
XXX. Not a Coincidence.

"Mommy! Daddy!" They turned their heads. The girl approached jogging with a yellow flower in her hand. "Look! it's a ladybug!"

Lugus raised her. She kept staring at the flower while being held with her raven, enormous eyes focused on the movements of the insect. The blue in the man's eyes always shined with a stir when he was looking at her.

Marie was about to say something, but she began to cough in something that sounded dry and raspy. Something that sounded as if she got hurt with sandpaper.

The girl's eyes went immediately from the ladybug to the woman. "Mommy, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah... It's just..." She kept coughing. The bigger Vanilla could swear that she was about to spit blood at any moment.

"Vani," Lugus put his daughter on the ground. "Why don't you go back home and bring mommy some water?"

"Yes, daddy!" The girl left, running to the cottage in the distance.

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