

Reviving the dead... such an art would be considered evil, would it not?

Aerion felt conflicted as he believed that the dead should be able to rest. However, due to his ambition, he was willing to make a few moral sacrifices. The Iron Throne could not be reclaimed through simple negotiation... no, it had to be retaken by force. That was how House Targaryen conquered the Seven Kingdoms. By force.

Three mighty dragons and five hundred men were enough for Aegon to begin his conquest and become King. I do not have three dragons, nor do I have an army of my own... yet. But I wield something Aegon could only dream of and that is true, boundless, magic. I would be a fool not to utilise this gift to its fullest extent.

In the end, my enemies will come to fear me. They will not be granted the mercy of rest after I kill them... instead, they will become my eternal slaves for greater conquest.

Aerion decided that he would use necromancy but only against those who would stand against him before studying the magic ability further. As he studied the ways of necromancy, Aerion also slowly made his return to Sunspear by foot. Yes... on foot.

He realised that the benefits of such a difficult journey were a steady increase in his physical attributes. Although the journey was long, the benefits were much greater. It was not as if Aerion was rushing to return home, either. He usually preferred his own company over the company of others. Unless the company of others were to include the people he finds interesting or important to him, such as his Kingsguard, family members and the multiple noble friends he had made.


Aerion's dream was burned away by emerald flames as he returned to the void of light. Instead of his status appearing immediately, the system asked a few questions beforehand.

"Now that you've ascended from an adept mage and into the beginning stages of being a master, you have the choice of branching out your several magics. The two main branches are power and efficiency. Whichever you choose, whether it be power or efficiency, it will become a great strength of yours while the other will improve more slowly. With enough practice, you will be able to master the weaker aspect due to your limitless talent but it will take much longer. Efficiency leads to a much smaller cost in magic vitality and greater control over weaker magic (although stronger magic is more costly) while power grants more effective and destructive magic from even the lower stages (weaker magic is more costly but strong magic is less costly in comparison to efficiency). You may see it as a case of quantity and quality. Would you rather be able to use a lot of the weaker magic abilities or some of the stronger ones? The difference between the two also becomes much clearer in the later stages. Along with that, you may choose to remain at a balance of the two. Where... well, both aspects are perfectly balanced."

"Let's start with pyromancy... efficiency or power?"

Efficiency or power... as fire does not lack power nor efficiency, there isn't a need to focus on either of those. This a matter of personal preference... I'd rather keep it the same.


"Very well. Now, what about hydromancy?"


"Water magic." The system replied. "Ah, forgive me, that update came a little late."

Aerion thought over it for a moment.

I'd rather have a greater quantity of water... and so, aeromancy will provide the power that hydromancy cannot.

"Efficiency for hydromancy and power for aeromancy."

"Ah, so we're going ahead now? Very well... it shall be so. Finally, necromancy. Quality and quantity are just as prominent with this magic as the rest, if not more. Choose wisely... would you rather be able to grow a massive hoard of slow and unintelligent wights within a short time or a smaller group of more intelligent and elite undead."

A great army has both numbers and skill. The slow wights are not worth anything in battle while the smaller group is more likely to be overwhelmed... as I'll still be able to master both aspects with time, balanced seems to be the more wise decision. If I choose either, I will be lacking in the other aspect for a longer time. Therefore...

"A balance of the two."

"I see. Well, go on and see your new status!"



Prince Aerion Targaryen

Age: 14

Titles: The Rightful King

Traits: Handsome, Genius, Strong, Tall, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious, Ruthless, Brave, Confident.

Manpower: None

Gold: None


[Physical Attributes]

Strength: 80

Endurance: 92

Dexterity: 85

Charisma: 90


(Brackets are vitality costs. The base vitality cost is 0 for basic control, 1 for Novice skills, 5 for Adept, 10 for Master, 30 for Grandmaster and 100 for King.)

Magic vitality: 15

[Magic grades and skills]

Pyromancy: Balanced Adept Pyromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Fire Control (0+), Fireblast (1), Greater Fireblast (5)

Hydromancy: Efficient Adept Hydromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Water Control (0+), Water (0.5), Tidal Wave (10)

Aeromancy: Powerful Adept Aeromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Air Control (0+), Wind gust (1), Mighty Roar (4)

Necromancy: Balanced Adept Necromancer ☆☆

-Skills: Control undead (0), Revive Dead (1), Greater Revive Dead (5)


[Overall skill grades]

[Out of 4 (☆☆☆☆) except for Magic which can transcend to 5.]

Magic: Master Mage ☆☆☆

Duelling skill: Knight ☆☆☆

Martial (Battle): Skilled Tactician ☆☆☆

Diplomacy (Negotiation): Charismatic Negotiator ☆☆☆

Stewardship (Managing money and administration): Thrifty Clerk ☆☆

Intrigue (Plotting): Flamboyant Schemer ☆☆

Learning (Religion and knowledge): Dutiful Clerk ☆☆


Aerion looked at Aeromancy, Necromancy and Pyromancy closely.

