
The Sperm Donor

Ian Shergold©

18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents' bedroom. It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink.

As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents' bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying.

"I hope it works this time, Donald." It was his mother's voice.

"It will, Helen." said his father.

"How do you know?" asked his mother.

"I just am." replied his father, "Besides, if it doesn't work I can always have that fertility treatment the doctor suggested."

"God! You make it sound so trivial. Sometimes I don't think you understand how much I want this baby." His mother complained.

They were on about the baby again. His mother and father had been trying to have another one for years but there had been problems. Something to do with his father now having a low sperm count his mother had once told him.

"I do." His father sighed.

"And have you filled the beaker?" His mother asked. "Remember we are going to the hospital this morning."

"I haven't forgotten." Said his father with another long sigh. "I'll do it now."

Hearing his father starting to get up, Gabe quickly (and quietly) scooted off to his room.


An hour later, the Smith family was up and about.

"Gabe, we are just popping off to the hospital. I don't when we will be back but I do expect you to have your homework done." His mother said.

"Yeah, sure, Mum." replied Gabe.

The boy looked at his mother. He was now at that age where he found girls very interesting. He had even started to notice his mother. Although she was now in her late 30s, she still looked good. He especially liked how her arse and legs filled out her jeans.

"Okay. I love you and will see you later." She smiled and his parents left the house.

I better get on with that homework, he sighed.

Gabe went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of milk first. It was then that he noticed a white paper bag standing on one of the worktops. On the bag was the name of the local hospital. Picking it up, he found that there was a plastic beaker inside. He suddenly realised what he was holding. It was the beaker containing his father's sperm which they had meant to have taken with them to the hospital.

They had forgotten it!

Taking the bag, he rushed out of the house to catch his parents. But he was too late, their car was gone.

Going back into the house, his first inclination was to put the bag back where he had found it. Then curiosity got the better of him and he wanted to see what was inside it. Slowly, the boy pulled the beaker out of the bag. The beaker was transparent so he could easily see the white substance (his father's semen) inside. The first thing he noticed was that the beaker was only a quarter full nor did it look very creamy.

No wonder his father was having trouble getting his mother pregnant.

He put the beaker back in the bag and placed it back on the worktop. He then poured himself that glass of milk and took it into the living room.


He was sitting down, staring at the milk when the perverse idea suddenly struck him.

Why not replace his father's spunk with his own? It certainly was creamy enough to get his mother pregnant and he was sure he could produce more.

Much more!

His cock was instantly throbbing hard in his trousers.

But his parents could be home at any moment once they realised that they had forgotten the beaker.

He sat in a moment of indecision. Instantly, he could imagine his mother going around with a huge belly containing his baby. The thought almost made him come on the spot.

Lust winning over common sense, the boy got up and walked back to the front door. His hard-on so swollen, it hurt as he moved.

Looking out, he could no sign of his parents.

Good! He had to be quick.

Rushing back into the kitchen, he picked up the bag and dashed into the toilet, locking the door behind him. His hands were shaking with a mixture of nerves and excitement. He just could not believe he was doing this.

Gabe took the beaker out of the bag and looked at it. Taking a deep breath, he opened the top and rinsed the contents out with the tap.

There! Now he had no choice but to through with it.

Trembling, he pulled down his trousers and pants and took his aching tool in his hands. Over the past year, his body had literally grown up. This included his cock which seemed to almost reach his belly button. He was proud of it, looking forward to the day that he would for the first time shove it up some girl's cunt. Imaging naked tits and cunts, the boy started to stroke himself. Faster and faster he pumped his big erection.

Suddenly images of his mother sprung in his mind. He could picture himself naked on top of her soft naked body, his huge young cock balls deep inside her mature maternal cunt as he fucked away.

"Oh you are so bloody big and hard. Come in me, honey. Give your mother a baby!" she was groaning.

He could then picture him shooting his potent spunk into her fertile womb, making her stomach stretch with his baby.

Oh God! He was going to come.

Quickly picking up beaker with his left hand, his placed his trembling cock against the top, making sure it covered the head. Then he started to come. Groaning, he watched as the white thick creamy liquid started to shoot out of the tip of his cock into the beaker. In his mind's eye, he could picture himself shooting into his mother's unprotected belly.

Moaning out loud, he shot one last volley of thick white spunk into the glass before he collapsed against the wall. Never before had he come so hard.

Looking at the beaker, he saw that it was almost overflowing with this creamy thick sperm.

Shit! That's too much! Surely they would notice?

Before he could worry further, Gabe heard keys rattling in the front door.

His parents were back!

Quickly pulling up his trousers, the shaking boy scrambled out of the toilet. Stuffing the beaker back into its bag, he made a beeline for the kitchen.

"I can't believe you forgot the beaker." His mother was shouting back at his father before the two of them almost collided in the hall.

"Sorry, dear." She said.

Then she saw what he had in his hand.

Fuck! He was caught red-handed.

"Oh you are a love." She smiled, taking the bag off him as she kissed him on the cheek. "Your father forgot it. He is so useless at times."

Gabe just stood there.

His mother, having quickly checked the contents of the bag, turned to leave but stopped for a moment.

"What's the matter with you?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously. "You look like you have just seen a ghost."

"N-nothing." He managed to say. His heart thumping wildly in his chest.

"Anyway," She said, seemingly accepting his word, "we got to get to the hospital. Get your homework done."

Gabe watched his parents leave the house.


Then he realised what he had done. He had just handed over to his mother his own sperm. A tingle shot down his spine.


For the rest of the day, Gabe tried to concentrate on his homework. He was full of regrets now. What if they found that he had tampered with the beaker? What if his mother had wondered why he had the beaker in the first place? What if they noticed that the spunk inside it wasn't his father's?

He was still shaking when they came back.

Gabe stayed in his room and a little later there was a knock on the door and his mother poked her head in.

"Hi, sweetheart. Just to let you know that we are back. I am just making your father a sandwich, do you want one?"

"Yes please, Mum." Gabe replied. He was puzzled that she had a huge smile on her face. Nor had she asked him about his homework which would have normally been the case.

She must have noticed his look.

"I'm sorry, honey. I am just so excited."

"Excited?" The boy asked.

"I have a good feeling this time. The nurses at the hospital were really impressed with your father's latest sample. In fact they said that they have never seen one that looked so good."

With a silent groan, Gabe realised that his mother was now walking around with a belly full of his sperm. The idea that she could become pregnant with his baby excited the lad.

As quickly as possible, he locked himself away in the family bathroom to relieve his excitement.


For the rest of the month, Gabe was on tender hooks, wondering what had happened. Then one day, he came home to find his parents celebrating.

"We got some news, Gabe." said his mother as she hugged him, "That last attempt worked! You are finally going to have a baby brother or sister."

My mum's going to have my baby, he sickly thought even as he felt her soft breasts pressing into his chest. The boy managed to extract himself before his mother noticed his expanding erection. He quickly had to excuse himself.

That night, Gabe had to jack himself off three times before he fell asleep exhausted. A smile on his face.

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