
Whisper Game

"Ugh… Yeoboseyo? Ne, San-shin?" Nayeon body achingly picks up a phone call and the first thing she does is tease Momo.

They went hiking yesterday as shared on Twicetagram. The grannies passing by were shocked seeing a mane too bright that they called Momo as san-shin, meaning mountain spirit.

"Unnie", Momo scratches head as she looks over to Sana hyper-focusingly cooing on Boo, the newly gotten puppy. "Uhh~ How come it's okay for us to do things together? I mean, why can't those two get away with IT like we do?"

The unnie wipes face perking herself up "Momo-yah, the circumstances are different. We're unlike Sana and Jihyo, we're not a couple. OUR manner of clearing the issue wouldn't make people get the wrong idea…"

Momo's circumstance is that of dealing with Heechul, whom Twice could personally ask and make considerate arrangements with. While Jihyo was paired to an entire stranger, arranged only among companies.

Pure business. The thing about such deals is that they are ruthlessly professional. There's no room for friendly compromises.

Jeong has sensed that the weeks of peace were too good to be true. Her hunch was amplified when Mina got weirded out gaming on SuperStar JYPNATION. She said "Eh, what is this?! Suddenly, there's Kang Daniel ad??"

It occurred to Jeongyeon that Konnect may be asserting their end of the bargain and JYPE had to deliver. So when the manager informed them about the meeting, she gulped in concern sensing another of fate's betrayal towards Jihyo.

She has asked Jihyo then to be more careful. She personally experienced how JYPE could get back at them even just for a beer Vlive broadcast back in July 2019. It's petty. But really, how much careful is careful and in what way?

The Jjakkungs met the Board. Some directors were disappointed at what they're witnessing. Projected on the screen were the times that Sana and Jihyo were deemed TOO sweet that the public may get the wrong idea.

Of course, their recent conduct too was called out. Especially, the one where Sana commented "Pretty <3" on Jihyo's post. Sajangnim had to ask, "Is this necessary Sana ssi?"

"Sir, I- I don't understand… What's wrong? Isn't that just being honest and sincere." Shortly gazed at Jihyo, "Aren't we being true to ourselves? See, our mind is healthy like this."

"Sana ssi, kumanhae. You two are overdoing it."


Jihyo closed eyes for a moment as she felt slighted "Sajangnim, people are still thinking wrongly. They are SOLD to what Dispatch reported of me. Them even celebrating anniversary of me dating him?! We haven't done enou-"


"Sajangnim, you promised!" Getting carried away, "You promised to give us more opportunities to message Once. That the home I go to is not his. That Nayeon and Jeongyeon are unnies who do mind image. That Sana is my partn-"

"Until where do you plan to go?! That greed wouldn't seem to stop at simply showing you're not dating him! Can you really protect yourselves and take responsibility when the line is crossed huh?!"

JYP raised palm, interjecting "Sorry. But the situation too has come to this…"

"Kang Daniel had cut promotions, as you've known. His rest period went short though. Seems comeback's a must asap. Though he recently did, they've already lost significantly."

Confused, she asked "And so?! How does this concern us?"

"Due to the incident, we thought Konnect would withdraw the deal." CEO then bluntly told them, "Our hands are still tied Jihyo ssi."

Sana and Jihyo leaned to each other as they fumble into their seats. The CEO added, "What do you think are the exchange deal of the setup?"

Deals are never charity. Parties give what the other need. Becoming a front act doesn't just mean serving as a façade covering for someone/thing. This is what the other has given. Front act also means preceding the main act.

Anyone in that position is promised to be hyped. And so, the Sajangnim must deliver "We're giving them the sched of your content releases which, Kang Daniel could sync with. We're also taking advantage of Info Sales Routes-"

"T-those who spread company info?! Sajangnim~"

The partners were shattered by this ruthlessness; this method of utilizing even those bunch who were the cause of headache during Nayeon's stalking situation.

What info to feed them this time? The untrue, basically. Anything canon to the company's official public statement in order to supply intrigue and consequently, hype the names.

