
Twisted: Part One

Chapter 43: Twisted: Part One.

(Three days later.)

Kes's POV


I entered the holodeck, expecting to see Neelix in Sandrines. I stepped through the holodeck doors and onto the Paris street. I opened the double doors to Sardines and was met with pure darkness and the faint sound of repressed giggling in the background.

"Hello? Anybody here? Neelix?" I called out. Taking slow unsteady steps into the room. Suddenly the room brightened up, showing a large majority of the crew smiling at me.

"Surprise!" The crew said together from behind the furniture with the Sardines characters. They moved to surround me, I was confused, to say the least. What were they celebrating? Yes, it is my birthday, but only Neelix knows that-

Oh, Neelix. He must have told everyone. Neelix came up and gave me a big hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, my sweet." He greeted, pulling back from me with a big smile. The Captain, followed by her children and dog, handed me a small present from the children.

"Happy birthday, Kes." Micheal chirped first before the Captain and Sarah followed the congrats.

"Imagine, two years old today. If you ask me, you don't look a day over one." Neelix commented.

"Why was everyone hiding?" I asked.

"Oh, it's an old Earth custom called a surprise party," Tom explained slipping into my vision.

"Sorry if we startled you." Captain Janeway apologized as I set the presents down.

"No, I liked it. It was very exhilarating."

"Now, how about a glass of my special birthday punch? Garçon?" Neelix called out, waving to the bar. I looked towards the bar to see the Doctor in beret and smock, cleaning glasses and holding a rag.

"On the rocks or straight up?" The Doctor asked with a smirk. I grinned and walked over to the bar. Smiling at him as the group separated, but the Captain, Mollie and Neelix joined me.

"Doctor! I'm so glad you're here." I exclaimed. Then Sandrine draped herself over the Doctor's shoulders and cuddled against him loveling. Causing him to cringe.

"My new bartender. Handsome, isn't he?" She boasted.

"I'm here in an official capacity, of course. In case of a medical emergency." He quickly explained, trying to detach Sandrine from him.

"Emergency?" I asked,

"Surprises have been known to cause acute hyperventilation, oesophageal spasms and in extreme cases, even coronary arrest. One can never be too careful." He explained, gathering a glare from Neelix and an eye roll from Sarah.


Bini Filters's POV

"I've completed the sensor diagnostic, Lieutenant. All systems are fully operational." Harry chirped loudly to Tuvok who currently sat in the command chair and I stood at the security station and one more ensign sat at comm.

"Very good, Ensign." Tuvok congratulated with his usual dead tone. I groaned in annoyance and started tapping on the console in boredom. Harry shot me an annoyed look.

"Do you really need to do that?" He snapped.

"Yes, because you are boring me to death." I snapped back. He ignored me and stared back down at his console. There was another moment of silence before Harry perked up again with a spark of an idea in his eyes.

"And I've recalibrated the accelerometer relays." He jumped in. Tuvok shifted uncomfortably as he had a stern glare at a padd.


"Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" He chirped up again unpatiently.

For the love of God, Harry.

"I presume this notable impatience is due to your desire to attend the festivities in Holodeck two." Tuvok replied.

"Yes, sir.

"May I remind you that your duty shift does not officially terminate for another thirty-four minutes? However, I believe the holodeck power conduits would benefit from routine inspection."

"Yes, sir! I'll get right on it." Harry almost ran to the turbo lift, but managed to pull it together.

"All stop. Mister Kim."

We all looked towards the viewscreen. Something fuzzy was approaching the ship.

"Um...What is that?" I asked.

"Magnify. I am afraid that holodeck inspection will have to wait, Ensign."


Random Crewmembers POV

"Wait till you taste this cake. Seven layers of Jibelian fudge and the icing is made from pureed l'maki nuts, Kes's favourite." Neelix boasted as he held up a colourful blue cake. Under normal circumstances, I would be delighted to eat a cake but have experience with Neelix's cooking I would rather not.

"Now make a wish and blow out the candles." The Captain insisted as we all surrounded a delighted Kes as Neelix held out the cake towards her.

"What do I wish for?"

"Anything your petit coeur desires, ma cherie. And with a figure like hers, she'll probably get it too." Sandrine pitched in from the bar while still trying to impress the Doctor as he gave her a disgusted look and once again tried to pry her away from him.

"Okay, I wish for-"

"Don't tell us!" B'Elanna barked suddenly. Scaring some of the people around her. "The wish has to be a secret if it's going to come true."

Kes nodded and blow out the two candles on the cake with one swift breathe.

"I hate to interrupt this tender little moment, Tommy boy, but don't you think it's about time we shot a rack?" One of the holograms, who I think was named Gaunt Gary, nudged Tom.

