
Ch. 102 Controlling events pt.1

The day after the trial, I received an interesting bit of news: Lucius Malfoy was confined to his bed due to vomiting blood yesterday.

"Hahahahahaha Ha haha! I didn't know that could happen in real life! I think I might have found my new hobby~" I said to myself I a happy mood at how angry I must have made him.

So with the good news and exams done for everyone, I invited the golden trio to celebrate with Hagrid.

"Hahaha! Yeh really got teh slimy bastard to pay?!" Laughed Hagrid, ecstatic that Buckbeak is really going to be ok and that his job is safe.

It's actually more than safe with me, Christian and Hermione helping the man plan interesting lessons for him and the students. His feedback has been good and he's been improving as a teacher the more he really takes in our advice.

"That's brilliant! That posh git is also going to have to pay for the class he wanted to shut down!" Agreed Ron as he remembered the look on Draco's face when he found out.

"But are you sure you're going to be OK Aedan? He is still a very influential man, and you humiliated him." Asked a nervous Hermione.

"I played the man like a fiddle and if he steps out of line in the next 5 years he risks Azkaban itself. That's not even counting the magical contract, my ever growing financial status, widening range of contacts and the fact that I'm inheriting the Lordship from my aunt after my birthday. If the man even tries to start something it will make my day." I answer excitedly, letting the girl relax and sigh in relief. It makes it extra relieving that it's me saying this and because of my track record too.

"So Malfoy has to pay for whatever Hagrid wants to do in class?" Asked Harry with a bit of schadenfreude.

"Yup! So we are going to be able to show a lot more to students next year Hagrid! Might even be able to bring in a dragon like you dreamed of to show the seventh years!" I say happily.

"Whot? You'd really do that fo' me?" He half-giant asked feeling touched.

"We'd have to be careful, but with one of the richest men in Britain fully funding it, why not take advantage?" I said grinning wildly.

With laughter and good cheer spreading through the hut, the five of us celebrated well for the success of my intervention. Then a Hagrid who was crying out of happiness suddenly remembered something and started to look around. He took something out of a container and handed it to Ron.

"There yeh go Ron, found 'im in my pumpkins a few day's ago." He said, showing Scabbers in his massive hands.

"Scabbers! You're alive!" He shouted out happily.

"Looks like you owe someone an apology." I say to the boy, hinting towards Hermione.

But it looks like he did grow more then I thought, since he wasn't being a sarcastic ass about this.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He apologized properly, although still slightly reluctantly.

"Thank you for saying so Ron." Replied a slightly surprised Hermione.

"It is good that you've done so properly Ron. You have shown great growth in character for being able to admit fault honestly. 5 points to Gryffindor~" I announce, getting smiles all around.

"Can you do that?" Asked Hermione.

"Of course I can, I'm Head Boy. Plus I let others have biases, I'm sure the Headmaster won't mind my little favor." I reply with a happy and carefree smile.

With that settled, the party continued until it was near curfew.

"Yelp I think that's enough fun for today. Although I'm Head Boy, I can't let the three of you stay out past curfew with Black still on the loose. So up everyone goes." I announce with a smile on my face.

"He's right yeh know. Bet'er get going. No use get'in inter trouble for my sake." Agreed a slightly tipsy Hagrid.

So the four of us quickly left, but halfway to the castle 'Scabbers' wriggled out of Ron's grasp a bolted in the direction of the Whomping Willow.

'So the final act of the year begins.' I thought to myself as the kids run after it in haste.

I follow behind them and see the rat being caught right as they reached the violent tree. Harry and Hermione finally notice exactly where they are, but Ron notices the 'grim' behind them, the three of them warning each other.

The situation becomes worst for the trio as Sirius drags Ron under the tree and towards the Shrieking Shack. The stunned Harry and Hermione try to follow but I then join them.

"You know approaching this willow recklessly is not the best solution." I say from behind them.

"But the grim took Ron!" Nervously shouted Harry.

"We have to save him!" Agrees a very high pitch Hermione.

