

Days passed and the exam's date was distributed to every guild in the world, this was not just a continental tournament but a worldwide one and the chances of actually passing were quite low due to the number of participants and it was moved up from the initial date due to the defection of Mihir.

The final preparations were being made because they had to all leave a week before the exam commences and travel as a guild but Byung did not know how to explain to either Cho or Kwan that he was traveling nor how he got the expense for such a trip due to his income range.

He thought hard about a plausible lie but he came out blank each time.

Cho noticed his troubled face on his way to his room and stopped to check if anything was wrong but Byung shook his head to say there was nothing wrong but Cho had known him for far too long for this pathetic attempt at a lie to pass.

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