

"Then that means the council are the bad guys!" Kole said to himself. He was at the port that boats took cats to Hawaii, or "Royal Port". "Hello there." A deep voice said making Kole jump. Kole looked behind him and he saw a black cat with gleaming red eyes and red spots speckled on his back. Kole said, "Who are you?"

The cat chuckled and said, "Just call me Lucky. What are you doing out here all alone?" Not only was his voice deep, it was creepy in a scary way. Kole said, "I just learned something I should've a long time ago. People were forcing me to live how they want me to live." Lucky sat next to Kole and said, "I know what you mean. My brother and my son keep pestering me about how I should rule."

That's when Kole sensed it. "You're a very evil cat. Who are you really?' Lucky sighed and said, "I'm Lucky, King of the Underworld." Suddenly, his body started to change. His fur started to turn red, and his tail turned into a demon tail. Black horns grew out of his head, and his eyes turned yellow. Kole said, "You're small for someone who-" Lucky grew massive in size in an instant and said, "Shut the hell up before I tear out your claws!"

Kole said, "Okay okay!" Lucky reverted back to normal size and said, "I know what your problem is. You let people push you around. You're supposed to be the world's "oh great hero" but that's who they want you to be. You can be whatever the hell you want." Kole sarcastically said, "I had no idea that it was that simple."

Lucky started nodding and said, "Because you're a fucking dumbass." Kole went silent and Lucky said, "Okay fine. You need to figure out... your calling. Who you want to be is up to you, not this dumbass "council" you keep thinking about. Do you want to save the world, or do you want to sit back and watch the souls go to my domain? Because that's what's happening right now."

Kole shouted, "What!? Oh my god- why didn't you say so!?" Lucky smirked and said, "Thought it was irrelevant, normal one." Kole shouted, "I'm going to save this world from Sopheclies!" Lucky flinched when he said that name. Lucky said, "S- oh- um, nice chat, but bye." Kole said, "Wait, you know something about him!"

Lucky sighed and said, "About that, yes. What I know about him? He's dead!" Before Kole could ask anything, Lucky disappeared through a red portal with screams coming from it. Kole didn't have time to think. He had to go to the barn. Now. With speeds that even he didn't know he could reach, he got to the barn, but it was too late.

The barn was destroyed, and all Kole's friends were knocked out. That's when he saw Conner and Mr. Nafario in the middle of a fight. Mr. Nafario shouted, "I will defeat you Conner!" The black lynx of darkness chuckled and said, "That's what they all said." Mr. Nafario's fox mask appeared on his face, and he disappeared.

Conner looked around, and all of a sudden, he was knocked to the ground. "Invisibility, huh? That's a rare power." Then he got knocked into the air, and slammed down. Conner smirked and for a split second, the Spirit Realm merged with the Overworld again, and Mr. Nafario was visible for that split second. Conner grabbed Mr. Nafario, and pinned him down.

Conner said, "We had a good run, you and I. It's time to finally end it, yes?" Mr. Nafario said, "You will be defeated, one way or another!" Conner said, "Silence, you old fool." A spear appeared, and it stabbed Mr. Nafario in the heart. "No!" Kole shouted. He ran up to Conner, but Conner dodged and disappeared. "See you soon, Claudius."

Kole tried to get the spear out, but it was stuck. When Kole checked for his breath, there was none. Mr. Nafario had died instantly. Kole screamed and tears fell rapidly from his eyes. Fire surrounded every one of his fallen friends and family, and they were healed. Kole hadn't even noticed because he was still crying and screaming.

He didn't know why, but he felt so sad. It was like someone that is a part of his family died. Blaze was the first to wake up, and Ice woke up right after. They both saw Kole and everyone surrounded by fire. Blaze was absolutely speechless, and Ice shouted, "Kole! Calm down!" Kole couldn't hear what he said. All of a sudden, he stopped screaming, and he was frozen in place. Then he collapsed, and the fire disappeared.

Blaze said, "God... what has Conner done...?"

Invisibility is a rare variant of Wind, and was previously thought that it was a variant of Light. Invisibility users can go invisible with an item that they treasure. Once they're invisible, they're much stronger and much quicker. However, they can be seen in the Spirit Realm, The Underworld, The Heaven Realm, and the Dead Zone.

kitoon_unofficialcreators' thoughts
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