"Never said we won't. But I'll show you the proper method to handle the big guy. Christian and I explored pretty much everywhere by our third year and we both like Herbology, so we played with him a lot." I say with a calm smile as I approach the tree and pull out my wand.

The Whomping Willow notices my approach and readies itself to strike with its branches.

""Aedan look out!!"" Was the scream I heard from behind as I pointed my wand at the particular knot the tree has, causing it to freeze in place.

Having the two kids stunned at how easy I made it look, I turn and smile at them.

"Now come on you two. Didn't you want to save Ron?" I say in my smooth and calm voice.

Snapping out of their stupor, they finally run after me and join up. We walked through the long and narrow underground passageway.

"Where is this heading?" Curiously asked Hermione.

"I think I've pretty good idea." Responded Harry as we reached the Shrieking Shack.

"Isn't this..." started asking a now palling Hermione.

"Yup." I simply answered.

"The Shrieking Shack." Said Harry grimly.

"From the slight blood marks and mud stains, I'd say Ron was dragged upstairs." I simply stated.

The two kids nodded and took out their wands as we walked up to the same room as i had met Sirius before the holidays.

As they enter, they found Ron with a bleeding leg holding onto his rat like his life depended on it.

His two friends rushed towards him, but then I watched the canon unfold from the door. The reveal Sirius was an animagus, his admitting that his actions led to the death of Harry's parents and the kids wanting to protect Harry.

"Well I think that's enough of that." I say as I finally decide to interfere.

From the looks on the kids faces, it seemed like they kind of forgot I was there, and Sirius being extra surprised.

"You? You're here?" He asked.

"Yes, hello again Mr. Black. I'm sure you won't mind if I have a look at Ron's leg, I'm a proper healer after all." I say with a calm smile.

"Please. I have gone too far on the boy. I lost some control when I thought of him." He said with some guilt and anger.

"Aedan! What are you doing?! He's Sirius Black! He killed my parents!" Shouted Harry in disbelief.

"No, but he certainly feels like he did. He loved your father far too much to ever want to cause him or your mother harm. He just placed his trust in the wrong man is all." I answered the emotional boy gently as I approached Ron.

"""What!?""" They exclaimed in unison as I examined Ron's leg.

"Hmm, could have been gentler. Broke the bone and your fangs weren't exactly easy on his leg itself." I critiqued the big dog.

"I usually have a gentle disposition as a dog, in fact James more then once suggested I make the change permanent." Nostalgically answered Sirius.

"Aedan, what's going on? If you knew about him before, why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't you tell me?" Asked a hurt Harry.

"Because I didn't have any actual proof that the man was innocent until now. And I know what you would have done Harry. You would have recklessly tried to confront the man, forced him to fight you, making you hurt one of the only people in this world who truly wishes for your wellbeing above all else, resulted in an innocent man's death with no one ever knowing the truth, and the escape of your parents true betrayer." I answered gently as I fix Ron's leg.

"I-I-I..." Harry wanted to deny any of what I said, but it's true. If he had heard anything from me then he would have rushed off head first into the grasp of someone considered to be the most dangerous criminal alive at the moment.

"You said true betrayer. And that you had evidence now. What and who is it?" Then asked Hermione cautiously.

"Well, for that answer, might i borrow your rat Ron?" I asked as I put my hand out.

The trio was shocked as Sirius let me do it. He saw the trust they had in me, plus I was getting him what he wanted whilst letting Harry stay calm.

"What's Scabbers have to do with this?" Questioned Ron. I mean, it's a pretty reasonable question.

"Everything Ron. He has everything to do with this." Answered the calm voice of Professor Lupin.


"Remus! My old friend! I found him. We can finally avenge James and Lily." Excitedly shouted Sirius as the two old friends hugged one another.

"Hello Professor, if you could just give me a second. The rat is trying to escape. And since Professor Snape has been suspicious of you for a while, he most likely followed you here since you came as well. He knows about everything after all and he would very much love to hand Mr. Black over to the Dementors." I then say to the man.

"Aedan? Why are you here? I thought you would have apprehended the man on the spot." Questioned Remus.

