
Mountain Climbing With You

Christian and I take off the cabin at three in the morning since we decide to catch up the sunrise from the top of the mountain. 

We're very wasted last night yet I aim to wake up early just to join with Christian. 

The original plan for the trip is mountain climbing since I want to home with them yet they ruin it, instead, they choose the beach. And hiking is my stress reliever when I'm very depleted at work. 

There's a hint inside my heart that wants to come with him but at some point, I'm hesitant to join with him, considering he's an actor and every person is pointing their camera to him. Possibly, I get involved. But I should trust him that no one will haunt me since he invites me to come with him for hiking. 

Also, I ask them if they want to come with us yet they want to rest since they're very drunk last night and couldn't take any more travel from the beach to Eagle Mountain.  

After hours of travel, we arrive at Eagle Mountain ahead of time.

"Are you ready?" Christian asks. I nod as we get outside his car and head to the entrance for registration. 

"Good morning, Ma'am and Sir. This will be the map to guide your journey. Enjoy your visit to Eagle Mountain." The man mumbles while smiling at us. We nod and start hiking to station one.

From station one to five, no one wants to talk as if we're strangers. Even if it's nice to go to the mountain when you have someone and it isn't easy to get bored when you have friends with you, at least one friend. Yet, I can't open a topic. 

So I take a deep breath to calm my heart to start a conversation but before I open my mouth to say something, he speaks first. 

"I know what you're thinking about."

"What is it?"

"This whole thing was very awkward for us since we don't know each other yet even if we had a little conversation at your coffee shop." He says as he gives the big stick to me. 

"I know. It's just that I couldn't believe that you want me to join you." He chuckles as he picks his water inside his bag and drinks. 

Then, I take a glance to know what he's doing and it's not a good idea. His perfect jawline displays in front of me and any girl loves that jawline. And even me, I guess. 

"You're staring." He says as he stops and glimpses at me. I look away to hide my face when feeling the blush all over my face. He just chuckles and leaves me behind. 

"Great, he left me," I whisper to myself and follow him behind. After a long walk, we reach the top of the mountain so we decide to have a short break and have some breakfast. 

The place is so beautiful when you reach the top of the mountain. You could see the surroundings on the ground, the trees everywhere, and the lake. There's a lake from miles away.

"We should go to the lake after this so we could swim at the lake," I mumble as my eyes never leave the lake. 

"Do you have clothes? I don't have any clothes." He asks. 

"I told Jasper to pack some extra clothes and undergarments if you need to change your clothes. You have spare clothes." I say as I glance at the Christian, who's observing the beautiful place. 

I smile when glancing at him and his perfect complexion stands out when the sun gives the light to his face.  

"Why are you staring at me?" My heart skips a beat when he catches me, staring at him.

"N-no, I'm not." I groan inside my head when my voice betrays me and it becomes obvious that I'm lying to him. 

"Liar." He chuckles as he sits down on the rocks. 

I take out the mat and place it on a rock so it's slightly burned than sitting directly on the rock. And I sign him to sit beside him to have some breakfast. Then, I take out the Korean breakfast meal for both of us. 

"Why did you invite me to hike and not the Cypher or Jasper?"

"Jasper doesn't like hiking yet he wants to do fishing. The guys are very busy with their album so they don't have the energy to hike with me, instead, they want to have fun with friends so they could relax more than draining their energy from hiking." 

"I have to admit that I'm very pleased when you invite me to hike with you," I mutter as I finish the last bite of my food. 


"My original plan was hiking and spent the rest of the night at the woods and had a campfire but they ruined it. They choose the beach rather than mountain climbing but what would I expect from them, they don't like hiking. So I'm very pleased when you ask me to come with you." I utter as I smile at him. 

"I want to go to a peaceful place for me to think. Escaping from the camera that focuses on me. It's suffocating me when the people stalked me just to get some information that could ruin my image." He says. 

"I didn't insult the fan at my show yet they changed it to harassment that could almost revoke my contract from being an actor. They want to ruin my image to get more money from other people. My life became a monkey business so ruining my life was their key to be successful." He adds. 

My eyes never leave Christian when he's eyes forming tears that rushes through his cheeks. Then, I push myself closer to him and caress his back to soothe him. I take out the water bottle and give it to him. 

"Life becomes harder when people focus on the star. You need to do what's right but it turns out, they are looking from the tiniest errors that you did and never acknowledge the good side of yours. They are envious of what you have right now." I explain. 

"I know that's why I'm escaping from them. My dream is to be an actor but my parents didn't acknowledge it. They said it's a waste of time and money but for me, acting is my passion, and my life."

"Do your parents know about the news?" I ask him and he nods as an answer. 

"They don't like the news but they're not helping me from cleaning my name. It's absurd, right? I'm their oldest son and their pride possession so I thought they'll help me even if I choose my path but no, they choose to be quiet about this and never acknowledge it. Jasper, my manager, doing all his best to help me clear my name before I could get back to acting."

He gets his things and places inside his bag so I did the same. I fold my mat and place it inside my bag. 

"We need to get down the mountain before it's getting dark and we could swim in the lake." He mutters as he helps me to stand.

OMG! I'm DONE! YAY! Sorryy to keep you all waiting for my update. ಥ_ಥ

But anyways, give this story powerstone if you love the story and if you can, comment down below all your thoughts. I love to see what's on your mind. (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ

Thank you for being patience! I love you guys and peace! (~‾▿‾)~

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