

When Zane traced down to his wrist and seemed to be caressing every vein, Phoenix's heart pounded loudly in his chest and his entire body shivered.

"Zane." He called out in a hoarse voice.

Zane's movements instantly stopped and he hesitantly removed his fingers, Phoenix's skin was like satin, it was amazing to touch. Once you started, it was difficult to stop touching him. How on earth was he going to play this? He cleared his throat, "You have beautiful hands. Which musical instrument do you like to play the most?"

"None." Phoenix touched back his hand and his right hand traced out the outline on his palm for a few seconds before stopping.

Zane's eyes widened, shouldn't princes know how to play all musical instruments, especially piano, it was like that in the books, besides those beautiful hands, they would look amazing on black and white piano keys, "Really? None?"

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