
Chapter:33 Mei of the Saltzman Family

"Are you ready, Young Master?...."

Erik wore a beautiful white suit with a dark green shoulder cape on the left side, the chest area of the dress was decorated with noble designs and green embroidery along with golden coloured pauldrons on the shoulders.

His wore white gloves which covered his palms and a pocket watch which hung around his waist.

His chartreuse phosphorescent eyes had an uncharacteristic shine while his long white hair had been tied behind his back using a white strip.

Erik had received the invitation to the [Foundation Day Meet] from the Juumonji clan, but he wasn't intending the party as Katsuto's friend but rather due to him being the current owner of the [Saltzman Corporations].

His status as a Saltzman was enough for him to be invited into nearly every high-class party even though his family wasn't a Magician-based Clan.

"Yes Sebastian, I am ready we can leave....."

"Today, many of the politicians and high-profile individuals will try to engage in conversation with you, Young Master....you will be bored soon enough, all the best!"

Sebastian had an annoying grin of his aged face as he outright told his young master that he was going to suffer when talking to the various people inside the party.

Sebastian was wearing his signature butler uniform and white gloves that covered his palms.

"Eh? You could have given be some fake hope, Sebastian..."

"Huh? Young Master should man-up and face his problems..."

Erik's eyebrows twitched after hearing his butlers reply to his words, an exasperated sigh escaped his mouth as he turned towards the open door to move out of the mansion.

Sebastian followed behind his young master with a smile on his face, he sure was excited for the party that his young master was about to attend.

Due to Erik's parents being who they were, he could only interact with the servants within the mansion and didn't really have any contact with other kids of his age, instead of attending middle school, he was home-tutored by various teachers.

It always made the old butler happy whenever his Young Master would interact with more people and enjoy the conversations with them, after all, what was the point of being rich and alone.

"Any suggestions Sebastian? If possible then I would like to avoid politicians and others who seek to collab with us, after all, I am attending a party, not a business meeting....."

"Hmm....Young Master need not worry too much, Little Mei will accompany you at the party, she will take care of the business....."

Both Erik and Sebastian exited the huge mansion through the front door, only to see a black sedan waiting for them right down the stairs, near the back door of the car, stood a woman.

She wore a long black cloak with gold embroidery around the edges of the dress, a hood covered her whole face, no one could see how she looked even if someone used some kind of magic to observe her.

This woman was Yotsuba Miya, now known as Mei, caretaker and bodyguard of Erik Saltzman. Since the Saltzman family didn't really interact with others except for business purposes, not much was known about their household.

This allowed Erik to create fake evidence of "Mei" existence in the data servers so that no one would doubt her existence within the Saltzman family.

As for the servants and Sebastian, Erik used his newly acquired and mastered [Outer-Systematic Magic] to add detailed memories about her existence within their minds.

"Mei" was an orphan who was found by Sebastian on the gate of the mansion, he adopted her as his daughter and raised her on his own, Erik's dad assigned the various teachers to teach his head butlers daughter, "Mei" was taught the epitome of necessary skills by the teachers and grew up to become a highly qualified woman.

"Mei" was extremely talented in [Convergence-Type Magic] and [Systematic-Type Magic], so much so that she was able to qualify as an [A-ranked Magician] who ranked on the upper side of this rank.

To repay all that Sebastian and Erik's dad had done for her, she swore to serve the Saltzman household as Erik's bodyguard and caretaker.

Not only blessed with skills, but "Mei" was also very beautiful and even after being over 40-years old, she still retained the image of her younger self, about 20-years younger.

Erik did feel conflicted for using his magic on Sebastian but he did what was necessary for his plans and goals, he even implanted memories within "Mei"'s mind to replace the image of her father within her mind with Sebastian.

For protection purposes, "Mei"'s appearance had been altered using Cloaking magic and a no-eyes mask which covered her face.

Even her stature seems a bit taller and her figure more defined when compared to her previous self.

In her current attire, Mei resembled a witch from some fantasy, eerie yet interesting.

Sebastian walked towards the driver's seat while Mei opened the back door for her Young Master, the person in question slid inside the car as the door was closed by Mei who sat in the passenger's seat.

𝕍𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞! (Vroom!)

The black sedan silently moved, making minimum noise as it approached the main gate of the Saltzman property.

Erik closed his eyes and leaned back to make himself comfortable while he planned for how he would conduct himself in the party.

'This is a very good chance to secretly mind-control the various high-class individuals who will be visiting the party....'

'I will use Miya to infiltrate their minds and plant a switch which would later help me gain information from them and also allow me to control the individual for a limited time in case I needed to tie loose ends.....'

'With control over so many powerful individuals, I will be able to wield a considerable amount of power and influence over the Ten-Masters Clan, especially for the upcoming conference...'

'Hmm.....with only Miya and Me, it will take too much time to deal with all the stuff not to mention what would happen when they find out that majority of the people are being mind-controlled...'

'Though only government and the Ten-Masters clan have the capability to identify the magic which Miya uses, I need to be careful with my steps here, I can't blow up my cover and rush.....'

'The Eye of the Moon plan will take time and proper planning....'

'But the outcome will be in my favour, this world's future will be in my hands and I will not be stopped by anyone.....!'

Erik unconsciously clenched his fists as he thought to himself.

'The Dream will become the reality!.....'


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