

Luke was at his job, his associates where discussing their plans to build a new water park.

Man: That's a great idea!

The other guy pulled up a pie graph

Man: Now I would think that everyone knows how a pie graph works.

25% of people doesn't like water parks, 50% of people say water parks are alright and 95% of people loves water parks.

Man: That's why—

Everything stopped when suddenly, a bullet came through the window and went through the man's head.

Blood shot everywhere and people were screaming.


Lady: What about you??

Luke: I'll be fine just go!

The lady ran away then Luke summoned his golden shield.

Bullets kept flying, some of them left bullet holes in the walls.

The guy that was shooting ran out of bullets so Luke deactivated his shield, got out a plastic baggie from his pocket and put some of the bullets inside.

Luke went up to the broken window and saw that the guy escaped.

Luke: I need to show this to John pronto.

Luke was leaving the building.

Boss: Where do you think you're going?

Luke: I'm going to the police.

Boss: I'm sorry, you can't do that!

Luke: And I'm sorry.

Boss: What—

Luke punched his boss in the face making him pass out on the hard concrete ground.


Luke went into the sewer, he showed John the bullet so that he can examine it.

John: This is the bullet of an AK-47.

(Here's a picture)

Luke: How do you know?

John: I was in the army once and they taught us how to use all sorts of guns.

Luke: That's awesome!

John: Yeah it was... Until I lost a close friend of mine.

Luke put his hand on John's shoulder.

Luke: I'm sorry for your loss.

An alert went off on the computer.

Luke: What's happening??

John: A robbery is taking place downtown! It's looks like we found our shooters, not one but three.

Luke: On it!

Luke grabbed a smoke bomb, put it in his pocket, grabbed two katana's and started to leave.

John: Don't you need practice using those weapons?!

Luke: There's no time!


Luke made it to the bank.

John: Luke can you hear me?

Luke: Did you add something to my suit.

John: Yes, press that button on the left side of your suit to talk to me and press it again to shut me up.

Luke: How do I hear you if I haven't even push the button yet??

John: Because I hacked into your suit.

Luke: That's just great.

John: Ok, when you go in there make sure that you are stealthy.

Luke: Stealthy got it!

Robber #1: There it is boys, the motherlode!

While They weren't looking, Luke ran and hurdles over the cash register ducking.

Luke shushed the cashier before he was able to say anything.

Robber #2: WHO WAS THAT?!

Robber number three slowly walked around the bank then made it to his original position.


The robbers saw a smoke bomb come from the cash register and land on the floor.

Robber #1: What the—

A puff of smoke dispersed from the smoke bomb.

The robbers were shooting the ceiling, Luke saw that a chandelier was about to crush the civilians so Luke jumped across the cash register, covered the people and activated his golden shield.

The chandelier fell on his shield then dropped to the floor.

The people looked in amazement.

Lady: Wow.... Can I feel your muscle.

Luke: (chuckles) Maybe later.

Luke deactivated his shield, the smoke was starting to vanish and Luke saw the criminal's trying to escape.

Luke: DAMN IT!

Luke threw his katanas, his katanas went through robber one and robber two's backs.

They fell to the ground but robber one managed to escaped.

The cashier called the police and the ambulance.

10 minutes later the police and some doctors showed up.

The doctors put the two men on gurneys, the police saw two katanas with blood on them and Luke.

Cop: Put your hands behind your back!

Luke did so, the cop cuffed him and put him in the car.

Another 10 minutes later Luke was in his cell.

John: Luke, where are you?

Luke: (Whispers) I'm in jail.

John: (Whispers) What??

Luke:(Whispers) Everything's going to be fine but will you do me a favor?

John: Anything.

Luke:(Whispers) Can you protect my wife and kids for me? My address is 143 Norway Street.

John: Sure thing! Your like a brother to me.

Luke: Thanks, I got to go.

John: Ok bye.

Luke: Bye

They hung up and a cop came over.

Cop: Who are you talking to?

Luke: Myself.

Cop: (Scoffs) Weirdo.

Cop: I came over to tell you that tomorrow the news people are going to the bank then coming here so you can take off your hood and reveal your identity to the world.

Luke: I'm not even going to fight.

Cop: You shouldn't! Now go to bed!

The cop turned out the lights and Luke went to bed meanwhile John went to Luke's house.

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