
Insight on the author's goal

Insight on author's goal

Okay, I thought of making this specific note which should help you guys understand what I really mean by [Eye of the Moon Plan]. Originally, the plan stood for creating true peace, by putting the world inside an illusion, giving them a world of their own, where they are gods, in their dreams.

Now, the basic concept of this novel is achieving [True Peace]. I lot of you guys think that I plan to put the whole world under an illusion, well, that isn't the case.

My plan isn't to create an illusion but rather achieve true peace through a more 'Realistic and Scientific way'. Of course, I can't tell you guys about my plans, duh!...

But I can drop some hints, some of you guys should know about the existence of different timelines. Every instance for every person has infinitely many outcomes, some of them makes the person fulfilled while some makes them wanna disappear.

I will leave it at that.

Also, the word 'Peace' is a loose term which has different meanings for different individuals, for a drug addict, being dosed with drugs is peace while for someone leaving in Syria (past), no conflict means peace.

Pain and Naruto; both wished for peace and their outlook at the word 'Peace' differed greatly.

So I request you guys to stop speculating and let the novel play out, I will slowly explain everything when the time comes so have patience. We will move on to the canon soon, only Mayumi's confession is remaining for me to write, also if I can't deliver a perfect King personality, I apologize in advance.

Thanks to those who support me, please leave a review and please provide a constructive one.

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