
Really? You got some guts

"Will you chase us?" Hector asks, looking at the two. "We would never let you leave!" They said warning him if he want to do something. "We'll see…" Hector smirks looking at the opened window in front of him, "Don't you dare!" They shouts, Hector ignores their warning and jumps out the window, as Arkus throws a bottle of dust, and when the bottle hits the ground, smokes covered the cart, blinding their sights.

Hector's hand grab to the railing on the train roof and flips his body, as his foots land safely on the roof. He maintain his balance as Arkus crawl back to his shoulder, since he's clinging to him when he flips.

The two thief must noticed Hector is on the roof, since Hector made a pretty loud noises when his foots land on the roof, shortly their noises was heard, they poke their head outside looking up at Hector who is smugly smirking at them. They look pissed and pull their heads back. Probably looking for the ladder to chase him.

"Let's go." Hector said as he walks to another cart to avoid the two thief. He looks down from the edge, and jump down, as he nearly falls to the side if Arkus didn't pull his leg. "Thanks!" Hector grins, as Arkus jumps back to his shoulder. "No problem." He replies.

Hector opens the door to see all the passengers in the cart tied up and with tape on their mouths. He quickly rush to the nearest passenger side and carefully take off the tape. "Who tied you up, sir?" He asks, while slicing the rope. "A g-group of thief! A-And t-thank you for freeing me young man!" The man said thanking him for his helps, "I didn't do much. Can you help us with these ropes? It will be a big help!" Hector grins before forming a knife with his right hand and give it to him, "A-Ah, sure!"

Theresa step back a couple feet, as the two thief stands up and aims their guns at her, the two pulls the triggers the bullets flies at her Theresa reacted by slicing the bullets, with her flames, the pieces of bullets falls to the ground, Theresa kicks their faces, sending them flying across the cart. Theresa clenched her right fist as flames chokes both of their necks.

"Who were you with?" Theresa asks walking closer to them. "Like hell we'd open our mouth!" One of them mocks as Theresa clench her fist tighter. "That d-doesn't hurt…" He grunts holding in the pain. "Fine." Theresa shrugs and clench her fist more and look at the other thief. "How about you. Tell me, who are you with, or you'll face the same fate as him." She threatened, as he gulps, his eyes shows fear. "W-We're with 7 peoples, including us too…" He confessed. His crewmate stares in betrayal. Theresa then let go of the grips, feeling satisfied with his answer. She snaps her finger as fire ropes tied them, so they wouldn't try to get away.

"Don't worry. It won't burns your body…I guess?" Theresa giggles looking back at them with a hint of evil in her eyes. She then walks back to where Celine and Aiden is, ignoring the screaming the two thief releases.

Zeolite and Ashley was walking along the cart, until Commander Z blocks their way. "Who are you?" Zeolite asks staring at him, Commander Z let out a chuckle, before turning around without saying a word. "Oi, I'm not done yet!" Zeolite shouts trying to reach for him, as the cart door in front of him suddenly closed.

"What the hell?" He asks trying to open the door but it won't open. He tries to kick it as it just knocks him away, "Damn, that's harsh." Ashley said surprises at how he was thrown. "Tch…Rune Magic…" Zeolite mutters standing up and looks back to see any ladder to go up the roof.

Hector finished the last ropes and helps the woman to stand up. "Please stay in the cart. We'll take care the rest." Hector said trying to make them stay put in one place. When he was sure things is okay between them, he runs to the other cart along with Arkus following him.

"Let's go you two." Theresa said to Celine and Aiden. "R-Right." Aiden said nervously. Celine stands up without help, she look up to Theresa, "So, what happens?" she asks, "Thief. They wouldn't be harmful if they don't have guns." Theresa said offering her hand to Celine as she accepted. "That's bad…" Celine frowns, worried about the other passengers.

