
Bitch Slap!!!!!

"Hmm, what now, I guess imma search for some more strays for a while," Kira said as he started running towards a group of people from the second Universe, who he then went on to toy with all of them until something else comes up

After about ten minutes Kira saw Goku start to fight against Jiren, who was destroying Goku, Kira then started to think, maybe after Goku goes Ultra instinct, he'll finally start to actually fight against some of the more important people

So that's what Kira waited for, and it finally happened, Goku went to use his spirit bomb against Jiren, only for Jiren to push it back, causing Goku to be swollen whole by the attack, which caused everyone to start to panic, Kira only sat at the side of the crater that was created by the explosion waiting, and then it happened, a bright beam of light shot through the sky, and after a few seconds a person was seen in the middle of it, his hair spiked up, his eyes silver, his clothes were torn, Kira could only smile at the sight of this

"Hehehehe, that's it Goku," Kira said as he started to feel giddy, seeing this scene in person was so much better than watching it on tv, Goku then started fighting Jiren again, but Jiren's team mate's tried to interfere, only to be thrown away by Goku, but then one of them tried to fire Ki blast at Goku, but Kira decided he was going to step in, and that's exactly what he did, so Kira disappeared from his position

"Bitch slap!!!!" Kira shouted out as he slapped Toppo sending him flying into the ground

"WA-WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" Dyspo yelled out of supprised, but before he could even do anything else Kira was already gone

"BEGONE THOT!!!" Kira shouted as he bitchslapped Dyspo sending him flying off eventually hitting a pillar that sat in the middle of the arena

"Hmm, well that was fun!..... But now what?" Kira said as he began to look around for people to fight against, but he then saw that Goku was about to run out of Ki, so he decided he would grab him and bring him somewhere safe for now

"Yoink!" Kira said as he grabbed Goku from behind and disappeared leaving Jiren speechless and confused

"What the! Kira? what are you doing?" Goku asked still in his Ultra instinct form

"Saving your ass," Kira

"What do you mea-" Before Goku could continue he was forced out of his form, this caused Goku to fall to his knees in pain

"Gah!!" Goku

"Told ya!" Kira said as he walked closer to Goku

'Ayano, buy a good healing skill please,' Kira

[Of course,] Ayano


[New Skill: Demonic Healing]

[Demonic Healing: The user can heal themselves or others by harnessing demonic energy/power and then forcing it into their bodies]


'Nice!' Kira thought as he then put his hand to Goku's head

"Huh?" Goku said being confused, but then he felt an overwhelmingly evil force rush through his body, but just as quick as it came, it left

"Wha-what was that!?!?!" Goku asked as he looked at his body noticing all of his injuries were gone

"What was that?" Goku

"That was a skill I made, I made it by infusing the evil energy of my Super Saiyan form into my Ki, it took a while to perfect, but it was worth it, as you can see," Kira

"Y-yeah," Goku said as he stood up, he then walked out from where Kira brought him, he then went to fight someone

'Hmm, I think you scared him,' Ban

'Heh, I bet he's just freaked out because he never felt that much evil energy before,' Kira thought as he also left the little hidey-hole he was in, walking out he saw that there were some people just hanging out towards the edge of the arena, so he thought he would go and say hi

--------Five Minutes Later----------

After Kira got bored of torturing some fighters, he decided he should join back up with the others, so he decided to go and see what everyone was up to, and that's when he saw Android 17 fighting against Toppo, who was in his God of Destruction form, so Kira decided he might as well say hi since it would only be right

"Hey little momma let me whisper in ya ear," Kira whispered into Toppo's ear, causing him to swing around

"What the!" Toppo

"Hey, how are ya?" Kira said causing Toppo to swing his fist at Kira, to which Kira only caught the fist

"Really? you actually thought that would work?" Kira asked as he then kicked straight up with his right foot, sending Toppo flying

"Welp, I'm bored again, hey, your the one who takes care of animals right," Kira said talking to Android 17

"Uhh, yeah, the name's Android 17," Android 17

"Cool, I fuck with you," Kira

"Wha-" Android 17 was saying but was cut off by Kira

"Welp I'm off, imma go and find someone to bully, see ya!" Kira said as he disappeared

"What a strange man," Android 17 said, but he then went back to fighting, as Toppo came back

Kira was on top of a rock looking around for people to fight, that's when he noticed, Kale and Caulifla was eliminated, this caused him to be a little sad because he wanted to fight against them

But that's also when he noticed that Goku and Vegeta was fighting Jiren, and Vegeta already had his Super Saiyan blue Evolved form, seeing this, Kira decided that he was just going to chill until Goku gets completed Ultra Instinct

So Kira sat down on the rock he was on, and he began to watch over all of the fights, and while this was happening, he decided to start asking Ayano some questions

'Hey Ayano, when I unlock the full power of my True Demon king transformation, just how powerful will I be?' Kira

[Hmm, well if we're going off of how strong you are right now, I'd actually have to say, you'd be about 10% as strong as the God of Reincarnation] Ayano

'Really!!! So, you mean if I keep grinding, I can eventually be as strong as the God of Reincarnation! That's awesome! wait, so how do I measure up against Zeno?' Kira

[Well about that, from my calculations, if you unlocked the second form of your True Demon King transformation, you should easily be able to wipe out anyone from this, and countless other universes] Ayano

'Re-really?! oh sweet mother of Itachi,' Kira

'What the hell, why do you keep saying that?" Ban

'Because Fuck 12!!!' Kira

'Wha-' Ban was saying, but Kira cut him off as he stood up swiftly, it seems while Kira was talking to Ayano, Jiren had eliminated Vegeta, now the only people In the arena was, Goku, Frieza, Android 17, Kira, and Jiren

'This feels like it flew by way too quick, now, it shouldn't be much longer until Goku masters Ultra Instinct, Hehehehe,' Kira remained where he was watching Goku and Jiren go at it, and then it happened, Goku appeared behind Jiren covered in a blanket of divine light, until it started to disappear, and then Kira saw Goku, his hair just as silver as his eyes, seeing Goku like this, Kira couldn't help but smile from ear to ear

"Finally, the final battle starts now!!" Kira


Hello everyone!!

Just wanted to update all of you, I put all of my other Novels on Hiatus so I can focus on this one

That means the upload schedule should, and I mean SHOULD, go back to two chapters a week

But who knows, I'm lazy

Welp, i hope you all Enjoy

Have a great Night/Day

Sincerely MR_No1

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