

Aimero rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I was unaware that you were all aware of my status. Is it something I did that gave it off?"

Meddy shrugged, "For one," he raised his sword, "the werewolves immediately knew you were a drakkon by your scent. Are you ready?"

Aimero unsheathed his sword, and placed the scabbard to the side, "That does not mean that I would be discovered for being a royal drakkon, does it?"

Meddy shook his head, his pink hair bobbing side to side, "Of course not. The other thing that made you look suspicious is that you were a drakkon placed into the first house despite the fact that the males in our house have already reached the quota."

The drakkon got into his stance, holding his sword tightly with both hands, "There is still no way you could have discovered it by just looking at those two factors. I'm ready."

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