

SEGA for the pre-established characters and world. Love you, Sega!

TEAM ARI AND MARIO'SFRIEND9 for inspiration with the game (MARIO) The Music Box.

TOBY FOX AND UNDERTALE TEAM for inspiration for those very Amalgamate-like monsters in the lab. Also just general inspiration.

DANUHA2526 for indirectly inspiring me to get into game development through his own game, Sonic.EXE The Spirits Of Hell, where I made a heavy beta for a game called (SONIC) The Hourglass, an unrealized project which inspired me to make this book to tell the story. You probably don't know who I am, Danuha, but you inspired me to conjure up the vision of this story. It would not exist without you.

R. A. MONTGOMERY, CONSTANCE CAPPEL for writing the original Choose Your Own Adventure books which this book has its choice mechanic built around.

EDWARD PACKARD for making the concept with which the aforementioned Choose Your Own Adventure books were built off.

MY FRIENDS for being awesome and supportive of me and my silly Sonic fanfiction. Y'all are the best. I love you guys.

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG you're my hero, Sonic. Sorry for all the horrible things that happen to you in this book. Love you, boo. Keep on running.

MY EDITORS for editing this book. It would not be the same without them.

YOU for reading. Thank you. See you next book.

Cheers, ENF.

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