
Into a new world

Enduring the pain in her body, Yu Ying, rushed to the white door, leading to bathroom .She stubbornly disregarded the shooting pain radiating from left ankle. In the bathroom mirror an unknown face reflected back to her.

Song Xia had a pretty upturned nose, high cheekbones and an exquisite bone structure. Raven black hair made a bewildering contrast with beautiful, golden-hazel eyes. Those large almond eyes were quite bewitching they spoke of innocence and vulnerability. It triggered protective instincts, making others want to shelter her in their embrace. By this time, Yu Ying had to admit the truth to herself this body was not her own.

She had always been a very practical person. Level-headed, prepared for the possibility of death at age of 20 when she decided to be an army trauma surgeon however it took her time to wrap around something so strange. Her grandparents had been devout Buddhists, but she herself and never been particularly religious. She believed in science and cold hard facts but what about this situation. How her consciousness could be transferred into the body of another person! Was this reincarnation, aliens, science or the joke of some God?

Gradually, Yu Ying started to calm down and a strange feeling passed through her body. She looked up into the mirror and those eyes seemed to be begging her. A fragmented message pouring into her brain and a voice softly whispered one phrase :''Please help me" and drifted away.

Yu Ying pulled herself together and promised :''From now on I will be you, Song Xia. I will make everyone who made you suffer pay. Song Xia will stand at the top of the fashion industry. Your last wish of continuing your parent's legacy will be my new dream." She felt Song Xia's gratefulness before the last wisp of her consciousness faded away.

Yu Ying's parents were old and would miss her, but they still had her younger brother. They weren't close as she had not spent much time with them after the age of sixteen. She finished medical school at twenty then trained as a trauma surgeon in the army for 8 years.

When she finally came home it was difficult for her to adapt to civilian life. She felt isolated in her own home as well as judged .Yu Ying was an outcast.

Her younger brother was perfect in her parent's eyes. He too was also a doctor but his whole world did not revolve around his job. He was a dedicated husband, father and son. It was also difficult for her to resent him because he also was Yu Ying's most favorite person in the world.

She had no romantic entanglements nor commitments besides her job that bound her to her previous world. She had left all of her money ,properties and assets to her parents,brother,god daughter and charity .It would be divided into 4 even shares. She had done her filial duty to her parents as well as provided for goddaughter,Lee Fei.

In all regards she had done her duty but Yu Ying felt very guilty about leaving Lee Fei ,especially since her parents had died 3 years ago in a car crash when she was only 5 years old. Lee Fei lived in another city with her grandparents but was very attached to Song Xia. Song Xia had met Lee Fei's parents in medical school and they had become best friends .Kong Ya,Lee Fei's mother was a mentor ,friend and older sister to Yu Ying and after her death she was devastated .Lee Fei was a ray of light to her in those dark times. She just wished that she had the chance to see Lee Fei grow up…

But it was time to leave the past behind .This new lifetime was like a gift. A chance to live her life on her own terms. To put behind misgivings and regrets.

As a teenager her dream was to be a fashion designer. She loved the fashion industry, fascinated by creating a piece of clothing from pure imagination and was a talented artist. She had entered many designing competitions and won quite a few times. Regrettably, her mother called it unrealistic and forced her to give up on her dreams. She intelligent having an IQ of 157, so she graduate high school early at the age 16.

Her father persuaded her to apply to medical school from which she also graduated and for the sake of helping her country and as well as punishing her parents she joined the army as a doctor. Time flew by, and she never found happiness but was satisfied in helping others.

In her life she saved others but couldn't find joy in her life. She was closed off and only had one kiss with a drunk soldier who had accidentally taken her for his girlfriend. She had not had a great love nor lived her dream but drowned under moral obligations of a path she had not chosen for herself. Succumbing familial pressure ,living a fast paced lifestyle she choose to immerse herself in her work.

As Yu Ying took one last glance at the mirror and straightened her back and decided to hold nothing back for herself and Song Xia.

She was now Song Xia.

It was now time to live again.

To dream again...

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