
Holding the orgasm hostage(R-18)

"I can't!" Olivia shouted while lying on the bed. Her heart sped up. 'I mustn't…I shouldn't…'

"Huh?" At this unexpected overreaction, Ben raised his heads...

"I'm—saving—my first time…"

'Is she saying…' He squinted. "Are you telling me you're a virgin?"


His eyes broadened. "How could a girl as ambitious as you, who uses her sexuality as a weapon, have maintained her virginity?"

"I—" Olivia tried to answer, but hesitated...because he hadn't stopped fingering her… 

She managed to get the words out. "I planned to use it as a bargaining chip for a future husband…"

Ben narrowed his eyes, which at this point, were opening and closing like an elevator... 

'These women are too clever…' He realized that to negotiate with them was like dealing with the most demanding, despicable agents in Football Manager...

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