
World Settings

when capturing with balls : if failed the ball will explode the moment pokemon broke free

pokeball function: turn wild pokemon into pocket monster, where pokemon will not die when battling between pokemon trainers. Pokeball system is invented first by arceus in disguised as human, because arceus see in future where pokemon and humanity is war againts each other that causing the world in chaos, so to prevented that arceus itself the one who make pokeball so human can befriend pokemon vice versa, even tho it was like being enslaved, but the pokeball itself cant make the pokemon to become total obedient, pokemon can still go againts orders he/she doesnt like.

trained pokemon can die againts wild pokemon, because the pokeball create invisible barrier that protect attack againts fellow trained pokemon but not wild pokemon, because wild pokemon is not pocket monster they still an beast that has not been tamed.

in this world theres no other animal than pokemon.

Arceus is creator in this world, the one who create universe, pokemon, even human in this story. Arceus cant be captured unless Arceus bored and want to troll the mortal, Human didnt know Arceus is the creator, they didnt even know if Arceus is Exist, Arceus know he/she just a fictional being because Arceus seeing the memory of MC when first meet, Arceus shocked because by accidentally summoning a human from real world into his/her palace after blocked some ultra beasts from invading with his/her 3 first Children

Giratina, Palkia, Dialga is God in this story, they are above Legendary. Eternatus, Necrozma is False-God Legendary Pokemon stronger than legendaris but still weaker than true God Pokemon

Mythical and Legendary Pokemon cant be captured by pokeball if they didnt want to, but can be force control for a briefly times before broke free and enraged. can briefly controlled with the Relic Item of that Pokemon, or some underhanded means.

only certified trainer can become true pokemon trainer. trainer recomended to bring maximum six pokemon for journey, so trainer can focus training his/her pokemon and expense for journey not overbudget

certified trainer can get badge through gym, while trainer for fun cant but still can challange the gym.

with eight badges trainer can challenges the elite four and the Pokemon Champion

in this world some pokemon became food for human and vice versa.

some pokemon got nerfed in biology even some legendaries and mythical

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