


In the middle of the lake, bubbles can be seen as 2 figures are currently fighting in the water but from the outsider's view, they know who is winning.

"Fuck!I am going to die at this rate." Daniel thought in his head as his neck is being bound by this humanoid crocodile tightly making him lose his breath in the underwater as both of his hand now are struggling to defend his face by grabbing a mouth that wants to eat his face.


"So you young lad want to fish here huh?" An old man who is wearing a fedora hat asks Daniel who bring his fishing equipment beside him.

"Yeah. Fishing is my hobby, sir." Daniel tells him.

"It is hard to search young folks like you these days fishing is their hobby. My grandson spends most of his time playing his PS2. I lost count on how he asked me money for him to biy his PS2 games." The old man says to me as I just keep listening to his rambling about his grandson about hours before he walks away.

I then push my boat to the lake as I just summon my Stand, Star Platinum to paddle my boat.

My eyes keep lingering to see if this Water Monster is brave enough to attack me and maybe I record the video of him or maybe take pictures of him.

3 hours pass as I am now waiting for the water monster to appear but sadly it did not appear which annoys me.

"Damn it, where the heck is that Water Monster?" I grumble as I stand up.

"Come out you Water Monster!" I shout loudly but sadly only the sound of a cricket can be heard through the surrounding making me very angry.

"Should I just heat this lake?" I mutter as my hand is itching to burn something as I peek at my status.

Name: Daniel Ryden

Bloodline: Senju
















Heal Potion(Limitless)

Counter Ring



Black Wand


"Screw it," I mutter as I will just randomly blast my flame balls to my surrounding.

Until something bump into my boat making me almost fell to the lake as my eyes catch a glimpse of something big on my right before it disappears.

"Shit." I blast off myself to the air with my explosion from the boat as something just make my boat flip upside down as I see a really big albino creature.

A really big freaking albino crocodile who is munching my boat as I equip my Soul Card: Gravity Kid to float me on the air as I just watch that crocodile now has stopped eating and look at me.

"Well, time for you to die I guess.No hard feeling dude, you just try to eat me with my boat." My left hand has blue fire as I blast a fire stream towards the albino crocodile who roar in pain in the water.

But then it opens his mouth as my eyes wide open as blue veins can be spotted around his neck like the Kaijus from Pacific Rim.

Soon a blue beam heads to me as I easily dodged the beam.

"Okay. Probably this crocodile got bath with a substance that made him become a super crocodile."

Pointing my hand to him, I lifted him on the air as I take a look at this albino crocodile who keep struggling to move.

"Well, I never see a crocodile this close and it creeps me out so yeah, go die will you?" Clench ing his fist, the crocodile got pressured as it roars in pain as it been squeezed by the gravity force as it now has died making me burn its corpse to crisp which made me wonder if the water monster is this albino crocodile." I mutter until a blue beam hit me making me fell into the water as I see a figure looking like Killer Croc is now about to bite my face but then I both use my hand to grab his mouth from biting my handsome face.


Right now, I am struggling to had my breath in the water as I am not Aquaman and got no underwater breath equipment as this Killer Croc rip off is using his tail to choke my breath making me are to breathe.

"Fuck this water monster." Concentrating all the gravity force on my body, I let them loose.

"All Mighty Push!" A force unleashes from my body as it hit the crocodile as it freed me as it got sent to the air as I immediately float up to the water to breath easily.

"Time to wreck this rip off Kaiju. Star Platinum!" My Stand appears as it immediately flies to the rip-off.


My Stand punch this rip off Kaiju but then it spits out a blue beam to me as it is the last effort to kill me but I avoid the blue beam.

"Time to finish you off," I say to him as I squeeze this rip off like the previous albino crocodile does as it got turn into a cube of meat.

Using the last energy and stamina I have, I burn the meat turn to dust as I sigh.

Come on, I mean all the villains I fight are weak even this mutated crocodiles and this Killer Croc Rip off.

Or maybe I am too strong for them?

Floating myself back to the land as I just go back to the lounge I paid to stay for a night, I lay my body on the bed while thinking about this world and my system.

If this world is according to MCU then I am going to be bored since I have to wait for a long time for that to happen since there is still not kidnapping of Tony Stark occurs or The emergence of the Incredible Hulk.

Right now, the only thing I am worried is probably the Ancient One since that woman may view me as a threat since I can cause butterfly effect in this world or she will be unable to view my future possibility.

Reviewing my system while wondering when some strong villain will appear, I fell asleep.

Deep in the sea, 2 eyes open as it starts to move with its body start to move to search for its brethren.

For an hour, this creature search for its brethren but fails to make it angry as it knows once again, the humans probably kill them.

Blue veins can be noticed on its body before it moves to the surface noticing a boat who it sees 2 humans are fishing naming it growl.

"K-k-i-l-l." It mutters a word as it opens his mouth blasting a blue beam that destroys some part of the boat as both humans start to fell to the water making it grin cruelly as it knows that he now can avenge its brethren.

The night once again fulls with the sound of men screaming begging for their lives to be spared.

