

Lucifer looked like the epitome of an emperor amid war- alone and battle worn. There was no demon who was able to lay a finger, a claw, on his own hardy skin. If they did, they would join their kin immediately. Blood from the traitors drenched against his black stonelike skin colored in red. Normally one to favor his pristine look, he had no intention to stop the trail he laid behind him of demons, his own kind.

Arms, wings, legs, torsos, and heads were motionless in their fate to turn against their king.

Another swing of his arm led to another layer of demons in pieces.

Lucifer's eyes were steady and filled with Hell's fire, burning with festering rage. Samael: the demon who dared to take his place! He had known for quite some time, but he knew Samael was too weak to even attempt an attack. However, knowing that an angel, one of His children, were helping this weak demon proved what Lucifer had always known.

God had planned this all out.

Letting out a loud shout as he spread out his wings in the purple demon's lair, he threw more and more traitors to the cavern walls. The sound of broken bones could be heard echoing throughout the cave as the demons, low and pathetic, tumbled to the floor dead.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes in the direction of the sound of footsteps echoing toward him. His lips held a scowl when the scent of His sneaked it's way past the bloody decay. Fisting his hands, he saw the pathetic demon he had sought out.

"My lord," Samael grinned in arrogance holding a crossbow in hand.

'So that's where it is coming from," Lucifer thought as the pieces started falling into place.

The demons he had sent out to complete tasks never returned.

God's offer to Eve.

The angel conspiring with Samael.

It all made sense!

"Samael!" Lucifer's voice bellowed out as the air around them tense, "You dare to betray me!"

The demon let out a laugh as he walked forward languidly as if the King of Hell was no threat to his livelihood. Lucifer watched the purple demon pause and lifted the crossbow to point at him. Lucifer scowled materializing his sword, fitted to his large hands, and swiped it long and hard.

A swift air shot out of the movement aiming straight to Samael to cut him straight in half. The demon did not flinch and only grinned as he shot the crossbow. The arrow shot straight through the air to target the lord who watched with apt attention.

Quickly holding his sword before him with the flat side facing the arrow, Lucifer blocked the oncoming arrow. More arrows followed the first and he knew that this was that weapon. The one they were to wait for while Eve assist him in the underworld.

The truth was, there was no need to wait for 100 years like proposed. This weapon was created long ago when he was still an angel, still one of His children. Enhancements were made onto it, but he could recognize the weapon that almost ended him if he did not fall first.


Eve could hear the commotion close by thanks to the sounds bouncing around the cave. She could hear her father's booming voice and the hair stood at the back of her neck. Samael was waiting for him and if he use those arrows-

She glanced quickly at her two watchdogs to see them watching her because they knew she would try to escape. The bloods were clotting slowly to leave scars, thankfully to stop it from spilling out. She tested what power she had left as she flexed her fingers. She felt the fire licking of Asmodeus – demon of wrath- burning her with the energy she needed to escape.

Of course, it would be that hardy demon's power that would stay.

Eve took a deep look into how her ligaments were doing: two broken ribs, left ankle not moving, and bruising on most of her body.

An agonizing scream shouted out causing her watchdogs to turn to the sound. Eve took the opportunity to call forth the power of wrath and let it overwhelm her. Like jumping into the cool lake on a hot summer's day, she felt so refreshed feeling the flame's warmth in her.

She pulled her arms hard to break the cuffs around her wrists and ripped off the cuffs on her ankles. The female demon turned quickly hearing the commotion and growled. Rushing to her, Eve let the red skinned demon grab her hair as she grinned.

The female demon opened her mouth to say something, but Eve had already aimed a punch in between her collarbones. The force and fire of wrath pierced through the demon leaving a shocked corpse behind. The other demon met his end by bursting into flames when he grabbed her broken ankle. Both her watchdogs were now dead.

Struggling to stand, she hopped onto her right leg and went as fast she could to where the fight was occurring. She needed to get her father out. She needed to find a way to get that deadly weapon away from Samael.

'Why does it not hurt him?' she questioned to herself as she pressed against the wall.

Another shout mixed with arrogant laughter sounded into the area and Eve groaned moving nearer. She did not know how many steps she had hopped to get to her father, but she arrived to have her eyes widened.

Her father, the Lord and King of Hell, was kneed down with his head lowered in defeat. Did her father really give up? This wasn't right!

Eve could see the arrows piercing him in multiple areas and she glanced at Samael who walked closer to her father. Eve struggled closer as she watched Samael point the crossbow with the arrow a few inches from her father's forehead.

She used whatever power still living in her to add to Asmodeus and rushed forward ignoring the burning pain of her wounded ankle. Samael glanced at her and Eve gritted her teeth as the crossbow turned to her. In a split second, she saw her father turn toward her before she was enveloped by darkness.

"No!" she tried to called out struggling to break free.

But the darkness was their safety.

She closed her eyes.

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Love, Michelle

MichelleLeeeecreators' thoughts
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