"Powerful seems to be greater than balanced in every way."

"As I said previously, the differences become more clear as you advance onto the later stages." The system replied.

"Very well."


Three moons of travelling later, later middle of 294 AC.

Aerion returned to Sunspear looking rather rough around the edges. Despite this, he was easily recognisable due to his unique valyrian features. He walked to the Old Palace at a rather slow pace, allowing time for the guards to send news of his return. Once the gates opened to him, he was met by a most frightening gaze. His mother and two uncles had come to greet him, followed by his Kingsguard.

"Seven moons. For seven moons you disappeared into the desert with no form of contact."

Aerion remained firm. "Mother, I am no longer a child. The desert was not an issue for me even when I was one. Besides, I did write a letter saying that I'd return within a year so that you would not worry if I was gone for a longer period."

"You still left without approval of any sort," Doran added.

"I do not see the issue." Oberyn commentated. "The boy has grown into a man so let him make his own decisions."

Aerion tended to agree more with Oberyn, who let him do as he wished while Doran was the more strict uncle.

"Then for what reason did you leave?" Doran inquired.

"To practice my magic freely."

"For seven whole moons?"

Aerion nodded. "I sought greater power and only returned once I had found it. My magic will be the weapon that will seat me on the Iron Throne, as Dragons were the weapons for Aegon and his sister-wives during the Conquest. There is no other way, my dear uncle."

"Perhaps it is as you say." Doran turned around. "I will be at my solar if you wish to discuss your new strength. It would be best if you comfort your mother before doing so."

"This looks like a personal matter."

Oberyn joined Doran in walking away while the Kingsguard watched from afar.

"Seven moons..."

"Mother... I know that my disappearance was long, but you should know that it was also necessary." Aerion embraced her for a long time. His mother's touch gave him great comfort even when he did not need it. "You've always wanted me to sit on the Iron Throne..."

"And you will." Elia Martell brushed aside her tears. "I promised that you would..."

"I left to make that promise into a reality," Aerion replied.

Elia smiled and left his embrace. "I worry too much."

Aerion realised his faults and admitted to them.

"I won't disappear into the desert like that again," Aerion promised. "You have my word. Even though I'll be away from Sunspear, you will always know exactly where."

"Although you were a willful child, you always kept your promises."

Aerion chuckled and turned to his Kingsguard. "Mother, there are some matters I'd like to discuss with the Kingsguard and my uncle."

"Then discuss. Do not let your mother hold you back."

I'll spend some time with my mother later.

Aerion walked to his three Kingsguard members. Members of the true Kingsguard, not the false Kingsguard Robert formed over the years.

"The King running away from his Kingsguard... when has that happened before, I wonder?" Jaime jested.

"I am not a King yet."

"Truly, our prince is one of a kind," Oswell added.

"Whether you consider yourself a King or a prince, it is our duty to protect you at all times." Arthur reminded Aerion.

"And I will be needing that protection soon," Aerion replied. "Ser Arthur and Ser Oswell, you are dismissed for now. Rest until Ser Jaime is dismissed."

"Very well."

"Jaime, grab a matt."

"Some sun-gazing, my prince?"


Aerion left the Old Palace and went to the beach for some rest. The waves calmly crashed against the sand and the sun was slowly falling. The gentle wind eased his mind from the rather unamusing three-month journey he had gone through. Aerion removed his shoes as Jaime placed down the matt. Then he laid down and relaxed.

"Comfort... it is not something I have felt for some time."

Aerion closed his mind for a long moment before letting it all out.

"It has been more than ten years since we escaped King's Landing... hmph, now that the Usurper has reigned for so long, people have long since started to forget who should be atop the Iron Throne. They openly taunt you and me across the Seven Kingdoms with names such as... the Kingslayer and the sand dragon. Seven moons ago, this was the case... what about now?"

"I could not care less about what they say, my prince."

Aerion chuckled. "I do, however. Clearly... there will be no change unless I make it come about myself." His eyes looked towards the distant sea. "I have long since realised that Dorne is not the place for this change. Its soldiers will be useful when the time comes... yes, but it will not be the heart of my force. It is why I left for so long."

"What are you implying?"

"I will strike east and... conquer. Only a single family of Dragonlords has survived the Doom and persevered until now. As you know, that is House Targaryen. I do not have a dragon and neither do I have my own army... but what I do have is my own strength."

"And from that strength, Jaime... I will forge an empire."

"So your magic has grown to such a degree?"

"Yes, it has." Aerion smiled. "I will ask only for a hundred men from my uncle. A hundred men that will turn into a hundred thousand."

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