"In a minute. Birthday gifts are also an Earth tradition." He insisted and gave Kes a small wrapped present

"Oh, thank you, Tom. You didn't have to." Kes insisted.

"Hey, who am I to fly in the face of tradition?" Tom joked. Getting a jealous glare from Neelix. Kes slowly unwrapped the present and opened a small box. Which revealed a beautiful pendant. Micheal and Sarah gawked at the necklace.

"Tom, it's beautiful. It must have cost you a week's worth of replicator rations." Kes said in amazement.

"Two weeks actually, but who's counting? I'm just glad you like it.

"May I?" The Captain asked. Kes handed her the pendant carefully. "Oh, that's lovely. You see, it's a locket. You put little photographs in here. It keeps the people you love close to your heart."


Micheal Janeway's POV

I was starting to feel a bit too closed in. There are a lot of people around us. Mommy was explaining to Kes about the gift. I tugged on Sarah's sleeve and gestured her to follow me. I grabbed Mollie's collar and lead them to the bar where the Doctor was working.

Sarah and I sat on the high stools and grinned at the Doctor as he came towards us. Putting down a recently washed glass.

"What can I get you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Milk, please. For both." I replied with as much professionalism as I could muster, like Mommy. Like Daddy. We watched as the Doctor filled up our glasses and set them in front of us. I took a sip and turned slightly around to watch the room. There wasn't really anything else I could do.

Commander Chakotay walked over to the other side of the bar and got a glass of punch from the Doctor. He thanked him and also turned around to watch the room as he leaned against the bar. Neelix, who seemed to be fuming, marched over to Chakotay and stood next to him.

"Did you see that?" Neelix hissed. Chakotay looked around, then to Neelix with confusion.

"See what?"

"He." Neelix snapped. Gesturing to Tom. "He. He did a lovely wrapping job, don't you think?" Neelix explained with obvious jealously radiating off of him. Mommy moved away from Kes and Tom. Meeting us at the bar. She smiled down at us and rubbed our backs and patted Mollie.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chakotay looking towards us. But he was obviously looking towards Mommy and no one else.

"Are you two enjoying yourselves?" She asked. Truthfully I was bored. I wanted to go play in holodeck one.

"Yep." Sarah bubbly chirped as I nodded.

"Bridge to Janeway." Tuvok's voice cut through. Mommy tapped her combadge.

"Go ahead, Lieutenant."

"Captain, we have encountered an unusual phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon." Tuvok's voice got louder and louder. Everyone stopped. Sarah and I covered our ears.

"Mommy! Make it stop!" Sarah pleaded as Mollie whined in distress. Mommy charged across the holodeck towards B'Elanna who had opened the holodeck panel, trying to fix the issue as Tuvok's voice continued to echo across the area.

"What is going on, Lieutenant?"

"It might simply be a localized malfunction, but I've never heard anything like it. My guess is-" The sound abruptly cut as B'Elanna fixed the problem. "It's a problem with the com system itself."

"Janeway to Bridge." Mommy said tapping her combadge. No response. "Get down to Engineering and run a diagnostic. I'm afraid we're going to have to cut your party short, Kes. Stations, everyone. Let's move."

"But, but, what about the Jibelian fudge cake?" Neelix stammered as everyone started to leave.

"Save me a slice, won't you?" Mommy called back as she leads us out.


Harry Kim's POV

"These readings indicate the space ahead of us is literally changing shape. My best guess is it's some type of spatial distortion wave." I reported once I was back to my station at Ops.

"Is the anomaly responsible for the comm. system malfunction?" Tuvok questioned.

"I think so. It's generating intense pulses of EM radiation, and if we don't get out of its way, it's going to intercept us in less than ten minutes."

"Acknowledged. Full reverse, Ensign." Tuvok ordered the ensign at the front.

"Aye, sir."

"We can't go backwards either, Mister Tuvok. The distortion has completely surrounded us like a ring." I reported again.

"If we can not go around it, then we will have to go through it."

"What if it blows up the ship?" Bini blurted out.

"From what Ensign Kim has told me, the distortion ring will make contact with us momentarily whether we attempt to pass through it or not. I prefer to minimize the amount of time that contact lasts. Shields at maximum. Warp three. Engage."

The ship hummed as the ship started to move towards the distortion. Suddenly, the ship jolted and shook for a moment.

"The distortion ring has collapsed the warp field. Engines are offline." The ensign at Com reported.

"Ensign Kim and Ensign Filters. Find the Captain and inform her of our status." Tuvok ordered.

"Yes, sir."


Bini Filters POV

(10 minutes later.)

"Well...This is a first." I announced as Harry and I walked down the corridor, wondering...correction, knowing we were lost. We were supposed to be on deck six to find the holodeck. But it seems to have...disappeared...

"I know what you are going to say. We are NOT lost." Harry insisted. "I studied every peek and corner of Voyager before the mission. We are not lost."

