
Confusing Actions

As Shasta stood dumbfounded by Lawrence's question, Dr. Gohan stuck his head out of the princess' room, and asked the nurses to get the patient some food. The two women smiled, nodded, then took off towards the way Shasta had come.

   The medical ward of the palace was on the third floor. Only two staircases led to it; one at each end of the building. Marco didn't want the structural integrity to be compromised, so no alterations were done to the third floor, or the staircases leading to it. Magnus' advisors suggested moving it to the first level, but Marco advised against it.

   The medical ward was on the top floor for security purposes as well. If the king fell ill, it was harder to get to him. If a prisoner needed medical attention, the ward had two easily guarded exits. The only other way out was to jump out of a third story window. With Marco's pointed arguments, the king's advisors had backed off.

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