Morning arrives as I wake up while sipping my eyes as I take a bath.

Tomorrow is still a holiday so maybe I can play the recent video game I buy.

Opening the door, I am greeted by the crowd with ambulance and police officers near the shore as I see the medics are putting 2 corpses who did have half of their body into the ambulance making me narrow my eyes.

Appprchinf the old man from yesterday, I start to start a conversation with him.

"Lad. You are still here? Thank God. " The old man mutters.

"What happened here?" I ask him.

"2 people died again. Probably due to the Water Monster. Damn it, at this rate, no one will come fish at this place from now on. " He informed me while grumbling about this boat business will be not booming in the future.

"By the way where is your boat?" The old man asks me making me bit my lip as I need to lie to this kind old man of how a humungous Albion crocodile almost eats me yesterday night.

"Do not tell me the Water Monster also ear my boat? Damn that monster." The old man never waits for my reply as he walks away making me sigh in relief as I did not have to answer his question.

But still, I need to give a large sum of money to him secretly as an apology for his destroyed robot.

Then my ears hear something interesting from 2 men.

"Damn it, I did know that the substance we throw in this place will create a Water Monster." A black man says to a fat man beside him.

"Just be grateful that the substance we throw in this lake passage only gives birth to do me migrated crocodiles. Have you tell Boss yet?" The fat man asks the black man.

"Not yet. Besides, we still need to search for this crocodile alpha." The black man mutters.

"That humungous humanoind crocodile, do not remind me. It almost kills us both luckily we throw that unlucky newbie for the alpha to ear him." The fat man and the black man then walk away as I smirk knowing I have the clues of what happens here and the one who causes this crocodile to be mutated here.

For the whole day, I tail them as I see they are staying at a cabin house they rent not far away from the shore as I can see 6 men in that cabin house too.

Waiting for them to go away to have lunch, I sneak into their house avoiding myself to not get noticed by 2 men who are keeping their eyes for any intruders with both of them have a handgun on their waist.

"Now time for me to knock them out." Slowing approaching them both, I equip the soul card: Joseph Joestar, with coating my hand with Hamon.

"Neck Chop!"Shouting my attack like a shounen anime character, I chop their neck as they fail to notice of my sneak attack from behind as their body fell to the ground.

" Well, that was easy. Now, time for some kind of reading." I then point my right hand toward the fat man as I intend to use my stand, Hermit Purple to use one of the stand's abilities, Mind Reading.

Purple veins with thorns then appeared from my right arm as it envelops the fatty arm as I start to start mind reading this fatty's mind.

I only need to search for his recent activity, no need to check his past with finding out the name of their Boss.

5 minutes pass as I retract back my Stand, Purple Hermit as I take a deep breath as I then use the Stand on the black man just to view if this black man has some information that this fatty did not know in his head.

I then retract back my stand and dispel it as I get what I want from them.

Then, I flee away from that building and take a rest in my lounge as my head now know what exactly has happened in this lake and what cause for the crocodiles to suddenly become a super crocodile.

NAIL Industry, a shady company who makes many illegal businesses such as making and selling drugs, human trafficking, kidnapping humans for their mad scientist for their research to recreate back the super-soldier serum and robberies.

Their big boss is Dustin Nail, many people know him as the CEO of NAIL industry but the truth is he is a mafia leader to his group who also has the same name as his company, Nail Mafia Gang.

This gang only has about 50 members and they operate in San Francisco until they start to spread their modus operandi at Bayville as they set up a bakery store who I once visit but because of their bread is not very delicious, I did not visit that bakery.

And the cashier and the cleaner has that angry with an annoying face when customers enter the bakery store.

The reason they have that expression on their face is that deep inside the bakery store is drugs that are ready to be sold to the local gangsters.

But let's talk about this substance or rather a failed super-soldier serum that the scientist created as they deem it fails as they dump it into this lake.

The reason why crocodiles are here is that the owner wants to see if his favourite animals can be infected by the failed super-soldier serum.

So instead of human, the owner had a brilliant idea of ordering his henchmen to kidnap many of the mutated crocodiles for their scientist to investigate what happened to the crocodiles.

And I discover one thing about this alpha hey talk about as these mutated crocodiles have a leader who they call Alpha and let me tell you, this alpha is a bizarre crocodile as it looks exactly like Killer Croc but it has an extra 2 arm meaning he is a humanoid crocodile who has four arms. Like a combination of Fourarms and Killer Croc except for this crocodile also can blast a blue beam with its claw can grow a bit longer.

So yeah, my wish of getting a strong villain to get granted.

The Fatty name is Josh and the black man is Jay with them will act as a leader of their secret operation to take out the alpha tonight.

So tonight, I can kill 2 birds with one stone.

I mean, I can defeat this Nail Gang member and the alpha.

But before I do my heroic stunts, I need to fill up my stomach.

It is so hard when I am still a teenager with having no driver license as I need to walk to the city to buy my food at the fast-food restaurant.

I need a teleportation ability or soul card who has the teleportation ability right now.

