
Reincarnation Hub

"So I died, that explains so of this but not where I am, how I got here, or how do I leave."

Now remembering his past Andrew was more aware of his situation, but at the same time even more confused, so he did the only thing he could do, he picked a direction and drifted, while hoping to find anything. He drift in the void as time passed by, not knowing exactly how much time passed by or how quickly. It was eons of drifting in the void, an unmeasurable distance traveled. He didn't even have any indicators to whether he was actually moving or if he was constantly in the same spot just looking out at the distant void.

He started to lose his sense of himself as time passed, the only thing he could even do to hang on to his sanity was just to keep going forward and try not to think of anything else or else he risked losing his mind. While he drifted, unknown to him his soul started changing, getting bigger and brighter and gaining more details that made him look like his previous self. As he continued, out in the distance, something came into view in the distance. Andrew was suddenly filled with happiness and relief. Finally something else appeared in the void beside him. He then started drifting faster towards the distant object and the closer he got the bigger it got and he could make out what it was. It was a ruined structure made of machinery and bricks with obvious sign of time wearing the structure down. Walls were crumbling and the machinery was broken and dead without even a light flickering. Andrew started to worry again as he looked upon these ruins, but he decided to hold on to his hope and soon landed on the floor of the ruins. He could feel the ground under his feet. Finally he could feel something, he could touch it. Something as simple as touching the ground of a time worn structure filled his heart with a feeling that he couldn't describe.

After a brief period immersing in that feeling, Andrew decided to explore the ruins to see if he could find something, anything other than the remnants of some civilization's end. It didn't take him long, as when he walked a certain distance lights started to power up and turn on, and as he looked on at all the screens and equipment he realized that these were the ruins of an advanced science lab. He wondered what could the people of this lab have been studying to get the whole structure sent into the empty space. Before he could continue on the tangent of thought he heard a voice speak to him. The voice was mechanical in nature but sounded close to a human's speech pattern.

"Finally, after such a long time, someone has finally visited this place again."(machine)

"Hello, who are you? what is this place?"

"My name...what was my name? Files corrupted...files can't be recovered. Hm? It seems that I can't remember, but to answer your second question, this is a research facility that studies the laws of the universe, the supernatural phenomenon that happens every now and then, the souls of living creatures, the process of living creatures adapting and evolving to extreme situations, and reincarnation. We were called New Life."(machine)

"That's quite a list, but why study all of these and how could you possibly study and achieve anything following along such a diverse route of study? And how did you end up here?"

"It started when a researcher's daughter went missing and upon his search for her he saw a video that caught her walking home when she suddenly disappeared. He was struck with confusion and multiple questions on where she was and how to get her back and if she was still alive. Luckily his daughter was an avid reader of manga and light novels where this was a thing so by reading these stories, he realized that his daughter could have been transmigrated, summoned, or reincarnated into another world and that she would probably not be able to return. So, since she couldn't come back he decided to go to her, which started this study into how to transport himself to a new world and how to prepare himself for anything he might face there as well as how to find her should she now be an entirely new person. After a few decades, there was actually results and we managed to connect to a new world. We didn't know if this world was the one his daughter ended up on, but we still sent people to study the lifeforms that was native to planet, but it wasn't as easy as we had thought it to be. The beings on this planet was hostile and had abilities and technology that surpassed ours by generations, and upon knowing about us coming from a different realm or planet they saw us as invaders even when we constantly said we had arrived in peace, but it seemed they couldn't or wouldn't understand us. So of course as with every civilization, they waged war against us and we responded in kind. we lost many, but we also won some and with every win we were able to collect their technology to advance ours."(machine)

"Wow, but how did that make you end up here?"

"I'm getting there, be patient. So, as I was saying, we waged war against this planet's inhabitants and we would've been annihilated at the beginning if it wasn't for an ancient inventor hadn't made the B1 droids. While it was primitive in our current world, with the advancement in technology over time we kept improving these droid and once we had our adversary's tech we improved them even further. We were upon the brink of victory, but what we hadn't expected was that this world actually had a living being that had power and abilities that bordered upon the gods' domain. He annihilated our our forces as if they were just paper in the breeze. In fear of his power, we built a weapon capable of untold destruction. When launched the the weapon if brought forth ruin the the other world and struck down this mighty foe, but we had to find out how he had obtained obtained such power in the first place, so we collected his remains and brought them back for study. Upon further study and tests we discovered so mush that it lead to improvement in medicine and the path of human evolution."(machine)

"Haha! Those were my droids!"

"Really? Hm, I'll have to check my database for further confirmation to your claim but we'll get back to that later. Now, as we improved our level of medicine we were able to perform experiments on the other planets people and creatures to create procedures that would give our own people supernatural powers, and we took to it like a fish to water. As if we were supposed to go down this line of evolution before, but something interrupted the process and stopped us from evolving. With this new found power we eventually won the war and conquered the new planet, but it didn't end there. Of course humans saw what we achieved after this first world and decided to redouble their efforts in conquering more worlds. So they went down the path of strengthening their forces and invaded world after world improving their people and civilization by leaps and bounds, but this came with consequences we didn't know about at the time. Apparently we were far from the top of the food chain as we were noticed by beings of a higher plain of existence. They saw our actions and feared we would grow too strong and then bare our fangs at them, so they gathered their strength and caste a power or magic we were unfamiliar with and it imprisoned us on our own world and launched it into this void where the darkness began to encroach upon our world erasing everything it came into contact with. This lab was the last bastion, it was reinforced to withstand the touch of the void and absorb the prevalent energy within it to start a project of sending the survivors of our world out of the void and into a new world through reincarnation to hide everyone from the prying eyes of those that would hunt us down and wipe out any survivor they found. So, I've been here for an untold amount of time withstanding the corrosive touch of the void and gathering energy with using any except to prevent my disappearance into the void. But, now that you're here I can use the energy I've been saving up to reincarnate you into a new world. Just use the terminal in the center of the next room and I'll guide you through the process."(machine)

