
Special Guests

Adrien couldn't contain his excitement. It was Saturday now, and he'd meet with Ladybug later. It was true he and Marinette could hang out anytime, but they couldn't run and jump above Paris. The feeling was like floating on air.

He sat in his room looking at pictures of Ladybug on his computer.

"Is that all you're going to do today?" Plagg asked him, "I don't see why you want to spend all day looking at someone you'll see all night."

"I won't be looking at pictures all day, Plagg. Father says two important guests are coming to visit today," Adrien explained, not looking away from his computer.

"Well, when do they get here?" Plagg asked.

"Fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes! Shouldn't you get downstairs soon?"

"I will, I will."

"Whet if they're early?" Plagg exclaimed as he swallowed a whole piece of camembert.

"Just a few more pictures, I promise."

Adrien clicked through a couple of pictures and sighed. A notification popped up on his phone, and he turned it on. His home screen was a picture of him and Marinette. He felt so lucky to have a partner like her.

The door cracked open and Plagg hid in Adrien's jacket.

"Adrien, the Belmonts are nearly here. You're father wants you downstairs," Natalie informed him.

Adrien followed her out the door as Plagg whispered, "I told you!"

The two proceeded downstairs where Gabriel was standing. Adrien said nothing to his father. Gabriel looked straight ahead. After a minute in silence, the door opened. A middle-aged blond women and a young girl about Adrien's age walked in.

"Welcome, Clarisse. It's been a while," Gabriel shook the middle-aged women's hand.

"It's nice to see you, Gabriel."

"I see you've brought your daughter. Mira, isn't it?" Gabriel asked, reaching out to the girl. She wore full-length, dark yellow leggings, dark blue boots with hints of gold, a simple white shirt, and a dark blue jacket with two small, white stripes. On the jacket was a sea-green brooch. A tiny gold chain necklace was tucked under her shirt. Her hair was a thick, dark brown, and her eyes were a peculiar yellow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Agreste," she said, taking a hold of his hand.

"You know my son, Adrien," Gabriel said.

Adrien shook hands with both of them.

"While Miss Belmont and I have a conversation, I'd like you to show her daughter around Paris," Gabriel said.

"Sure thing," Adrien nodded, "Let's go."

He and Mira walked to the front gates of the mansion.

"So, what do you want to see first?" Adrien asked her.

"Actually, I haven't eaten in hours. Do you know any place I could get a snack?" she wondered.

Adrien's eyes lit up.

"There's a really good bakery around here. What do you say we get something from there?"

"That sounds great!" Mira couldn't wait to eat something.

The two walked through town, trying to avoid meeting anyone who would go crazy seeing Adrien.

"So, where are you from? My father said you and your mother came from New York, but which city did you live in?" Adrien asked out of curiosity.

"We moved here from Utica. My mother thought her job as a Lawyer would take off."

"Neat. Do you know where you're going to live?"

"My mother says we'll live in a penthouse a few miles from here. She said we'll be going to the same school as well."

"Oh, you're the new student coming Monday. Our teacher told us a few weeks ago a new student would be coming."

"How is school? I mean, do you have any friends there you could introduce to me?"

"Of course! We're actually going to meet one at the bakery."

"She works there?"

"Her parents own the place."

The two were only a few blocks away from the bakery when they heard someone shout, "It's Adrien Agreste!"

"We need to get to that bakery," Adrien said, as the two broke into a run.

"Please, don't tell me your life is like this every day."

"It's not. My friends and other classmates don't freak out. Only insane fans do."

"How close are we?"

"We're just about there. Look!"

The two approached the bakery which read, "Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie".

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