did not wear their noble clothes or powerful armor, it made them seem more down to earth and relatable but as soon as one noticed what materials it was made out of, they would no longer feel that way.

Luckily, or unluckily for the 9, most of the demons could not recognize what their uniforms were made of and just thought that they were high-quality silk. Few demons had heard of Hell-Frost Spiders yet alone would know what items made from their silk would look like.

This was one of the downsides of coming from a powerful family. They did not understand the common-man as much as they thought they did.

The group stopped at a cafe that seemed very clean and popular by the number of senior students who were visiting it.

They each grabbed some snacks and drinks before slowly making their way to the inner ring to eat their breakfast in peace there.

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