"Oh, I knew the man was innocent since after maybe a month of his escape, visited him during the holidays, but I just didn't have any conclusive evidence yet. So, Ron I just need to show you why a rat, something meant to only live for 3-5 years on average, has lived for over twelve. Why it is missing a toe. And why it is that it has been very scared and nervous ever since the end of the summer." I explained smoothly.

This was actually enough for Hermione to understand my hidden meaning.

"You don't mean? Oh my god." She said in realization.

"Hermione? What is it? What am I not getting?" Questioned Harry in confusion.

"Professor, Snape is coming up. Be ready." I suddenly interrupted, getting the two older men ready themselves as the door opens once again.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle, and now I have the evidence to prove it." Sneered the vindicative potion master.


"Do not make things worse for yourself Lupin." Sneered Snape.

"Let him be Remus, Snivilius won't listen. He's too stupid to understand what is really going on. So if you'll excuse us, we have grown up matter to attend to." Sirius condescendingly said to his former bullying victim.

"Try me Black. The Dementors have oh so been longing to meet you. The Kiss. A punishment so horrible one is said to almost lose their own souls by watching, but I'll do my best to see it through to the end." Responded Snap in a triumphant smile as Sirius' face paled and fear could be seen.

"Now, you three can get back to not letting go of all of your stupidity from your school years, or we can actually show who is responsible for Lily's death Professor." I interrupt the trio.

Black backs down as he remembers his goal, Lupin relaxes, but Snape stiffens at the mention of her name.

"Bones. Explain yourself or it appears you will also have to brought in for questioning about helping Black." Coldly said Severus.

"Of course Professor. So Ron, i really need to have your rat now." I say calmly to the man.

"You won't hurt him right?" He hesitantly asked.

"Honestly, after this you might want to hurt him yourself." I answer with a sigh.

He looks at me questioningly, but still hands it over as it fights desperately to escape.

"Now now little rat. Look at me and still yourself, or you shall live through what you fear the most." I gently said as I grasped it, making it look directly into my glowing eyes.

The rat immediately stops moving and shivers in fear.

"Good little rat... now become the big rat you really are." I say with a wave of my wand and a small flash of light envelops the rat.

Its body begins to convulse as it quickly grows, its arms and legs changing into human equivilents, tail receding, head becoming human, until a short man stood before everyone in shock.

He was same height as the current Harry since the boy was growing up a lot better under me, his thin almost colorless hair was unkempt with a large bald spot on top of it, grubby skin, signs of former plumpness, rat like features on his face, and his breathing quick and nervous as his watery eyes looked around at everyone in fear.

"Professors, Kids, Mr. Black, I present to you Peter Pettigrew. The rat. The betrayer. The agent of the Dark Lord. The reason for his falls and the reason for the deaths of Lily and James Potter." I say evenly, not showing any true emotions as Black looked at the man with absolute hatred, Lupin was in pain at his former friends betrayal, Snape was a bit lost at the moment, while Ron was freaking out over the implications, Hermione was horrified her guess was right, and Harry looked at the man in disbelief.

"Incarcerous." I calmly say as I bind the man completely, making slam down onto the floor when he lost balance.

"Now I believe we can all discuss this like proper adults gentlemen. Mr. Black please refrain from insulting Professor Snape habitually, Professor Lupin please make sure the man the doesn't do anything, and Professor Snape please try to listen to the true happenings of 12 years ago with a cool head. Harry, this will be good for you as well, you can get all the answers you wish for tonight." I say calmly, but with authority.

Harry nods a bit absentmindedly, Snape glares at Sirius as he glares back, Lupin looks at me in an impressed manner, Pettigrew is shivering on the floor in fear, Hermione is really shocked, and poor Ron is slightly traumatized by the fact some balding middle aged criminal was sleeping in the same bed as him for years now.

"Let us begin the tale of the Prisoner of Azkaban." I declare.

Can’t get through everything that is happening in one chapter, so parts.

Trying to adjust the events due to Aedan’s rational and calm presence. Avoid unnecessary conflicts between everyone because of his intelligence and strength, let things be talked through.

This is how you convince Snape. By showing him who really got Lily too, not just his snitching, but the rat too.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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