"Let's get to the others." Theresa said walking to the cart door and opens it, the train has 12 carts, and she's in the soft drinks cart which is the third from the last cart. When she got to the cart 8, she sees passengers being tied up with tapes on their mouths. "Welp, we got more work to do." Theresa said, she raise her index finger as fire shot up from her index finger.

Zeolite and Ashley is on the roof, with the wild winds gushing on the background. "The winds strong today." Ashley said while blocking her eyes with her arms. Zeolite tries to look forward, and see single figure in front on the other cart. "There he is." Zeolite said identifying him by his fox mask. "Who?" Ashley asks behind him, using his body to block the winds from her eyes. "What are you doing behind me." Zeolite asks looking back from his shoulder.

"Blocking the winds off. I'm big brain to use you as a shield." Ashley snickered, Zeolite grabs her head and put her beside him. She's surprisingly light. Maybe since there is no calories goes to her boo- nevermind actually.

"Who is he?" Ashley asks pointing to Commander Z. "Unknown. But he block out way before." Zeolite said staring at Commander Z, who does nothing but stares back at them. "Should we attack?" Ashley asks, "Whatever you think. I'm just go with it." Zeolite said letting her do her things. "Yes!" Ashley cheered happily.

She rush at him, throwing her kick at him, Commander Z blocks it by putting both of his hands above his head, he push his hands, throwing her to Zeolite position, Zeolite sighs then runs at him, he swings his sword at him, as Commander Z block his sword with his bare hands, Zeolite is surprised by how he can do that. Zeolite unintentionally let his guard down as Commander Z take the chance and kicks his stomach, sending him flying a couple feet away, Ashley then suddenly appears from below and punch his jaw, throwing Commander Z back.

Ashley smirks in victory then run at him, Commander Z quickly regain his consciousness and avoid Ashley's attack. Ashley didn't let him to catch a breath and kicks his mask, she spin her body and place her right palm on the ground, as her foots land on the ground. "C'mon, is that all you got?!" Ashley said wanting more action.

Commander Z stands up and walks behind. "Hey, are you running away?" Ashley asks, she didn't see what is in front of her, she's too focus on Commander Z, he jump down the cart connection and goes in the cart. "Hey-" "Ashley!" Zeolite quickly grab her torso and jumps down the side of the cart, holding onto the railing.

The train enters the tunnel. Luckily the tunnel is wide to the side. Since he don't have time to slides down the cart connection, and decides to cling on the sides. After a while, the tunnel finally come to an end, Zeolite pull his body up, letting Ashley goes up first, she helps him by grabbing his hands, pulling him up. "That was close. Thank you." She said thanking him for what he done. "No problem." Zeolite replies while flexing his fingers.

Commander Z successfully escaped the two, but unfortunately. He crossed way Hector and Arkus. Both staring at him suspiciously. "Who are you?" Hector scowls, Commander Z can't speaks, since Hector will immediately recognize his voice. Commander Z stays silent, making Hector annoyed, "I'm asking a damn question! Oi! Don't ignore me!" Hector shouts, as Commander Z just turns around and walks away to another cart. "Oi!!! Come back here!!!" Hector shouts running after him, as Commander Z casts a Bound Spell, stopping him from moving.

"W-What is this?" Hector grunts, he can't move any of his body. "Bound Spell!" Arkus said answering his questions. "Hey! You! Dispel this Bound Spell!" Hector shouts angrily, Commander Z slowly leave his sight. "Damn you!" Hector shout loudly. "There's no point on cursing." Arkus sighs sitting still on his shoulder. "Psh, yeah." Hector said rolling his eyes. "Can somebody help us?" Hector asks, "Like I know." Arkus replies. "You're not helping." Hector groans, "And so are you." Arkus scoffs. "Yeah, we're both useless in this current situation." Hector said, "Nah, it's you who is useless." Arkus said didn't want to be useless. "Excuse me, what did you do when we fight? You just sit still on my shoulder!" Hector retorted. The two continue to speaks about each other bad attitudes. Mocking each other.

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