
Time Skip: 5 month's later

Kira couldn't believe it has been 5 month's since he has arrived in the world of RWBY. But time sure does fly by when you're training. And that is exactly what he has been doing, every day and night, to make sure he did not have to worry about dying.

Over this 5 month's Kira has been able to control his ki to the point where he could fly, he can also manipulate his ki into a sphere so he can use it as a blast if he needed to.

Kira has made a routine for his day.

1. Wake up and hunt for something to eat.

2. Train his combat skill's.

3. Kill any grimm he would come across and collect the item's they would drop.

4. Sell the item's from the grimm he killed and hunt something to eat for dinner.

5. Meditate and practice ki control and then sleep.

6. Repeat.

"Status" Kira


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Saiyan]


[Exp: 453/1000

[Shop point's: 5,455]

[Stat point's: 9]

[Health: 140>190]

[Strength: 48>50]

[Agility: 28>50]

[Vitality: 28>50]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo} {Ki manipulation} {Flying} {Cooking}]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer}


"Haha I have became stronger then i was when i first arrived here. Hell when the main story start's i might be the strongest thing to exist on this planet" Kira said as he went in to his cave to cook himself dinner. The first time Kira tried to cook for himself he almost died by food poisoning. So after that he asked Ayano to buy the best cooking manual the shop had, but he could not afford it and had to settle for a cooking manual that costed three thousand system point's.

But it was worth it, although at the beginning it still tasted like shit after a month he was already a pro at cooking amazing tasting food with the little he had. He started to wonder what the best cooking manual would be able to do, Just thinking about it made Kira's mouth start watering.

Kira had started saving up system point's for bloodline's he wanted to get, such as.

1. Alucard's bloodline} The reason Kira wanted this bloodline is because he would get immortality, but the hole sucking people's blood is making him ponder on the idea.

2. Uchiha bloodline} Reason because fucking Susanoo.

3. Hyuga bloodline} The reason behind this one is because of the byakugan would let him block someone's aura, or so he hoped.

But they all costed a lot of point's with the cheapest being the hyuga bloodline then it's the Alucard's bloodline and finally the Uchiha bloodline. Kira wanted the Alucard bloodline the most because he wanted to be immortal, like who wouldn't want to be immortal. But that doesn't matter because by the time the main story start's Kira will hopefully be able to have all of them.

Kira also some more weapon's so he asked Ayano to compile a list of weapon's so he can go through them all, which she did. So Kira went through them all and found the one's he would like to get.

1. DMC Yamato} Kira wanted this in the beginning because it can open portal's, and also the fact it's a cool sword.

2. DMC Ebony & Ivory} Kira though it would be nice to have the two custom made hand gun's encase he just wanted to shoot some stuff.

3. Spirit spear chastiefol} King's spear from seven deadly sin's because it can regenerate.

And some more interesting weapon's he found. But right now he needed to worry about getting stronger, so that's what he is going to focus on, So after eating Kira sat down and started to mediate to better control his ki.

Kira was sitting in a lotus position while circulating his ki through his body. he did this well into the night so after the sun was long gone he went to his bed and went to sleep.


The next day when Kira woke up he decided to break his routine and went to explore.

After exploring for about an hour Kira found a river that led to a waterfall so Kira decided to jump in. He hadn't taken a shower since before he got here. So he knew he didn't smell the greatest, but that didn't matter because training was more important. But that did not stop him from enjoying the feeling of the water.

Kira then got a idea to meditate under the waterfall, so that's what he did he started to meditate under the running water while using his ki to make him float. If someone where to see him they would think he was some kind of god by the way he was floating, that and because of the way he looked.

Kira felt at peace for the fist time in awhile, so much in fact that he didn't move for hour's the animal's had came from the forest and started to drink out of the river that the waterfall led into.

Then out of nowhere Kira heard a notification in his head and what he found shocked him.


[New skill unlocked]

{Mind of a God} This skill will calm host if he get's to upset or nervous and will let host think more rationally and thoroughly.


"What that's amazing, but wait Ayano isn't that the same as the gamer's mind skill from the comic the gamer's mind" Kira

[To a certain degree yes, but it is a lot more powerful then that skill senpai] Ayano

"Hhhhmmmm well i guess i should head back to the cave to eat, ahhh but this day was so relaxing. but it was a little weird that there was no grimm that tried to attack me or any thing." Kira said heading back to his cave.

Once kira got back to his cave he ate a animal he found on his way back. After eating he headed to bed to go to sleep, he woke up the next morning and went back to his routine day after day . But every now and again he would go to the waterfall to meditate which he doesn't know why but whenever he did no grimm would ever bother him, not like he was complaining, he just found it a little weird is all.

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