Ordering a set that is for a family to eat, I bring the set to my room to see 3 fried chicken, a chicken burger, cheesy wedges, fries, mash potato and lastly a large bottle of coke.

Stuffing my stomach with all these foods as I wake up late which make me miss my breakfast and with me doing my investigation which also makes me miss my lunch so yeah, ordering this family set make my stomach full.

I then open my smartphone to see the picture of this Dustin Nail. His appearance is not handsome rather an average one but he has a scar on his right cheek which only make him fierce through the eyes of his henchmen.

Time passes as my ears start to hear footsteps as I look at the time.

11:30 p.m. I wonder if those Nail mafia mmebrs start to move to capture the alpha.

Opening the door of my lounge, my eyes can see a figure which I recognise. It is the old man who now is boarding his boat which now starts to move as I see he is holding a shotgun.

"This stupid old man," I mutter as I follow him with my gravity manipulation as I float above his boat as I cross my arm seeing a different boat is tailing him from behind.

"Boss. What shall we do with this old man?" A man who wears glass asks Josh who just keep mug ing his cheeseburger.

"Kill him. The boss said not a witness." Josh reply as the other men start to point their gun to the old man boat.

I am about to take action until my eyes notice a large figure behind them as this figure blast a blue beam toward this Nail mafia boat making all member be thrown out from their boat.

"Alpha. Shit! Everyone get ready to take out this damn creature---aargh!" Josh does not even manage to finish his word as something bite his entire right arm as the Alpha then bite his face harshly as it moves to tear his face.

This scene made me close my eyes and if it were for not the memory of Robin(Damian Wayne), I will vomit out my food from my stomach.

"I need to rescue them."Pointing hand toward the crocodile, I try to lift it but it was heavy but now I can see the full figure of the creature who now blast a blue beam to me which hit me as the blue beam is very fast making me to fell to the ground but I float myself as the crocodile release a roar that made me wince as it almost my ear goes deaf.

Never I expect the crocodile to release a blue beam to below making it fly to me as it almost bite my head but I push it back to the sea but its tail manages to drag me to the sea.

"Tch. Star Platinum!" I summoned out my Stand who delivers many punches toward the Alpha Crocodile who seems did not flinch as the Stand stop his punches.

Damn, so this crocodile has a really hard skin huh?

"Then how about this?" Infusing Hamon into both of my fists, I unleash all the Hamon without a care in the water as it roars in pain.

"Now. Star Platinum!" Adding a significant amount I.f Hamon in my Stand right fist, my stand uppercut the Alpha Crocodile sending it to the air.

I know if I stay in the water, it will have its a home advantage so I need to keep sending it to the air where it did not manage to do anything.

Chasing after the crocodile, a tail almost swipes my face but I hardened my face as the hit just made my face forcibly move to the left.

If that tail hit a cinema human face, it will snap the human neck and the human will die.

"Rebuff Overdrive!" I focus large amounts of his Hamon into the points of his elbows whilst delivering a powerful strike, causing it to be more effective than any ordinary attack due to the energy being channelled into a single point. This made Joseph Joestar capable of piercing the skin of even the Pillar Men, who are already durable enough to resist and ignore most Hamon based attacks.

But unlike his attack, I have my hardness elbow which made my attack more painful than his attack.

My elbow hit the Alpha Crocodile to its stomach sending it to crash to a nearby tree near the lake passage.

The crocodile then vomits out a huge amount of blood as it tresses to stand up but I already approach in front of him.

"This is the end for you Water Monster! Star Platinum!The World!" I shout as I freeze the time.

The reason I stop the time is because of the bullets coming from the Nail mafia members who I am sure they purposely shot towards me to kill me and this Alpha Crocodile.

"Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!" Star Platinum punches all those bullets before he spun his body to deliver a right hook that infuses with my Hamon on both of his fists but this time I put all my Hamon into that both of my stand fists to make punches more effective and able to kill this damn Alpha Crocodile.

"Time has begun to move again," I mutter as the surrounding become normal again as Star Platinum is ready to end this Alpha Crocodile's life.

With the number of people who died in this place increase, I know I had to kill this mutated creature.

"Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!Ora!" My Star Platinum delivers barrages of strong punches that made the Alpha Crocodile enter back as all its body part has broken by me with trails of blood can be seen on its body.

"Ora!" Delivering a right hook which consists of a large amount of Hamon, it's head exploded the moment the right hook hit its ugly face as blood fells to the ground.

"Good grief. To think the Alpha Crocodile is this weak? And here I thought it can give me some hard times for me to defeat him. Guess I got my hope high for this damn Killer Croc rip off." Turning my head, I can see all the Nail mafias trying to make the old man as a hostage but I simply use my gravity to make them float and make them hit each other head very hard as they fell unconscious.

"Old man. Just call the police alright to arrest this guy." I say to him .

"Wait a minute. Who are you?" He asks me.

"Me. I am the League." I replied as I float these mafia members to the land with me tie them up with a rope I found in a boat nearby the shore.

Let's just say my day is like normal days except I now know a certain crime family is in my town. I now can track and beat them down.

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