
Status Help Section


[Species]: The Entity species or classification of being as a living organism based on organic compound

(gender): Further classification of the entity species to denote its sub-classification

[Type]: The entity type or classification of being as a non living organism based on inorganic compound. Entity can be conscious or not.

(Serial type): Further classification of the entity type to denote its sub-classification

[Name]: Words to differentiate between two or more of the same type or species.

[Job]: The entity role in life which is constructed based on the entity experience or its creation process. ex: Warrior

[Class]: Further classification of entity role Ex: swordsman, spearman, etc

some class has its subset such as Great swordsman, double swordsman, etc

[Level]: level (current exp/exp required for level up) = the quantification of the entity experience in numerical form.

HP: Health Point= the amount of life that the entity has. Each part has a different amount of life stored inside.

-in the event of the entity being split, the splitted part is recognised as dead and its life is not included in the entity.

-the splitted part has its own life and can be damaged, but will not affect the entity main body.

-in the event that both parts are reassembled by cell regeneration, both the main body and the splitted part life will combine again.

-Some entity has a central nervous system(brain) which acts as the core of their main body, the part which has this part is recognised as the main body.

-in the event that the central nervous system(brain), the entity is categorised as false dead stated as they still have their life inside their body, however are unable to move or interact as they are not able to control their body.

-Some entity has a blood circulation organ which deals with energy circulation through the whole body. The destruction of such organs will cause energy regeneration to stop and might cause organ failure and death when the brain suffers organ failure in the event of insufficient energy to the respective organ.

EP: Energy point: can be separated as MP(mana point), CP(chakra point), QP(Qi point), and more. belong to a type of energy which is not used to maintain the Entity body, however it is contained in the entity body for the entity to be used in a variety of different ways.

Energy Point classification:

Physical Energy: Energy that stems from the entity's physical body, similar to stamina. EX: Qi

pro: always available

con: slow regeneration, empty energy cause death.

Nature Energy: Energy that stem from the environment and can be converted to the entity preferred own energy EX: Mana

pro: available abundantly, fast regeneration

con: not available in space or place without them, can't regenerate in place without this energy.

Mind Energy: Energy that stem from the entity mind EX: Psychic

pro: always available

con: need lots of concentration, low energy cause coma or fainting, empty energy cause brain death.

Soul/Spiritual Energy: Energy that stem from the entity Soul EX: Souls or spirits

pro: very powerful

con: slow regeneration, low energy cause several negative effects to both body and mind, empty energy causes death and possibly eternal destruction.

Dimensional Energy: Energy that stem from the dimension EX: quantum energy

pro: very powerful, always available, quick regeneration, able to interact with other energy.

con: hard to acquire, need a strong body constitution.

some energy is the combination of 2 or more type of energy such as Chakra (Physical and Spiritual energy)

[difference between mind and soul: Soul is the entity sense of self while mind is the entity intelligent.

Humans have normal mind and soul.

Spirit has a low to none mind but high soul.

AI or computers have a high MIND but small to none soul.

Animals have big to small souls but small minds.

Plant has a small soul and small to no mind.

rock has none of both of them.

Minds govern the entity memory and intelligence.

Soul govern emotion and desire ]

SP: Stamina Point: measure of the entity which belongs to the organism's internal energy which is used for maintaining the body and providing the necessary energy for it to move.

ELP: Electricity point:measure of the entity which belongs to mechatronic which has electricity as its power source which is used for maintaining the body and providing the necessary energy for it to move.

Primary attribute:

(STR)Strength= power, the amount of force that can be exerted by the entity

[increase force]

(AGI)Agility= the measure speed of the entity individual part which is combined with other attribute, movement speed(+STR), blood circulation and regeneration(+CON), reaction speed(+SEN), thinking speed(+MIND)

[increased max speed and acceleration]

(CON)Constitution= measure of entity resistance to attack, limit of health and energy

[increase durability, defenses and energy limit]

(ENG) Energy= measure of amount of energy, energy regeneration and efficiency

[increase energy capacity, regeneration and efficiency(+SEN)]

-when the entity body is not able to hold a massive amount of energy, it will slowly deteriorate or explode, a greater CON is needed to contain a massive amount of energy.

(MIND): Mind (Intelligent, Memory, and mental strength)= measure of the limit of entity memory storage, IQ, concentration and mental defense.

[increase knowledge acquisition rate and learning speed, increase understanding speed]

[increase memory storage limit, decrease chance of memory loss, increase time to recall a memory]

[increase focus, concentration, and emotion control and defence]

(SEN): Sense (Perception and Dexterity)= measure of sensory perception of the entity and their accuracy.

[increase range of perception and clarity of perception, increase accuracy rate and lower the decrease of accuracy spread rate over distance.]

Secondary: attribute that is not always available to all entities.

(SPI)spirit=measure of the strength of the entity soul

[increase soul defence and stability]

(CHA)Charisma= measure of physical and personality quality of the entity

[increase looks while increasing influence and chance to manipulate other entity]

(LUK)Luck= measure of entity chance in a probability

[increase rates of jackpot in a probability or RNG such as drop rate, event, etc]

>>Skills: entity knowledge, experience or specific body part which is condensed in the form of ability.

Categorised as passive, active or conditional skills.

Skills can be categorised as more than one if they have more than one state.

Passive skills: skill that always active and don't cost energy

Active skills: skills that need manual activation and cost energy.

Skills that can be maintained for a long time are still considered active as long as they cost energy.

Conditional Skills: skills that need specific activation condition to be used EX: Berserk(anger/rage emotion needs to reach certain threshold for skills to activate)

>>Perks: entity special talent and characteristic

>>Titles: The entity special names which are given to the entity for their extraordinary achievement. Only affect fame and connection between other entities when the title is known to the other entities.

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