After Andrew finished listening to the story of his home planet's end he felt untold sadness, but was in awe of his people's accomplishments, although feeling conflicted about their methods. He then walk to the next room and saw a tall column that seemed to be a cabin that he was supposed to enter. Upon entering, the cabin lights turned on and a monitor stood floating in the air in front of him and he heard the machine's voice again.

"Welcome, this is the Reincarnation hub. It was built to be user friendly and allows you to customize the start of your new life. From where and how you are born and raised to your race, looks, natural and supernatural abilities. It could even give you abilities and cheats from fictional works and even a system if you so wish. The only limitation is the amount of energy it cost to manifest and how much energy I have stored. Luckily for you I've been gathering energy and storing it for eons as everyone else is already gone."(machine)

"Cool, nice to know. Well let's get started then. First, let's pick the world I'm going to start my new life on. I'll pick Star Wars, on the planet Dathomir as a Nightbrother or male Dathomirian Zabrak. Now for looks let's make the build taller and stronger with a gray skin color instead of the usual red, orange, or greenish yellow. for improvements let's enhance all of its base stats strength, agility, dexterity, stamina and constitution. For the second enhancement let's max out its adaptability and evolution abilities. Hm, hey computer can I mix the dna with species from other worlds or universes?"

"Yes, as it's just changing your new body or creating something new and not changing the universe you're going to inhabit then it's possible, but be warned that if I have to create something new from nothing, then it will cost more energy."(machine)

"Okay, then first let's give it Hybrid Predator dna, give it another set of arms, and Yujiro Hanma's physique."

As Andrew put in his changes, he watched as the display of his new body morphed. Its size increased to 8ft tall and its musculature grew defined and morphed in a new way as a result of Yujiro Hanma's physique and the Yautja's normal musculature fused to create a frightening form the made the newly formed muscles put Hanma's to shame. Even the muscles of his back that resembled an ogre became more pronounced and changed to look more frightening and monstrous.

"Cool, now let's develop some meridians, apertures, spirit root, and chakra pathways for future world traveling. Next, let's upgrade his talent for cultivation, magic and chakra. It wont be used for awhile, but better to be prepared. Then, let's increase the talent for The Force. I'll make it so that he's perfectly in tuned to the force where I'll be able to use both sides of the force without being influenced by it, where I'll be loved by the force essentially and it'll want to protect me and teach me how to use all the force abilities. Then let's try to make something incredible. Computer this will probably use a lot of energy, so be prepared."

"Duly noted. Proceed with your creation."(machine)

"Okay. Let's go Marvel. I'll create a child symbiote from Tesseract Venom that absorbed all the other symbiotes that were influenced by Knull, then have it feed on the Poison from Venomverse, and merge it with my new body. That way it's not me with another in my head influencing me but just me, I'll be part symbiote and be able to make my own bio-armor."

Andrew looked upon his creation with joy and started to move on to other aspects of the reincarnation hub.

"Alright now for a system. First, I don't want the whole level and stats thing that'll just turn into a crutch and may display information wrong and cost me my life, but I'll keep the inventory, skill creation, and ID create/escape from The Gamer, as well as the mind protection. Then, let's allow it to help me with adapting and evolving, with an AI along the lines of Jarvis that could offer helpful suggestions while not requiring me to hold a conversation. Then, let's create a lab the could disassemble, scrap and/or assemble machinery or new technology. Let's make it so the AI connect to it and have it reside in a separate space accessible through allowing me and anyone or thing I want to teleport there, with a collection function. Add a medical lab to help make gene serums that will give me new abilities and other kinds of medicine and poisons. Let's give the system the ability to copy any gold fingers that I encounter while keeping itself hidden and to be able to download all knowledge of whichever universe I'm in. Finally, let's give it the ability to allow me to travel to other universes in the multiverse and give me ability to gather energy that will allow me to make further improvements in the future."

"Will that be everything? You're cutting it quite close as don't forget that I'll still need energy to reincarnate you."(machine)

"Almost. The last thing I'm going to do is give myself some blueprints, schematics and materials in order to make some new droids and a personal ship later on. Now, I'm done so feel free to reincarnate me now."

"Very well... Standby... Reincarnating... Enjoy your new life."(machine)

"I will and thank you very much."

As Andrew disappeared into a mote of light heading towards his new destination and life a panel on the wall opened up and revealed a very old looking B1 droid. As it walked towards the reincarnation hub the void started encroaching upon the ruins with a ferocious speed, as if it had been starved of its well deserved meal and in a voice more human than before the droid said, "Goodbye, father." And everything returned to black.

How am I doing so far? feel free to let me Know and I'm writing this as I go and I do have to work, so the update schedule may be sporatic, but I'll try to keep this up. I do look forward to constructive critism so please let me know of any problems so I can make improvements in future chapters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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