

When they arrived at the house, Lexine was in the kitchen cutting up some vegetables. She had allocated duties to Meddy, Quira, Raveer, and Sevin who had insisted on helping her with cooking. Cardial had also been dragged into the kitchen by Raveer.

Lexine had decided to make some of the easier dishes and see how they would like them. So she definitely needed help in the kitchen. Making pizza dough and chapatti dough was not an easy task though. These she had learned from watching how her mother did them. When her father was alive, her mother would google different types of foods from all around the world for her dad, trying to satiate his palate.

These she left to Sevin who, they had discovered could not chop anything without endangering his hands. Since Cardial was not good at making anything, all the chopping duties were allocated to him.

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