

Ayra's mind froze when another stone came inside without any notice and caused an annoymous sound. Her heart raced in anxiety and hope. Inhaling a deep breath to comfort her anxious mind, she bit her bottom lips down, fisted the bedsheets underneath her fists and hauled up from the bed to tiptoe towards the direction of corridor.

Her pace was abrupt and little shaky. If she didn't mistake, she knew that what was this stone meant. When she arrived at the corner, she gasped looking down at the person under her room. More than being terrified after finding Seth so suddenly in here, a glimmer of pain quickly creepted through all over her expression. Especially the way Seth was looking up at her with full of doubts and questions, it killed her.

What answer would she give him? How will she tell him that she was going to someone else not Seth anymore?

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