
Jessica. A True Birthing

A beautiful woman was lying on a hospital bed, her pink satin gown bunched up to her stomach. She was in labor—her baby moments from entering the world.

The woman was beautiful, despite her thick dark hair pulled back into a haphazard bun and escaped tendrils that stick to the sweat on her forehead and cheeks.

Just as any woman would be, she was anxious about the end of this nine-month battle and, much to her husband's dismay, they had decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise. It had been her idea to wait, she enjoyed the suspense of not knowing what to expect. Whereas her husband's impatience couldn't afford the long wait.

The woman's three other baby boys were at home, being taken care of by the family's long-time caretaker. If it were up to the woman, they would all be there to welcome their youngest sibling into the family, but she knows it would be too much of a risk for the whole family to be in one place.

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