"Oh really? Then why don't you please lead us to the holodeck. Oh wait, WE ARE LOST!" I argued.

"Bini, I swear-"

"Ensign Kim, Ensign Filters?" The familiar voice of Lieutenant Walter Baxter called out to us down the corridor. "I've been trying to report a problem in the gym, but the comm. system seems to be down."

"We've encountered a spatial distortion. It's knocked out several systems." I said.

"Maybe that explains why the gym got so cold." Baxter muttered.

"Cold?" Harry repeated.

"I didn't notice it at first. I was working out so hard. Then I realized it was under ten degrees C. The environmental controls didn't respond to my commands and neither did the comm. system." Baxter explained. Hmmm, that was...strange. Also, I would rather not know how harder he was working out. Just a personal preference.

"Engines are offline too. We're looking for the Captain to let her know what's going on." Harry replied. Trying to reassure him.

"Should I report to my duty station?"

"It might not be a bad idea. Until we find out exactly what's going on, everybody should be on standby." Harry ordered. Baxter nodded and moved past us.

"I'll round up my security team."


Tom Paris's POV

"The first thing I want to do when we get to the Bridge is to establish a remote comm. link to Engineering. I want to know exactly what's going on." The Captain ordered. I bent down and showed Mollie some love before standing back up and brushing off my uniform.

"Aye, Captain." Chakotay replied with that puppy dog look. Man, he is lovesick. The turbo lift opened and we walked on...The deck four corridor? What the hell is going on?

"Where are we?" Janeway asked.

"Deck four." I replied.

"If the comm. system's malfunctioning, the computer could be misreading our voice commands." Chakotay suggested

"That might explain why it took us here instead of the Bridge." I replied.

"We'd better try setting the controls manually." The Captain suggested as we reentered the turbo lift. Determined to get to the right area this time.


Kes's POV

"Did you enjoy your first surprise party, sweeting?" Neelix sweetly asked as we made our way down the corridor towards my quarters. I looked up at him with a soft smile and nodded.

"It was wonderful. Thank you." I said. Neelix wrapped his arm around my waist in love.

"I thought you'd like it. The cake, the presents. What was your favourite part?" He asked. I shrugged. Unsure of how to respond.

"I suppose what I liked best was that all my friends were there." I answered.

"Ah, that was nice, wasn't it? And don't forget that beautiful necklace Tom Paris gave you." Neelix said, with what I that was a hint of jealously at the mention of Tom.

"Do you really like it?" I asked. Hoping he wasn't acting jealous again. I hate it when that happens.

"Oh, why wouldn't I like it? Paris obviously has excellent taste."

"I was afraid you might be a little jealous."

"Who, me? Don't be silly." Neelix replied innocently.

"Are you sure?"

"You, my dearest, have seen the last of that green-eyed pus hog called jealousy." He assured me.

"I'm glad."

"Of course, Paris did replicate that locket, whereas I baked the Jibelian fudge cake from scratch." He boasted. I laughed, congratulating Neelix as we came to a stop in front of my quarters- What...That isn't my name on the door. These aren't my quarters.

"These aren't my quarters. Did we take a wrong turn somewhere?" I asked. Spinning towards Neelix for answers who simply shrugged.

"I was just following you."


B'Elanna Torres's POV

I marched down the corridor towards engineering. Boy, the engineering department were about to have the dressing down of a lifetime. I entered through the doubled Engineering doors, then I abruptly stopped dead.

This was the messhall.

Some of the crew that were inside the messhall, casting me confused looks.

"Is everything all right, Lieutenant?" A nearby Ensign from science asked.

"This isn't Engineering." I stated in disbelief.


Tom Paris's POV

"-And have someone take a look at the turbolift voice receptors, Commander."

"Aye, Captain."

"All right I have done it." I replied. Then shut the control panel. Setting the destination to the bridge. I stood back up, patting Mollie on the head and the door opened to reveal engineering. Great. Just, great.

"This is Engineering. What's going on here?" The Captain demanded.

"It looks like we're dealing with more than just a comm. system malfunction." Chakotay exclaimed.

"Computer, Bridge." The Captain barked as the door closed.


B'Elanna Torres's POV

Why the hell do all the corridors look the same? Who the hell in Starfleet thought making everything look the same was a good idea. Then I saw Baxter walking towards me, seeming to be in the same state of confusion as I was.

"Baxter, what are you doing here?" I asked, coming to a stop in front of him.

"I wish I knew. I'm trying to get to the cargo bay." He replied.

"And I'm trying to get to Engineering." I replied.

"I can't find the cargo bay, and I can't find my security team. I've been wandering around for about ten minutes." He explained.

"Well, at least I know I'm not crazy. Unless we both are."

