
31. Fanatical fans.

Lenora poured out her aggression on the computer in front of her, 'Jamie, that jerk I'll teach him!'

"Hey!" Her supervisor tapped her. "Don't you think the keyboard is suffering unjustly?" He asked chuckling at her huffing and flared nostrils.

Pushing her curly black hair from on top her shoulder she turned to look at her supervisor.

"Mr Son, don't you think this Jessie Marin case is strange?" She said.

"Hmmm... I guess you could say it like that. It doesn't seem to make any sense." He said. "Talking about that, her manager Tony, he said he wants to do an interview."

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah, but the thing is that I've been dodging him now for some days." Her supervisor scratched his head.

"Why? Aren't we meant to jump on cases like this?" She asked.

"I spoke to the captain about this, he said he knows what the manager would say."

"And what's that?"

"What do you think? He'll say she was innocent and is probably being framed."

"And what if he's telling the truth? You just said the story we have right now doesn't make any sense." Lenora said.

"That's the thing, we can't publish that kind of news without more proof. This current story at least has proof backing it up." Mr. Son explained.

"What will happen if we get enough evidence to proof Jessie innocent?" She asked.

"If only, no other news channel will ever surpass for years to come. Do you know what kind of relief it will cause the entire country to know that their beloved icon is not actually a murderer. At least we can mourn her properly now." He nodded.

"Shall I go interview him then? I'm really interested in this case, Mr. Son." Lenora said.

"Are you now?" He asked and Lenora nodded.

"Come with me." He said standing up and walking out of the cubicle sections, she realised where they were headed when they walked past the elevator. Only one person's office was there, the captain.

Mr. Son knocked on the door first and then opened it. "Cap?"

"What is it Steve?" The Captain asked.

"Ah yes.. sir it's about-"

"Come on in why are you poking your head in like that?" the captain said.

"Ah.. yes sir." Mr. Son said.

Lenora furrowed her brows shaking her head at her supervisor, 'why is he acting so scared' She thought with a small smile.

Walking in behind him, she stood by the door because he wouldn't move in any further.

"Sit, both of you. What is it?" The captain asked.

"Well sir the thing is that..." Mr Son trailed off.

Lenora shook her head and sighed, turning to face the Captain. "Cap, it's about the Jessie Marin story."

The captain sighed and leaned back into his seat. "Wasn't I thorough enough?" He asked Mr Son, staring dagger at the man who was already having a hard time.

"Ah... yes but sir she does have a point." He said.

"What point!" He slammed his hands on his desk. The both of them flinched and sat up straighter.

'So this was why Mr. Son was shaking like a leaf' Lenora frowned.

"Why? Why must you keep bringing that up? I already told you to leave it. Hmmm, ignore her manager, if he keeps calling block his number. Look this case is the most sensitive case this country has had in years. Let's just leave things the way they are, if we begin to announce things we are not sure of, we'll be digging our graves. Nothing is scarier than fanatical fans." He said.

"Cap, I completely agree with you this story is very sensitive. But with all due respect what kind of reporters are we, if we just get things remain the way they are?" Lenora said.

Mr.Son started giving her silent signals to abort mission but she ignored them all and pushed forward. "Cap, I'm not saying we have to report any little news we get, I'm not even saying we need a team on this. All we're asking is that you let me work on this personally. I'll find evidence and proof to support whatever story I find." She said.

"How can you be so confident?" The captain asked.

"Because it's me, I don't let things go. That's what being a true reporter, I aim to report the truth. And right now this story doesn't seem like the truth." She affirmed.

"What do you think Mr. Son?" The captain asked him.

"I think she should do it. We don't have to involve anyone else." He said.

"I'm not sure, I mean there's work to be done, why do you want to go after such a troublesome and sensitive case?" He asked.

"With all due respect Cap. Whether or not you give me your permission I am going to do this." She stated firmly.

The captain narrowed his eyes at her and she refused to lower her head or look away.

"And think about it, Cap. Imagine I get proof that Jessie Marin is actually innocent. And we report it exclusively on the news?" She smiled "Oh just thinking about it gives me goosebumps."

"Fine, fine but this stays between us three. No one else can know about it." The captain said.

"Yes cap." They both responded together.

"I knew you'd do the right thing Cap" Mr. Son smiled.

Lenora had to grab him by the collar and drag him out of the office to stop him from making kissy faces at the captain and hearts with his fingers.

Finally, she could work on this officially. The only thing left now was how to convince that stubborn pig headed man Jamie Anderson. She would have to find a way to do it.

Mr. Son cleared his throat and composed himself as soon as they were out of the office.

"I assume you'll need this." He said handing her a sheet of paper.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Tony number. Go talk to him, it's about time." He said.

"Ah... yes." She mimicked him.

"Hey, do you think getting scolded by the captain is a joke?" He raised his fist and threatened to punch her.

"Yes. He didn't seem that scary." She smiled.

"Oh yeah? Of course he won't yell you, that's like biting the hand that feeds you." He said.

"Hmm... You're saying he won't yell at me because my dad is a major shareholder here?" she asked and Mr. Son nodded.

"But Mr Son, that doesn't seem to stop you." She said.

"What? Are you going to go running to daddy? Are you going to tell one me?" He teased her.

And she pouted "What the heck?" she muttered.

"Anyways, apologise to Tony for me. I used to be the one that pestered him for news and not I feel pitiful for how I abandoned him." He said.

"Of course. You are doing more than enough, I'll be sure to explain the situation to him." Lenora said.

"Sure do that. Make me proud of being your senior hmm?" He smiled.

"Yes! I will be successful." She said bowing slightly, as she walked away.

Hey, I'm so heartbroken today. Apparently my contract verification failed and I have to go through the entire process again.

I'm so scared what is I mess up again? I can't mess up, I rejected two offers to work with webnovel so it has to work out.

Pray for me, fingers crossed.

Obliviousstudentcreators' thoughts
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