

Quira followed Lexine into her room. As per usual, there were books and parchments strewn all over the place. Lexine did not seem to care as she pushed them off of her bed and onto the floor. She took her place on the bed and patted it.

Quira shook her head at Lexine's actions. Lexine did not seem to notice that Quira was disappointed with the way she had thrown the books to the floor. She was excited to finally open her music trunk.

Quira sighed, "Okay, let us begin. Follow the first steps I showed you first."

Lexine crossed her legs over each other and placed her hands on her knees. "After you visualize your energy flowing in you, I want you to direct it to your hands."

Lexine followed her instructions, visualizing sending all the 'electricity' in her system to her hands.

Once again, Quira was amazed by the quick mastery of her energy that Lexine seemed to have. She felt the energy that had been dripping all around Lexine's body stop and get directed to her hands.

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