Nodding, the CEO continued "Gurae. It doesn't concern you as it is company info. NOT YOUR personal. Treat it like any other airport schedule that stalkers buy."

"As for this," his index moved in circles summing up the Jjakkungs, "I don't want you two together in the searches. Nor trending more than what's according to the deal. Meeting adjourned."

The rest had gone except for JYP himself. He couldn't bring himself to restrict the girls. During his concert last December 28th, he had spotted Sana and Jihyo side by side in their seats enjoying the show like the Jjakkungs that they are.

He had seen firsthand the happiness between the two that inspire each other. Yet there is duty to the company first. Thus, he carefully approached Sana and Jihyo who were unmoving. There went his advice as kind as he could:

"HONESTY doesn't necessarily mean making the truth known. It's enough to not tell lies and merely describe the false. Which you already did Jihyo-yah. Like that Whisper Game, it's up to them now."

That game which Twice had played a lot; and that JYP too had experienced in Knowing Brothers. It's like 'Pass the Message' but with a twist—everyone's wearing a noise-blasting headphone. The message had to be shouted. Or enunciated.

In this situation, Jihyo had passed the message. As for comprehension, it is now in Once's court. Sana seethingly spoke her mind, "If only we could get rid of the headphone, all that noise… Let's at least, NOT ADD to it PD-nim."

It pained the fatherly producer seeing how these two clasps hands, as if never wanting to back down. He had to break it to them the world's cruel reality. Yet, lent a suggestion that may be of use in the future should these two remain tightly holding each other.

"It may be bothersome to be linked with someone else. But keep it professional. Give way to the deal. It must serve purpose. Cause let's face it, THIS" gestured pertaining to Jjakkungs, "has no place in Korea."

This is how different Jihyo's situation is from Momo. What Nayeon does with Momo wouldn't make people get the wrong idea. There are no hugs and kisses involved. No sharunghae, heart switches, and 'pretty' comments.

Even if they did, the unnie has no problem confronting the matter as she is in control of the issue. The dongsaeng realizes that the Im Nayeon is with her after all.

Meanwhile, Jihyo has Sana. Though her chingu is well-loved, Sana is still just a foreigner and a Japanese at that. Add to that a cutesy-sexy image, she'd be taken lightly.

With the mood right now, Momo figures lifting it a bit. She gathers everyone at the dorm; which are only the foreign line. They decided to play a Truth or Dare game. On Sana's turn, Momo, Mina, and Tzuyu come up with a dare.

They're making her call a member of her own choosing. Then, the only words she'd utter are the lines they've thought for her. This of course didn't magically erase the issues they're enduring. But they had a good laugh.

Something could be deduced from this little game too. The Korean members are out of the dorm for days now; and that they are deeply missed. Hence, the game. A good excuse to make a call and know how they're doing.

At the time, Jihyo was picking up some homemade pet snacks at the Yoo residence. While Jeong was sharing about cat food making, the phone ringing interrupted her.

"O! It's Sana-yah." With the loudspeaker on, she greeted "Yeoboseyo?"

They were caught off guard. The words heard were, "How much do you love me? You know I really love you right?"

"Should it be passed to you", Jeong glared mouthing at Jihyo wondering why she's the one receiving this. Nonetheless, she went back to the call and received it as she would any other of Sana's. The best friend interrogated the leader right after.

"Well", Jihyo tried to explain the other complication that transpired in the boardroom. "That time, I was so full of it. Sick, tired, done. I'd do anything to wreck the deal just to stop the link to him.

And since his purpose is to cover me and Sana up, I kind of~ Blurt out that we… So that he would have nothing to cover anymore and be usele-"

"You and your misplaced pent-up anger", Jeongyeon gave her the hand shushing her.

"Week by week. Sana's solo mag feature will be released. As well as our Allure preview with your face on it. Then, we'll prepare for comeback where we'll see each other every day including in the dorm. So, how are you supposed to live with what you did?"

Feeling a secondhand embarrassment, Jeong berated Jihyo. The best friend found it necessary to call the leader, "You idiot."

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