
Cheated On

Amy perfectly understood what Ethan had tried to do, but she didn't think it was necessary since Blake had been clear about his feelings for her. How many times was she going to tell him that?!

She walked towards Blake with a smile etched on her face, but his countenance was stoic as he watched her approach him.

"Good morning sir" She greeted smilingly. Blake narrowed his eyes at her when she heard how she addressed him.

'Sir?' Where they back to being formal again?

"Sir?" He cocked a brow at her, a frown threatening to appear on his face. Amy pursed her lips embarrassedly and flashed an awkward smile at him when she realized what she had done.

"I'm sorry" She apologized.

Blake looked away from her towards the direction that Ethan had just followed, but the man was gone.

Amy noticed his line of light and followed it, but she didn't find anything or anyone. So she turned to look at him.

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