
The First Victim - Part One

Mr. Damocles sat at his desk and typed away at his computer. He sighed from boredom and put his hands to his face. He had spent the past few hours uploading and organizing school files, which was surprisingly tiring. Prior to that, he had spent the day dealing with the school's heating system. It was already warm enough out, but the heater would release heat at random times during the day. Even with the air running, the entire school was hot.

It was six o'clock now. Mr. Damocles sighed once again. For weeks, he had stayed after school ended and late into the night to deal with any problems or tasks. Most of the time, he enjoyed being principal. Lately, however, it had been very stressful.

Lila knew what Mr. Damocles felt. He was almost fed up with all the work he had to do. The akuma Lila released fluttered near Mr. Damocles. He was feeling negative, but only slightly. Something needed to tip him over the edge. The akuma brushed past a cup of coffee sitting on Mr. Damocles's desk. The slightest touch was enough to knock over the cup and spill it all over the computer.

Mr. Damocles gasped when he realised what had happened. A couple of sparks flew from the computer, which shut off immediately.

"No! No no no!" Mr. Damocles stood up and pressed the on button on the computer multiple times.

"This can't be happening! I was almost finished with hours of work!" Mr. Damocles slammed his fists on his desk, knocking off the mug , as well as a couple of pens and pencils. He reached down to pick them up when the akuma touched a pen he grabbed.

Lila whispered to herself victoriously and then said to Mr. Damocles, "Eraser, I am the new Hawkmoth. I see we both have a deep hatred for the same school you slave away in all day. Now, you can change that. I am giving you the power to erase anything and anyone in your wretched school."

Mr. Damocles, now Eraser, replied with, "Thank you, Hawkmoth. This school has caused everyone nothing but pain!"

"Not so fast," Lila interrupted Eraser.

"What do you mean?"

"Why erase everything now when you can do it tomorrow during the school period. You can make everyone who has caused your life to be miserable pay."

"Good point."

"I'm glad you understand."

Eraser was on his own now. He still looked like Mr. Damocles, but that was only because his true form was being hidden at the moment. The pencil was still firm in his grip. Eraser looked at the ruined computer and tapped it with the pencil's eraser. The computer disappeared a moment later, which made Eraser smile.

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