"No," He refuted. "Something very strange is going on. Ensign Kim and Filters said we'd encountered a spatial distortion."

"Did they say what kind?" I asked.

"No, they went to find the Captain."

"The Captain is on her way to the Bridge. But if she's having the same trouble we are, who knows if she can get there. I'm going to keep trying to get to Engineering." I told him.

"Good luck."


Doctor's POV

"The holodeck again?" I snapped in irritation. I was trying to get back to sickbay but twice the computer has simply spat me back into the holodeck.

"Ah ha!" Sandrine shrieked in delight at the sight of me and started to gracefully move towards me.

"This is infuriating."

"Oh, stop playing games, ma cherie. I know why you keep coming back to work, even though your bartending shift is over. It's to see me, of course." She boasted in some delusion fantasy.

"How many times do I have to tell you, madam? I am a doctor, not a bartender." I snapped at her.

"Of course you are." She purred and grabbed my face, shoving her lips into mine.


I yanked away and turned to the direction of the voice. I saw Bini and Harry standing at the entrance of Sandrine's.

"Ensign Kim. I was just, er-" I stammered out.

"Sure, Doc. Sure." Bini said with a smirk.

"Playing doctor. Hi." Sandrine pitched in.

"The Captain and the others went to investigate the phenomenon Mister Tuvok reported." I explained trying to move past the uncomfortable situation.

"So all of you heard his report before the comm. system failed?" Harry asked.

"Only a fraction of it."

"Well, I'm sure Tuvok's filled them in with the rest by now. What are you still doing on the holodeck, besides playing doctor, that is?" Harry joked. Getting a well-deserved scowl from me.

"For your information, I have been attempting to transfer myself back to Sickbay. But each time I try, I reappear here." I argued.

"That's...strange." Bini replied.

"Not to mention extremely irritating. I can't seem to shut down Mister Paris's holoprogram either."

"Computer, end holodeck programme Paris Three. Computer, arch." Harry ordered...Nothing. Not that I expected anything. "Either the holoemitters are malfunctioning or the computer's not accepting voice commands. I'm sorry, Doctor. We don't have time to help you right now."

"Wait just a minute." I snapped as the pair moved to leave.


"Where do you think you are going?"

"I've got to get back to the Bridge. Filters as to find her security team. We're in the middle of a crisis." Harry bluntly replied.

"All the more reason I should be back in Sickbay. I'm sure that the Captain and the others will be able to do without you two for a few more minutes." I insisted. Bini slumped in defeat and simply shrugged. Slipping into one of the nearby chairs as Harry rolled his eyes.

"I guess you're right. I'll have a look at the holocontrols." He muttered in haste and moved towards the holodeck controls.


Micheal Janeway's POV

Sarah and I walked down the corridor. I stopped at each door and looked at the names. Why are they all messed up? I don't understand.

"Micheal? Micheal?" Sarah pouted with annoyance. I ignored her as I continued to repeat the process. Trying to figure out what was happening.

"Miccchhheeaall!" Sarah cried and yanked on my arm. I spun around and glared at her.

"What is it?" I barked.

"Why is everything messed up?" She innocently asked. I sighed and kept going. I don't know. I just don't know.

"I don't know Sarah. Maybe we should go find Mommy. She probably knows." I suggested.

"Okay." She chirped.

I stopped once I turned the bend and saw Harry working outside of Holodeck two.

"Harry?" I called out. He jolted up in surprise and looked at us.

"Kids? What are you-"

"Harry!" A booming female voice called out. B'Elanna appeared from the other end of the corridor and jabbed a finger against his chest. "Just answer one question, Starfleet. Where is here?"

"W-What?" He stammered out in confusion.

"Where am I?" She repeated.

"Outside Holodeck two. Are you feeling okay?" He asked. B'Elanna growled and started to pace. Running a hand through her hair.

"I have been walking in circles for the past twenty minutes trying to get to Engineering." She snapped.

"That happened to us too!" Sarah jumped in.

Then from behind us, Neelix and Kes appeared. I didn't see them beside us when we were walking. Where did they come from?

"Kes, my sweet, you have many wonderful attributes. Your sense of direction is not one of them, because-" Neelix was saying to Kes as they came closer to us. They came to an abrupt stop once they noticed us. "Oh, er, Harry, B'Elanna. Maybe you can help us. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but we can't seem to find Kes's quarters."

Then the nearby turbolift opened to reveal, Mommy, Commander Chakotay and Tom stepping out (With Mollie, of course.) They all looked around in confusion before setting their eyes on us.

"I don't suppose anyone here knows the way to the Bridge?"

---End of Chapter 43: Next: Twisted, Part Two.---

AN: I am very uncreative this week, please leave comments for feedback, what you liked, etc. Hope everyone is safe. The next chapter will be longer of course!

UnknownFilterscreators' thoughts
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