

Rei wakes up with Haruki holding her, 'maybe I should just back away, but I can't help the feeling that he likes me back…' Rei grazes her hand through Haruki's hair as she thinks about how he treats her, and falls back asleep.

*An hour later*

Haruki wakes up and sees Rei's sleeping face and kisses her cheek, "Wait for me."

Haruki gets out of bed and gets ready as he needs to work.

*Ring ring*

"Hey, I'm on my way." Haruki says in a deep tone.

*Hangs up*

Haruki gets dressed in his work clothes, then walks to his bed as Rei is sleeping.

"I'll see you soon." Haruki says as he walks out the door.

Haruki gets in his car then drives to his job.

*Opens door*

"Hello boss." Haruki bows politely.

"Hello Haruki, did you get my message?" The boss says.

"Yea I did. You want me to get a boy from a building and then bring him back here." Haruki says in a deep tone.

"Yes, exactly. You can do this alone so I trust you." The boss says as he lets him go.

"Thank you." Haruki bows politely as he leaves.

Haruki gets the things ready to get the boy from the building. Then sets off to drive to the building.

*At building*

"Hey kid!" Haruki says as he walks through the door, "oh no."

Haruki closes the door behind and hurries to help the boy that's on the floor. The boy has bruises and cuts on his body as he's been beat.

"What is my boss going to do with you?" Haruki says as he picks up the boy.

Haruki gently puts him in his car.

*Ring ring*

"Hey boss? What do you want me to do with him?" Haruki asks.

"I want you to K*ll him. You know what you usually do." The boss says without hesitation, "He stole something from me and he needs to be punished."

"What did he steal?" Haruki asks.

"He stole my wallet, I found it at the police station. So whatever happened to him he deserved it." The boss says while scoffing.

"Okay thank you, I will go home after I'm finished. I don't think it's necessary to bring him to your building, is it?" Haruki asks as he looks in his back seat.

"No I trust you to do the job." The boss says without hesitation.

*Hangs up*

Haruki drives home and carries the boy into the bathroom and washes him. He then cleans the boys wounds and stitches him up, then puts ointment on his wounds.

Rei tries to talk to Haruki as she knocks on his door, "Hey when did you get home? Can I come in?"

"No I'm busy, I'm sorry." Haruki says as he's attending to the boy, "I'll talk to you tomorrow just get some rest."

"Okay…" Rei says as she's remembering that Haruki asked for space.

After Haruki finishes with cleaning the boy he lays the boy on his bed, "He might get a fever when he wakes up. I'll make sure to make porridge."

The boy starts sweating as he is dreaming and groaning.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here." Haruki says as he gently holds the boy in his arms.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts
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